Beef vs Turkey? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?

karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so I just looked up the difference between ground turkey (4oz raw) and ground beef (4oz raw); there is only a slight difference!!!!! WTH!

I love beef and don't get me wrong, turkey is good, but BEEF IS BEEF! the difference is like 30 calories and 3 grams of fat!!! Excuse me for saying so, but EFF THAT!

I am soooo making beef burgers tonight!


  • Ok, so I just looked up the difference between ground turkey (4oz raw) and ground beef (4oz raw); there is only a slight difference!!!!! WTH!

    I love beef and don't get me wrong, turkey is good, but BEEF IS BEEF! the difference is like 30 calories and 3 grams of fat!!! Excuse me for saying so, but EFF THAT!

    I am soooo making beef burgers tonight!

    I think I just fell in love with you!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    You go girl!! You really have to read those labels too - sometimes ground chicken actually has more fat than lean ground beef. Enjoy those burgers!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    It depends on if it's ground turkey, or ground trukey breast and the fat % of beef.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a lean cut of beef.. the key is "lean" - I always buy extra lean ground beef, I know it costs more but in the end its healthier and i get more final product because it doesn't all just cook off.

    That being said, variety is the spice of life :D Enjoy your beef burgers girl!
  • It all depends on what type of beef you use (80% lean, 85%, 90%, or 95%) and the type of turkey you use (white or dark).

    95% lean beef is actually lower in fat and higher in protein than lean ground turkey.

    95% beef= approx. 150 calories (6 fat, 24 protein)
    lean turkey= approx 170 calories (8 fat, 21 protein)
    80% beef= approx 280 calories (24 fat, 20 protein)

    Beef varies greatly...unfortunately the leanest kind doesn't make the best burgers, though I still prefer a lean 95% beef burger to a turkey burger.

    I ALWAYS use the lean stuff for chili, taco's, etc.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    It depends on if it's ground turkey, or ground trukey breast and the fat % of beef.

    I looked up ground turkey lean vs ground beef (95/5) and thats where the slightest difference is. I've never come across Ground turkey breast so that might be a better option when I am in the mood for a turkey burger or chili. Thanks for that information!

    I should mention that you MUST find the leanest beef to make use of the difference, otherwise the difference is significant.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Our walmart used to carry extra extra lean ground beef it was only 4g of fat. LOVED It well took it was so i have to by lean ground beef.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    I go to walmart and get the extra lean ground beef and get the small pack..(it is 4 servings)..then put it on one of the thin buns that you can pick up around the deli area( they come 8 in pack).. and they are wonderful and very filling..Good Luck..
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    GO BEEF!!! :drinker:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a lean cut of beef.. the key is "lean" - I always buy extra lean ground beef, I know it costs more but in the end its healthier and i get more final product because it doesn't all just cook off.

    That being said, variety is the spice of life :D Enjoy your beef burgers girl!

    Thank God!! I thought I was done with red meat! LOL

    I learned also that if you compare prices, you get less lean meat at cheaper prices, but you have to keep in mind that fat has weight. If you take the final product of meat and figure out the price, it is the more expensive stuff! Might as well buy the expensive stuff and lose weight cuz you're getting the same amount of actual meat anyway!

    And yes, lean meat burgers dont hold together well but thats nothing an egg white cant fix!
  • tanzmitpalmer
    tanzmitpalmer Posts: 124 Member
    Yup yup, lean beef is really quite alright. The only reason I even bother with ground turkey is cos it's frequently less expensive. I mean, $5 for three pounds of ground turkey, or $3 for one pound of 97/3 beef? Yeah.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I go to walmart and get the extra lean ground beef and get the small pack..(it is 4 servings)..then put it on one of the thin buns that you can pick up around the deli area( they come 8 in pack).. and they are wonderful and very filling..Good Luck..

    Those thin buns are phenomenal!!! I love, love, love them for breakfast sandwiches! Add an egg, a piece of cheese, and a slice of turkey or ham, and YUMMO!!! As a matter of fact, that's what I'm having tomorrow for breakfast! Havent had one in a long time!!!!
  • This is funny because I was just looking at prevention yesterday, which I normally don't do because I don't care for it but I got a copy free and it's still kicking around......well ok it's in the bathroom but anyway......I was reading that you can make yourself a cheeseburger for under 400 cals if you use lean ground beef, keep it around 3 to 3.5 oz, use shredded cheese and spread it around nice and even, load up with your lettuce pickles etc and stick with a light topping (olive oil mayo or ketchup / mustard). They also recommended a ww bun. And honestly it was almost enough to make me subscribe when I saw how good that baby looked! Almost....
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I noticed that too.. But I'd rather use the extra cals on a cocktail and get a guiltless buzz :):drinker:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Yup yup, lean beef is really quite alright. The only reason I even bother with ground turkey is cos it's frequently less expensive. I mean, $5 for three pounds of ground turkey, or $3 for one pound of 97/3 beef? Yeah.

    $5 for 3lbs???? where?? the best I can get is BOGO @ about $4.59 and that's IF they are on sale. I usually have to stock up!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    This is funny because I was just looking at prevention yesterday, which I normally don't do because I don't care for it but I got a copy free and it's still kicking around......well ok it's in the bathroom but anyway......I was reading that you can make yourself a cheeseburger for under 400 cals if you use lean ground beef, keep it around 3 to 3.5 oz, use shredded cheese and spread it around nice and even, load up with your lettuce pickles etc and stick with a light topping (olive oil mayo or ketchup / mustard). They also recommended a ww bun. And honestly it was almost enough to make me subscribe when I saw how good that baby looked! Almost....

    You just made dinner for me! Plus the grilled onions, melted mozzarella and roasted tomatoes and garlic...OMG!! Is it 5pm yet???
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I noticed that too.. But I'd rather use the extra cals on a cocktail and get a guiltless buzz :):drinker:

    You got a point there! LOL Cheers!
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Yep.....I think a huge part of this site is the education we get. So many times it's that extra loud {{SMACK}} to the forehead when we realize some of the hype is just hype....or that we can make personal choices.

    Some of my "DUH" moments:
    Butter is better than oleo for you
    Whole grain bread is NOT my enemy
    Chocolate bars can be broken up and savored for several days and not destroy my calorie count
    I can put jam on my toast instead of butter and have fewer calories
    I still have not made veggies my friends, working on it
    MFP works!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Yep.....I think a huge part of this site is the education we get. So many times it's that extra loud {{SMACK}} to the forehead when we realize some of the hype is just hype....or that we can make personal choices.

    Some of my "DUH" moments:
    Butter is better than oleo for you
    Whole grain bread is NOT my enemy
    Chocolate bars can be broken up and savored for several days and not destroy my calorie count
    I can put jam on my toast instead of butter and have fewer calories
    I still have not made veggies my friends, working on it
    MFP works!

    So true!

    I am going to start a post so we can all post the things we have learned from MFP! Let's do this!
  • YEP! And if you buy organic grass fed beef, with out all the hormones and antibiotics in it, it's as good for you as wild salmon!! Has Omega 3s and CLA which actually helps you burn fat!! I love a delish Grass Fed Beef Burger!!!
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