how often do you weigh?

I have read and researched different methods of tracking weight. Some research says less routine, some says more routine, etc. Depends on the person. For myself, 2-3 times weekly keeps me on track, even for maintenance. I have done the once/week weight as well. However, once a month would NEVER work for me, but I know it does work for some. Just curious on everyone else's methods...


  • Get120
    Get120 Posts: 56
    At least once a day
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Every morning first thing. I am only trying to maintain, and it reminds me to keep on track or eat a little less...
  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member
    Generally once a week right after I get up. I've been doing it on Saturday morning lately.
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Every morning first thing. I am only trying to maintain, and it reminds me to keep on track or eat a little less...

  • chigau_me
    Every day :)
  • aphid
    aphid Posts: 47
    i don't have my own scale, otherwise i would do it every day. now i do it about twice a week in the sport centre.

    also, does anyone really weigh only once a month?? surely that would not keep you on track at all?
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Once a week, working on once every twelve weeks right now. :D
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I'm all over the place. I think I'm going to end up being one of those daily weighers, probably in the morning when I get up. I weighted last night right before bed and again right when I got up and there was a 1.5 lb difference. I'm sticking to the same time of day from now on!
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    Every day and I keep a graph. I also keep a weekly graph from Tuesday mornings.
  • kureiko
    kureiko Posts: 48 Member
    I weigh (roughly) once a month, but I take measurements about every 2 weeks. I care less about the number on the scale than measurements.
  • samnco
    samnco Posts: 16 Member
    Never. I started trying to lose weight around august, prob taking it more seriously in sept. For a month I ate really healthy and did yoga everyday with no weight loss. It was depressing. I havent weighed in since but I have kept going with the food and sometimes working out. I feel better, a pair of jeans that I could hardly squeeze in to and would feel uncomfortbale in all day not fit me really well. Im curious to know how much I have lost but Im afraid it would be very discouraging honestly.
  • bec_232
    bec_232 Posts: 32 Member
    Mondays and Fridays. I like Fridays because I tend to eat well during the work week. Mondays I weigh in to keep me in check so I don't over eat on the weekends.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    once a month
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Everyday---but I don't get neurotic about it. like I used to -weight fluctuates from day to day.
    But I only record my weight once a week on Friday morning, every Friday morning.
  • BadgerSensei
    BadgerSensei Posts: 45 Member
    Whenever I'm curious. Sometimes several times a day. It lead first to insanity and then to acceptance and peace with my body's weight loss patterns. Like, for instance, I learned that my weight fluctuates 5-7 pounds on a daily basis. I also learned that, for no reason I can pin down, I always weigh less on Tuesday. (Except the occasional Wednesday.) Go figure.
  • kos1472
    I generally weigh in once a week to track my progress.
  • r0se125
    r0se125 Posts: 228 Member
    Im addicted to the scale. lol I weight mornings and sometimes times at night also.
  • Sirchkismet
    Sirchkismet Posts: 3 Member
    Once a week for me. In my opinion there is just too much flexuation in a day to really get a good idea. It doesn't take much to get discouraged when you have weighed yourself several days in a row to see that you have not lost or heaven forbid gained something specially if you had a very salty meal the night before and are retaining a large amount of liquid.

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  • tamkay89
    every morning. religiously!
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    It was recommended to me, every two weeks.

    Mainly because being female, the #s can fluxuate more. more water retentions some days, hormones in flux, whatever, i can't recall every thing the dr told me. But i find weighing and measureing only every two weeks also keeps me form getting down on myself. I used to weigh everyday and would easily get discouraged with the up and down #s.
    thats not to say i don't sneak on there more often,lol...i just don't put as much importance on those days.
    One thinf for deffinate, i try to keep it to first thing in the morning...withjust my jammies on. different clothes do make a difference. I look for the most accurate measurement i can get, and believe it works for me.