how often do you weigh?



  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Weight and record daily. I flucuate about three pounds, so daily allows me to chart the overall trend.
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    i don't have my own scale, otherwise i would do it every day. now i do it about twice a week in the sport centre.

    also, does anyone really weigh only once a month?? surely that would not keep you on track at all?
    Heck, in my clinic, I have patients tell me they NEVER weigh, then some that come here just once per month and that's when they weigh. I would say someone wasn't very health conscious if they weighed only 1/month, but to each their own. What works for one, doesn't work for all :)
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    Whenever I'm curious. Sometimes several times a day. It lead first to insanity and then to acceptance and peace with my body's weight loss patterns. Like, for instance, I learned that my weight fluctuates 5-7 pounds on a daily basis. I also learned that, for no reason I can pin down, I always weigh less on Tuesday. (Except the occasional Wednesday.) Go figure.
    Yes, weight fluctuates that drastic are usually due to fluid retention from sodium intake or if you are on a diuretic (water pill) it can fluctuate like that. Good job on the weight loss!!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    First thing, every morning. And I do NOT let it determine my mood for the day. Weight fluctuates. It just does. I dwell on my progress, not the number of the day.

  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    Im addicted to the scale. lol I weight mornings and sometimes times at night also.
    I NEVER weigh at night...whew, too much fluctuation in the day for me at night. Freaks me out. LOL
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    Every morning first thing. I am only trying to maintain, and it reminds me to keep on track or eat a little less...
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I try to go for once every couple of weeks or once per month. I'm trying to stay focused on good eating and exercise habits, and I don't want to get upset about what the scales say. All that variation up and down drives me crazy. The last time I weighed once per week, my graph looked like this WWWWWWWWW (with a bit of a trend downward rather than on a straight line). I would get so discouraged!

    I'm also checking measurements at least once per every month to three months.
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    once a month

    ^ This....Its hard for me to not weigh in more often but I found it was frustrating to not see the number move ... so I'm going on visual only ...
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Once a week. I feel like if I did it everyday I would become ocd about it. I don't even own a scale. I drive to my moms to visit once a week and do it there. I also skip the 'girly' week so I don't get discouraged. Do whatever works for you. I just know if I had a scale I would weight in the morning, later that day, after a workout lol. I don't let the scale stress me out.
  • TiffersStr1
    TiffersStr1 Posts: 67 Member
    Once a day, in the mornings.
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    i only weigh myself once a week..same clothing..i dont personally own a scale that way i dont become obsessed..weight can fluctuate daily.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Every monday morning after I pee b4 i eat. Friday could say up 2 lbs, monday always says less.
  • PHXBlondie
    PHXBlondie Posts: 26 Member
    Every morning. I've been doing that for the past year or so and I am very familiar with the fluctuation patterns that are normal for me now. Daily weighing helped me to identify foods that I have sensitivities to and eliminate them from my diet. When I've taken a break from the daily weighing routine is when I've gained. For me, I need to stay on top of it.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Once a month. I don't have time to obsess over a number that is subject to change by which way the wind blows.
  • puzzlingkirsten
    puzzlingkirsten Posts: 58 Member
    I used to weigh daily because I felt it helped me make better choices. When I was doing that, I was happy to see even a 0.1 drop from one day to the next and was excited to do myself proud the next day as well, but when I would slip and see any gain at all, it threw me into a bad attitude and I would just stop caring. Now I do weekly and it helped me realize just how obsessed I had been. I think monthly would be hard as I still need that once a week check in to keep me behaving.
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I never weigh. I know from experience that I get obsessed with the number. I just go by the fit of my clothes, in particular my non-stretchy jeans
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm all over the place. I think I'm going to end up being one of those daily weighers, probably in the morning when I get up. I weighted last night right before bed and again right when I got up and there was a 1.5 lb difference. I'm sticking to the same time of day from now on!
    The best recommendation for consistent weight tracking is in the mornings, after you have went to the bathroom and withouth clothing. That is a true "dry" weight unless you have issues with fluid shifts/retention. Weight can fluctuate throughout the day, so a consistent time and measuring methods is best.
  • irun4pizza
    I weigh myself every morning.
  • sylwheat
    sylwheat Posts: 125
    I weigh every morning - with the same thing on - first thing. I only record once a week tho. Weighing daily keeps me in check.