how often do you weigh?



  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    Once a day. I use it as a way to adjust what I eat daily. I have tried less often and get less motivated.
  • makenoexcuses
    makenoexcuses Posts: 128 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning every other day- I don't like seeing the number stay the same and I know my weigh doesn't really fluctuate from day to day that much.
  • FrauStorm
    FrauStorm Posts: 23 Member
    I weigh myself probably every morning.
    I know it's not healthy to do it that way because you start to obsess but it's comfortable that way.
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    Every other day. Sometimes everyday. It helps me stay on track :]
  • MissDevin
    MissDevin Posts: 608 Member
    i am weighed at my once-a-month visits with my primary care physician.
  • bakenatj
    I weigh every day now. Tried the once a week thing and it drove me nuts. I weigh right after I run in the morning and then about a half hour later too. What I have found is the after resting I am about .2 - .6 of a pound lower than right after I run.
  • mlhig
    mlhig Posts: 1 Member
    Every morning when i first get up.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Whenever I remember. Usually about 3 times a week, give or take. The scale doesn't matter much to me.
  • BeginningNew2012
    I weigh myself every sunday morning and track this on a graph. It's very encouraging to see that all the work I did during a week (which I also track) really pays off. If I get too ansy I weigh myself on wednesdays but don't record it. My body fat percent gets recorded every month from the gym. I personally would probably get discouraged weighing every day if my numbers went up. Every week keeps me motivated :)
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    I weigh every day now. Tried the once a week thing and it drove me nuts. I weigh right after I run in the morning and then about a half hour later too. What I have found is the after resting I am about .2 - .6 of a pound lower than right after I run.
    Yes, and I believe that is because there is slight water retention in the muscles post exercise....
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I weigh in once a day, naked, first thing in the AM right after pee... LOL... Sometimes I weigh myself after I workout but that's just to see where I'm at.. I only record/count my morning weight...
  • crazygoodness
    I feel everyday would cause me to obsess over my goals and it leaves room for you to feel guilty if you see an extra pound or two. I weigh once a week but the thing that helps me the most would be to measure! I also do that once a week as well. I keep them on the same day so I can log it down. I've been seeing a trainer and she reminded me that MUSCLE weighs 3x more than fat! :]] Stay on it and good luck!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Once a week on Saturday morning around 10.
  • prpljellybean
    prpljellybean Posts: 68 Member
    Monday through Friday I weigh in the morning (nekked lol) after I go pee and before I eat anything. I don't weigh Saturday or Sunday. I have done this for a long time and I feel more in control doing it this way. I feel that stepping on that scale first thing in the a.m. reminds me of the mission I am on to lead a healthier happier life in a thinner body. My official weigh day right now is Wednesday for MFP :):glasses:
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I weigh officially once a week (on Fridays) - but unofficially first thing every day. I don't get obsessed, but for me it is a guide. That way I don't get frustrated or discouraged if I haven't lost what I planned by the end of the week.

    When I only did the weekly weigh-in, and had what I thought was a great week, and lost less than a pound, it sent me into a binge. Now, I don't have that. I can look back through the week and see where I might have gone wrong, or if there are hormonal differences, or any other reason for water retention.
  • oameyers
    oameyers Posts: 76 Member
    Every Monday after work. It keeps me motivated. Sometimes I'll also get on the scale mid-week if I know I've made some questionable food choices lol.

    I picked after work because I want a "true weight" not just the i'm skinny because I just woke up number. :-)
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Whenever I'm curious. Sometimes several times a day. It lead first to insanity and then to acceptance and peace with my body's weight loss patterns. Like, for instance, I learned that my weight fluctuates 5-7 pounds on a daily basis. I also learned that, for no reason I can pin down, I always weigh less on Tuesday. (Except the occasional Wednesday.) Go figure.

    First the standard disclaimer: This is what I do for me and should not be interpreted as "this is THE right way" or "you should do this". YMMV

    I weight DAILY when I get up, after "voiding" but before hygiene and intake routines, and as I came into the world. :blushing:
    I always weigh 3 times in a row to make sure that it's an accurate reading (old habit leftover from when I had an analog scale and reading would fluctuate with posture and stance). Sometimes I'll weigh several times a day just for giggles. ("Man, how much did that buffet set me back?!" :sick: ) For example, I learned that I consistently gain 0.4-0.6 lbs just from taking a shower! Given some of my dirtier yard work days, you'd think I'd lose weight just from dirt alone! :tongue: I save the weight on my scale and record to MFP whenever I drop. If I go more than a week without dropping, then I'll record anyway to keep myself accountable.
    I can do this because I DON'T obsess over my weight or get depressed when it goes up a few lbs. Personally, I have fluctuated as much as 5-6 lbs in a single day, but that's rare. Usually it's 1-3 lbs day-to-day. If it's much more than that, it's my call to action to make a minor tweak to cardio or intake routines and I'm right back on track. :happy:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I measure my bits, take body fat percentage via calipers (pinch method) and weigh in once every four weeks only.
  • MsTanyaG
    I generally weigh every morning. It definitely has its pros and cons.