What kind of eater are you?



  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    An overeater.
  • mackzaj
    Pre-learning how to eat properly, I'm a thoughtless volume eater. I don't often think to eat, but when I do, I eat a fair volume of it. For example, if there is only one cookie, I will eat it and be happy. If there are 10 cookies, I will eat 5 and be happy. If there are no cookies, I will lament that there are no cookies, but then move on to playing with the dog or going online or whatever. If there is a snack size bag of popcorn, I'll be happy with that, but if there is a full size bag, I'll eat it and be the same amount of happy. Another example is if I am not hungry, but someone says they are hungry and going out to get a burger and fries from our local place, I'll say "bring me some too". Stupid, thoughtless, volume eating like that caused me a lot of problems, but now I'm fixing them! I find I am ACTUALLY hungry about every 3 hours, sometimes less sometimes more, but if I eat 250 cals every 3 hours, I hit the mark most days.
  • TillyMomma
    Binge eater, definately. I eat when I'm bored, when I'm hungry, late at night. Night time is the worst for me, because I work late. So when I get home at 10:30 at night, I go straight to the kitchen, even when I'm not hungry. I guess it's just habit, but it's something I'm working really hard to change.
  • MidgetGidget
    Boredom/emotional eater. I usually am totally fine during the day when I am busy but it's later in the evenings if I am just sitting around that I tend to want to eat. This is why I leave myself with the most calories for the end of the day. That way I don't sit there thinking 'I REALLY want to eat but it will put me way over in calories! WAH!!' Instead I can think 'oh I can eat this AND this AND this yet today, awesome'

    This is me. I eat out of boredom or if I'm stressed. And I also leave a couple of hundred calories to eat at the end of the day. I use to set a strict "No eating after 7 pm" rule, but that didn't work. This seems to be doing it for me at least for the past 5 weeks.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I pay attention to how she responds.


    that made me laugh so hard I snorted
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I pay attention to how she responds.


  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    An emotional/boredom eater. Just really finally admitting this to myself...

    Just realized today that I mostly eat out of boredom! Need to find things to occupy my time to fix this...
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I am a squirrel. Or a rabbit. Definitely not a dog. I end up eating a lot of small meals throughout the day, mostly snack food (which is something I'm trying to change), so I end up eating a lot of calories spread out over time.

    That sounds familiar!
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I guess I'm a grazer. I eat little bits all day long. I don't like that 'hungry' feeling so I'd rather not wait for a large meal 3 times a day.
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    i eat if im happy, eat if im sad, eat to celebrate, eat to commiserate....its how i was raised im trying to break that habit x
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    i eat clean all day and then have relentless night binges and even eat while i'm asleep
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    I tend to eat every few hours or so. I enjoy eating, lol. I end my eating pretty early in the evening because I am usually out of calories by then. IF we eat out, which is rare, then that mainly has to be my big meal of the day because it takes A LOT of calories, unfortunately. I'm in maintenance, btw.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    It depends on the day. I usually eat pretty fast and in binges. But some days are better than others.
  • Danardeener
    Eating is my hobby, that's why I exercise!
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    I'm a foodie. Anything interesting, delicious, and unique, I'm there.

    ETA- mini meals throughout the day, usually a decent dinner. Weekends are more of a challenge because we're out and about and I tend to be a social eater as well.
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    A snacker, all-day eater, emotional and boredom eater.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. I have a good relationship with food and a positive attitude when it comes to eating -especially eating healthy food. It's probably why I've never had a real weight problem. As I got older I found that my eating habits are pretty much the same as always, but for health reasons, now I just need to make sure that when I am eating, I'm not eating crap. I also need to make sure I'm getting enough exercise to maintain as I age. :drinker:
  • petiteMom2
    yeh, I can do that too if I don't control my self. It's taken a lot of motivation and will power for me to keep my over eating under control. I fail a lot, but pick my self right up and start over. I've lost 50lbs.
  • LucilleHighball
    LucilleHighball Posts: 107 Member
    Night time is my enemy, especially when my husband and I are home watching a movie. He can eat all the junk in the world and stay thin, and it's hard to stay away when your favorite treats are 1 foot away.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Social eater. If I'm at a party, you know where I'll be: hovering around the food table.