Worst Date Ever



  • I'm scared of first dates....and I can't think of any first date stories. However, I had been dating this guy for a good year or two back in high school. He drove the hour to my house to come stay the night with me...super late. When he got there, I noticed this funny smell on him. I just had this gut feeling that something wasn't right. So I questioned it. He tried to ignore it at first and just tried to sleep with me. I wouldn't. I asked again. He came up with some fancy story of helping out at the cafe, packing fish or something. (Ewww). I didn't believe the story for one second, so I ignored it. The next day was prom, btw. We went to prom. The NEXT day, as I'm sitting with my sister and her boyfriend, taking off my fancy prom nails, my sister's boyfriend tells me that my guy had slept with another girl that night in question....and was bragging to him about it! Turns out, the girl was also wearing one of the shirts I had bought for him for his birthday. :(
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Oh, I think I have all of you beat!

    So, I meet this guy online. We had been talking for a while and found that we had a lot in common. He asks me out for dinner and I say yes. I arrive at the italian restaraunt that we agree to meet at and here is where the fun begins ladies and gentlemen. First off, he is about 10 years older than what his pictures looked like, and slightly balding. To best describe him, he looked like a cancer patient. I was raised to never judge a book by its cover so I let that slide. We go inside and sit down at the table and we order and start talking and things are going okay and then the akward conversation begins. He proceeds to tell me that he is into bdsm and has a balloon fetish. I was not quite sure what that was, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat. He explains that he is aroused by balloons. What!?! Can you repeat that? Yes, he said that he is sexually aroused by ballons. Now, I thought he was trolling me so I laugh it off and he proceeds to tell me in depth how balloons are made. By this time, our food has arrived. So while we are eating he continues to talk and then he springs it on me. He asks me to do unspeakable things with balloons such as putting deflated balloons in my private parts so when I am not around him, he can blow them up and smell 'me' on them and lick the taste off of it. I am mortified. I dont even know how to respond to this but I am no longer hungry. Not only does he want me to do this with balloons but he wants me to go back to his apartment and do it to his pillow so he can smell me there when he sleeps. I am ready to leave at this point so I tell him that I am not feeling well and I need to leave. The waiter comes over and takes the dirty dishes from our table and asks us if we would like desert and my date looks at the waiter and says "No, I will be having desert in about 15 minutes, when I take her home and bend her over my couch!" I look at the water and shake my head NO NO NO and he laughs. So my date pays and walks me to my car... which was so not necessary. I would rather take my chances with rapists and theives than him, but I digress. So we are standing at my car and he says "Get your fat a** over here and give me a kiss, you sexy BBW!" Apparenlty, he has a BBW fetish as well. I just look at him and shake my head, get in my car without saying a word, and drive off. It was awfull!

    as bad as it sound "this has made my day" ... too funny ...

    SAME! haha too funny.


    im surprised you didn't slap him or throw your drink in his face.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    trishtrish84, that guy sounds like he missed the memo... that there are actual "dating" sites out there that might have gotten him a first date that would have actually gone the way he had intended it to. One site comes to mind, but I'm not sure if linking to it would get me in trouble, here. Not that I've used it, mind you... I just once dated a bi, goth guy who was into BDSM, amongst other things. It was part of my research into understanding him. Ultimately, we didn't date for long, and actually became friends, but as I've said before... I gave faaar too many chances to the guys I dated!
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    As I have read quite a few of these "bad dates" now, maybe I've been so lucky because i haven't done the online dating. All girls I've ever dated, i knew before going on a date with them. i've only dated girls from my city (San Diego) and it's always been pretty pleasant. Nothing much to it. Of course, some girls you end up being with for months or years later, and relationships eventually end for one reason or another, and are no longer together. I guess i'm just lucky enough to not have some of the kind of bad dates I've read about on here. I'm not hating on anyone, just haven't had any experiences like these, which seem to be seem to be a lot of "first dates". Good luck, God bless and happy hunting!:love:
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039

    What credibility?............I only mentioned I only read until the "certain" part, bec ause that was the part I was referring to in my response to him. If I didn't mention I had only read until that "certain" part, couldn't my response be confused with his whole comment?

    if you notice..........I didn't "quote" him because he had a long comment, and i felt it would be unfair to quote a comment that long when i was only referring to the first few lines. I think that makes sense, and you just didn't like what i had to say. But the credibility part, I'm not looking for any here, just giving my opinion, as you have.


    you're in the Chit-Chat, Fun, and Games section.


    :laugh: That was my calm response.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I have been on SO many bad dates. The first really bad date I had was with a guy that hounded me to go out with him, he promised me an unforgettable time. Finally I said yes, he picked me up and we went to the convenience store and he got about $100 of scratch tickets and he 'let me' scratch them for him.... Then we drove around. Ended up at the beach, and I was thinking we were going to one of the seafood restaurants for a good dinner...no, he turned around and we drove back and then he actually pulled into McDonalds drive through. I told him I wasn't hungry and just wanted to go home. :huh:

    Then, there was a guy I had been on a few dates with who called me to make plans for another date. While we were on the phone he asked me, 'Are you gonna put out this time, cause honestly...you are not getting any younger so I don't know what you are saving it for. And, I need some place to dump my ***' :noway: I told him I wasn't a '*** dumpster' and that he now had NO plans for that Saturday, because I sure as hell wasn't going to go out with him. So, he had time to find a dumpster of his choice. :grumble:
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I have been on SO many bad dates. The first really bad date I had was with a guy that hounded me to go out with him, he promised me an unforgettable time. Finally I said yes, he picked me up and we went to the convenience store and he got about $100 of scratch tickets and he 'let me' scratch them for him.... Then we drove around. Ended up at the beach, and I was thinking we were going to one of the seafood restaurants for a good dinner...no, he turned around and we drove back and then he actually pulled into McDonalds drive through. I told him I wasn't hungry and just wanted to go home. :huh:

    Then, there was a guy I had been on a few dates with who called me to make plans for another date. While we were on the phone he asked me, 'Are you gonna put out this time, cause honestly...you are not getting any younger so I don't know what you are saving it for. And, I need some place to dump my ***' :noway: I told him I wasn't a '*** dumpster' and that he now had NO plans for that Saturday, because I sure as hell wasn't going to go out with him. So, he had time to find a dumpster of his choice. :grumble:

    OMG, I love it!:love: My buddy guard!
  • By far the worst first date for me was over 2 years ago about 7 months before I met my husband.

    I went to a local pub/restaurant with 2 of my friends for a catchup and a drink. While we were sitting there 2 women came and sat on the couch next to our table and asked us if we were single. My two friends said no as they had long standing boyfriends however at the time I was single so I said yes i'm single. They said great because our male friend at the bar is single and said he really liked the look of all of us and would like to talk to you more but he's really shy.

    Anyway they waved him over. He looked nice enough we started talking amongst ourselves and introduced ourselves to each other and spent the next hour etc yacking away. He spoke to me mostly and we got on well. At the end of the night both of our friends left and it was just us and he asked me if I wanted to go out with him on friday. I said yes first date was set.

    Friday came I went to meet him expecting to be taken somewhere nice as he mentioned that he was well of financially so I was hoping at least for a nice restaurant and maybe some flowers but no he took me to the same pub we met in which was across the road from where he lived :noway: hmmmm too convieniant!

    Anyway 20 minutes into the date I find he's ran out of anything more to tell me about his life as he'd done hardly anything with his it apart from work and he wanted to talk about me. I had done loads of stuff with my life so I bored myself talking about myself for 2 hours and he was listening to every word I said so intently he freaked me out because he was staring lol. It made me feel really awkward so I faked being tired and said I was going to head off. He invited me back to his place for a coffee and I said no thanks maybe another time. I then found out that all his friends were waiting at a hotel bar down the road for him to go and discuss the date with them! Oh and something he constantly tried to point out was he was financially stable and was looking for a wife to settle with and have a family. Don't get me wrong that's a nice thing to aim for but don't say that on a first date! It put me off straight away lol.

    All he did was work away in the week so if we did have something i'd only see him weekends and all he did on weekends was sit in the pub drinking with his 4 friends which made up 2 couples. Boring! No thank you!

    The next morning at 8am he texts me asking for a second date the following evening at the cinema. I apologised politely saying no thank you I don't think it's for me and he didn't bother replying.

    I walked into him about 3 months later and we chatted for about 20 minutes didn't appear to be any hard feelings etc. Although he claimed he nearly didn't recognise me as i'd lost about 30lbs and said I looked great lol. Nice enough guy but no where near for me lol. I got daggers from his female friends as I walked confidently out the pub :laugh: lol
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I have been on SO many bad dates. The first really bad date I had was with a guy that hounded me to go out with him, he promised me an unforgettable time. Finally I said yes, he picked me up and we went to the convenience store and he got about $100 of scratch tickets and he 'let me' scratch them for him.... Then we drove around. Ended up at the beach, and I was thinking we were going to one of the seafood restaurants for a good dinner...no, he turned around and we drove back and then he actually pulled into McDonalds drive through. I told him I wasn't hungry and just wanted to go home. :huh:

    Then, there was a guy I had been on a few dates with who called me to make plans for another date. While we were on the phone he asked me, 'Are you gonna put out this time, cause honestly...you are not getting any younger so I don't know what you are saving it for. And, I need some place to dump my ***' :noway: I told him I wasn't a '*** dumpster' and that he now had NO plans for that Saturday, because I sure as hell wasn't going to go out with him. So, he had time to find a dumpster of his choice. :grumble:

    woooooooooow, scrachie card guy, way to show a girl a good time. guys, have a plan. if you way its going to be unforgettable, have an even better plan.

    no2 is mr hurry up and settle before someone takes my buy now option.

    very sad.
  • Oh, I think I have all of you beat!

    So, I meet this guy online. We had been talking for a while and found that we had a lot in common. He asks me out for dinner and I say yes. I arrive at the italian restaraunt that we agree to meet at and here is where the fun begins ladies and gentlemen. First off, he is about 10 years older than what his pictures looked like, and slightly balding. To best describe him, he looked like a cancer patient. I was raised to never judge a book by its cover so I let that slide. We go inside and sit down at the table and we order and start talking and things are going okay and then the akward conversation begins. He proceeds to tell me that he is into bdsm and has a balloon fetish. I was not quite sure what that was, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat. He explains that he is aroused by balloons. What!?! Can you repeat that? Yes, he said that he is sexually aroused by ballons. Now, I thought he was trolling me so I laugh it off and he proceeds to tell me in depth how balloons are made. By this time, our food has arrived. So while we are eating he continues to talk and then he springs it on me. He asks me to do unspeakable things with balloons such as putting deflated balloons in my private parts so when I am not around him, he can blow them up and smell 'me' on them and lick the taste off of it. I am mortified. I dont even know how to respond to this but I am no longer hungry. Not only does he want me to do this with balloons but he wants me to go back to his apartment and do it to his pillow so he can smell me there when he sleeps. I am ready to leave at this point so I tell him that I am not feeling well and I need to leave. The waiter comes over and takes the dirty dishes from our table and asks us if we would like desert and my date looks at the waiter and says "No, I will be having desert in about 15 minutes, when I take her home and bend her over my couch!" I look at the water and shake my head NO NO NO and he laughs. So my date pays and walks me to my car... which was so not necessary. I would rather take my chances with rapists and theives than him, but I digress. So we are standing at my car and he says "Get your fat a** over here and give me a kiss, you sexy BBW!" Apparenlty, he has a BBW fetish as well. I just look at him and shake my head, get in my car without saying a word, and drive off. It was awfull!

    as bad as it sound "this has made my day" ... too funny ...

    SAME! haha too funny.


    im surprised you didn't slap him or throw your drink in his face.

    OMG as bad as that experience was for you I laughed out loud in my office and i'm now getting "what the hell" looks. :laugh: sorry lol
  • Years ago I had a summer job in my town and the guy I had been crushing on finally asked me out. At the end of the night he went in for the kiss. . . and sneezed in my mouth. In. my. mouth.

    Then I have recently ended a long term relationship and have started online dating (not fun, or sucessful), and one of the very first dates I show up to, the guys was missing 4 front teeth. He was literally Cletus the Slackjawed yokel from the Simpsons. Lesson: when online dating, always make sure there is a picture of them open-mouthed smiling.

    I'm crying laughing about the sneeze.

    I also met a guy online who was missing his front teeth. We actually hit it off though and after coffee I went back to his house to take a nap. Not kidding. Just a nap. No funny business. I had a cold. He made me soup. It was all lovely until I realized his kid stole $80 out of my purse. We continued to see each other for a little while. It was fun, but he lived too far away. Still, losing $80 makes for a crappy date.

    Here's the trick ladies: My opinion; online dating= lame. But if you are, tell him to take a picture of himself with the date and time, so you know it's a recent pic. Also, since you've had the bad teeth experience, tell him he needs to smile, showing off his pearly whites. If he doesn't want to, he couldn't of been that interested in you, or he's too embarrassed, and or will admit he has bad teeth. Problem solved.

    Am I just crazy.............but whatever happened to just dating someone you meet around town, or out and about. Wouldn't it make sense that person you have the best chance with since you might actually see them on a regular cycle....rather than someone "flying" into town, or living 4 hours away. I never understood these people. HOPELESS romantics?

    Well I never had the confidence to go ask a guy out only had one date from a guy asking me and that was a major bust! I tried online dating met some nice people but no spark, met some freaking weirdos too and met another that I went out with for 3 months until he met someone else and told me by text! But I also met a great guy 2 years ago and we got married in March :happy: so not all online dating is a bust you just have to learn to sift through the weirdos, haha :laugh:
  • Ok I forgot about this one but I met this guy online talked ages before meeting. We get on really well so we decided to meet up.
    He gets a train to meet me and I walk to the station. When I see him he looks at me and pulls a "OMG please let it not be her face"! Charming! I sent him all up to date pics of me so he knew what I looked like. Anyway he reluctantly gave me the flowers he brought which were actually quite nice, haha.
    He was dressed in a victorian style trench coat with a huge golf umbrella to walk with (he was 27 years old)
    Anyway we walked into town and end up at a cheap cafe where he buys a bottle of water because he doesn't have any money and doesn't offer to buy me anything so I bought myself a drink. He talked constantly about philospohy and that he feels he's to superior to work and he's writing a book instead...ok. We walk around the shopping centre and he explodes into a rage about "all these dumb people sucked into mass consumerism it makes me sick" etc etc. He goes on and on about the human race is doomed to a suicidal demise and that the human race didn't deserve its intelligence over other animals etc apart from himself of course (i think he thought he was god!)

    Anyway when we get out of the shopping centre we walk past a charity shop and there is a book in the window that he wants. We go in and he gets the charity worker to see how much it is. It was a first edition book in very good condition and they wanted £16 for it which I thought was reasonable and it was going to charity after all. Well when they told him it was £16 he said "you what? Are you kidding me? It's a damn charity shop! Thats ridiculous" by now we have quite a crowd of people around us and I was ready to disappear into the wall! The charity worker said I think you're missing the point of a charity shop sir. And I thought you should not have said that mate lol. Then the guy exploded even more!

    I walked out the shop and went home and left him there. He'd never been to this city before so I left him to find the train station to get back.

    Never heard from him again but the flowers looked great on my fireplace for the next week :laugh:
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    When I was in 11th grade I started coming out of my shell more and meeting more people. Well this boy asked me out on a date after sending me a V'day card for the class project. (you had to make one for someone)

    so of course I said yes. I didn't know him very well but it seemed like a good time, he was taking me to the drive in to see the movei parenthood. I was pretty broke at the time so I hardly ever went to the movies so I was excited.

    He calls me up and said he was thinking of making it a double date with his best friend with his girlfriend. I thought sure, why not?

    It ends up that the friend's gf canceled out so he's the 3rd wheel AND he's this tiny lil 9th grader who didn't get ANY of the jokes in the movie! It was our last date. He was a painfully shy guy.. maybe that's why he didn't ask me out on a second one. I even suggested we go out a 2nd time when I said goodnight!
  • s_wicked
    s_wicked Posts: 28 Member
    BAD DATE 1
    I was going on a first date with a guy that's been hitting on me for a year. We agreed to meet for lunch. We had this planned for a week. First, he was late. Then, he got in the "to go" line. When I asked what he was doing, he said that he would buy me lunch and get his to go. he wanted to go bowling.

    BAD DATE 2
    First he calls and says someone borrowed his vehicle. Wants to know if I will drive. Ok, what the hell. What I should have said was goodbye. We get to Fridays and halfway through the meal, he tells me that he can't pay for it. He said hes not working because child support takes most of his check. I had to ask! How many kids? six!!!! Why for the love of teddy bears did he ask me out? When I took him home, he asked me when we were going out again!?! I said never. He then asked me for a kiss. I drove off,

    I am seriously hoping these 2 dates weren't with the same guy LOL

    2 different people! Where do they come from??
  • s_wicked
    s_wicked Posts: 28 Member
    Oh, I think I have all of you beat!

    He proceeds to tell me that he is into bdsm and has a balloon fetish. I was not quite sure what that was, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat. He explains that he is aroused by balloons. What!?! Can you repeat that? Yes, he said that he is sexually aroused by ballons. Now, I thought he was trolling me so I laugh it off and he proceeds to tell me in depth how balloons are made. By this time, our food has arrived. So while we are eating he continues to talk and then he springs it on me. He asks me to do unspeakable things with balloons such as putting deflated balloons in my private parts so when I am not around him, he can blow them up and smell 'me' on them and lick the taste off of it. I am mortified. I dont even know how to respond to this but I am no longer hungry. Not only does he want me to do this with balloons but he wants me to go back to his apartment and do it to his pillow so he can smell me there when he sleeps. I am ready to leave at this point so I tell him that I am not feeling well and I need to leave. The waiter comes over and takes the dirty dishes from our table and asks us if we would like desert and my date looks at the waiter and says "No, I will be having desert in about 15 minutes, when I take her home and bend her over my couch!" I look at the water and shake my head NO NO NO and he laughs. So my date pays and walks me to my car... which was so not necessary. I would rather take my chances with rapists and theives than him, but I digress. So we are standing at my car and he says "Get your fat a** over here and give me a kiss, you sexy BBW!" Apparenlty, he has a BBW fetish as well. I just look at him and shake my head, get in my car without saying a word, and drive off. It was awfull!

    WHAT A PERV!!! Balloons?!? Can you see him at a carnival foll of children with balloons? I would've moved, changed numbers and started a neighborhood watch!
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Ooh I have one!
    It was on this past Valentine's Day. I had been on two previous dates with this guy and suspected he was a cheapskate. Every time we'd dined out we'd gone Dutch. I was teaching a weekly cooking class at the time, and usually had to buy ingredients out of pocket for each class. That particular week my expenses weren't going to be reimbursed until a few days later, so I was short on cash. Also, since the class was at a public school and no refrigeration was available, I usually ended up taking home two or three bags of leftover ingredients. I should mention that we live in two completely different boroughs in NYC and neither of us drives.

    Anticipating his cheapness and not wanting to lug grocery bags around on our date, I'd told him a few days earlier that I couldn't make it due to the afore mentioned reasons. He seemed disappointed that I wouldn't go, then suggested he'd meet me at work and help me with the bags. He then said "What do you take me for, a neanderthal? Did you really think I wouldn't treat you to a glass of wine on Valentine's Day?". I thought this was sweet and that perhaps I'd misjudged him, so I agreed to the plan. He picks me up and helps me as promised, then suggests this wine and cheese bar that was like 4 blocks from his place (I hadn't known that when he suggested it). He then proceeds to pretend to have forgotten where the place was, and suggests cooking me dinner at his place as an excuse to get me to come home with him. I'd only hung out with him twice before for about two hours. Uh... no. I politely refused by saying I had my heart set on wine and cheese as we planned, to which he replies "Yeah. That was just me trying to save money". I let that one slide for some bizarre reason and we get to the bar. I have ONE glass of wine, and we split the cheapest cheese plate which was about $13. I was starving, mind. When the bill comes, he pays for my glass of wine, but looks at me expectantly for the cheese plate. I was incredulous, but remained composed as I didn't want to start a scene on V-Day. I start to pull out my debit card and the waiter explains it's a cash-only establishment. Rather than offer to get the bill, this dude lets me walk out of the establishment and walk two buildings over to the nearest ATM in order for me to fork over the $7.50 for my half of a cheese plate!

    OMFG I hope you gave him an earful after all that!

    Oh I gave him an earful alright. An earful of silence as I never called him again!!
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Years ago I had a summer job in my town and the guy I had been crushing on finally asked me out. At the end of the night he went in for the kiss. . . and sneezed in my mouth. In. my. mouth.

    Then I have recently ended a long term relationship and have started online dating (not fun, or sucessful), and one of the very first dates I show up to, the guys was missing 4 front teeth. He was literally Cletus the Slackjawed yokel from the Simpsons. Lesson: when online dating, always make sure there is a picture of them open-mouthed smiling.

    LOL @ Cletus!! OMG I'm sorry this happened to you, but your description was so funny! And ew about the sneezing!
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    just a few weekends ago...old friend of mine set me up with one of her college friends.....after seeing pics of her from college i was pumped!.......talked to her all week before date went to pick her up and the second she walked outta her house i didnt even recognize her she was walking right in front of my car and i was calling her to see if she was coming.......im not shallow or anything like that but it kind of shocked me and turned the whole date into a 2 hr long ackward silence dinner......during which she told me she was on match and had been on like 8 dates but none ever went further than just 1 date....when i got home my roomate who is on match looked her up and i found out why...she had all her old pics on there from 40 lbs ago....makes me nervous to ever use an online dating thingy.....
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    mine wasn't even a date, more a creepy happening because I stupidly trusted.

    I worked as a server at a local bar and grille at this time with my then boyfriend, now husband. We didn't ahve a vehicle at the time and we often ended up working oppsite shifts becuse the owner had a thing for my (then) boyfriend. Thinking back, the job alone was probably one of the biggest jokes of my life but I gave her hers in the end :) ANYWAY, I digress...

    It was getting late in the year and cold and I had finished my shift and was having my "complimentary post shift beer" when I asked the tender to give A1 a call for me. After a short discussion about why I was taking cab ovr the usual walk I explained cold, dark, alone felt safer with my cabby friends (literally knew most of them so felt perfectly safe). One of the "regular" custmers was a few stools away and volunteered to save me the taxi fare. Having waited on and chatted with this older, innnocent, harmless man for many a night over the course of almost a year I accepted his offer. We finished our drinks and left.

    Innocent enough, he drives to my house by my directions. When I went to get out I turned to thank him for the hospitality and he pulled me in and planted one on me! Like PLANTED and left enough slobber to water a garden!

    I was mid TWENTIES--- he was probably mid SIXTIES. My great Grandfather was trying to passionately kiss me!!!! I just pushed him away, said "thanks for the ride, next time I will walk" and slammed the door. Never saw him in the bar again after that....
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Well I haven't been on horrible ones, at least not like some of the dates I've read about on here. A few awkward ones though.

    But I used to be friendly with someone who went out on a date and their date defecated while sitting down to dinner... at a restaurant. that is probably the worst date story i've heard.