loosing weight too fast



  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    Actually, if you look close at her ticker she is trying to lose -4 lbs - in otherwords gain 4 lbs!

    It may be a slow process for you, especially if you do it the healthy way. Try adding 50 - 100 extra calories per day for a week then another 50 - 100 calories until you get up to 1500 or 1600 per day. Just log and track so you don't go overboard and gain too much weight!! Make sure it is healthy calories - nuts, avocado, protein, veggies. And make sure you have enough good fat in your diet. If you're exercising that much and only eating 1300 calories, you will not be able to gain weight. You need to put more food in - hopefully this will help a little. Just don't try to start immediately eating 1600 calories - ease into it a little and you'll be fine! Good luck.

    thanks very much ill follow those tips so ill increase by 50-100 calories tongiht and see how that goes and then keep doin that till i reach a good calorie intake without goin overboard :flowerforyou:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    if you gained 4 lbs without trying last week and lost it this week then it could be water from sodium. Are you extremely short? Cause 98lbs is very low..

    I agree with this.... going up and down so quickly is probably mostly water weight.
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    Wow - lots of great advice on here for you. Probably the best I saw was the one about increasing your calorie intake. 1300 seems very low for someone in decent shape that eats right..Another thought I had that no one mentioned is that you may have a very high or active metabolism. You are only 22 so still very young compared to the rest of us. :) As you get older your metabolism tends to slow, but for now yours has probably not slowed much. In 10 years or so, it may be a different story - just keep that in the back of your mind.

    For other replies on here - this site is called my FITNESS pal. For most of us (me included) it is a means of losing weight to get healthy, however there is a certain segment of people that have the opposite problem. No matter what they do, they can't gain any weight. They deal with the same issues that you do - clothes don't fit right, they look at themselves in the mirror and wish they were "healthier" looking, and more. I have met many people that have told me they wish they could gain, but simply can't. Our society has a mental picture of what a healthy person looks like and the "ultra-thin" people also feel inadequate to this image. Since this girl hasn't mentioned forcing herself to throw up after meals or things like that, I doubt she is a person who has an eating disorder.

    Just my 2 cents
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    Wow - lots of great advice on here for you. Probably the best I saw was the one about increasing your calorie intake. 1300 seems very low for someone in decent shape that eats right..Another thought I had that no one mentioned is that you may have a very high or active metabolism. You are only 22 so still very young compared to the rest of us. :) As you get older your metabolism tends to slow, but for now yours has probably not slowed much. In 10 years or so, it may be a different story - just keep that in the back of your mind.

    For other replies on here - this site is called my FITNESS pal. For most of us (me included) it is a means of losing weight to get healthy, however there is a certain segment of people that have the opposite problem. No matter what they do, they can't gain any weight. They deal with the same issues that you do - clothes don't fit right, they look at themselves in the mirror and wish they were "healthier" looking, and more. I have met many people that have told me they wish they could gain, but simply can't. Our society has a mental picture of what a healthy person looks like and the "ultra-thin" people also feel inadequate to this image. Since this girl hasn't mentioned forcing herself to throw up after meals or things like that, I doubt she is a person who has an eating disorder.

    Just my 2 cents

    i definately do not have an eatin disorder of any sort im just lookin for ways to keep a healthy weight rather than loosin it. i do have a fast metabolism which i cant slow down so ye i better enjoy the weight i am cause when im older it could be a different story :wink:
  • just a bit concerned since two days ago ive dropped 2lbs and now another one and im wondering why its happening. i eat quite alot and excercise. i gained 4lbs last week and now im loosin fast and im wondering how long is this goin to happen for and why??????? anyone know? i wanna maintain 102lbs but now im 98.6lbs so what now? is it the fact that im gaining muscle and loosing fat through excercise? could anyone out there please put my mind at ease thanks :flowerforyou:

    Hey there. It is probably water weight. You might try upping your calories a bit because of the amount of exercise you do. A friend of mine is in the same situation of trying to gain a little to be healthier, she has trouble eating extra calories so she is drinking her extra calories by adding protien shakes to her diet. That might help if you feel you just can't eat anymore. Good Luck! Jope you can get this figured out I know it can be very confusing whether you want to lose weight or gain weight in a healthy way.:flowerforyou:

    This is a site intended for people who want to get healthy, not just lose weight. I am glad you are here and hope you are very successful with your goals.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    I don't think you have a eatting disorder :flowerforyou: Up untill I was 23 I weighed under 100 pounds and just couldn't gain weight! I alway's wanted a "curvy" body and lots of people gave me just awful hurtful comments all the time, "do you eat? are you on crack? you must have an eatting disorder..." Then at age 26 I gained 70 pounds!!!! I'm at at "normal" weight, but would like to be a few sizes smaller. All of the comments about me being too skinny were very very hurtful and I think today that is the reason I have crazy views about my own weight.

    Anyway, maybe try to add a vitamin drink (like someone said before) My parents and grandma used to give me ensure because they said I was too skinny. I drank it all the time, it didn't make me gain any, but maybe it will help you out. I was only 5 years old when they were trying to make me drink it though :laugh:

    Best of wishes to you.

    OH and my weight can go up or down in just a few days also, really really gets to me sometimes too. But like most on here say, it does sound like water weight. I think its just not possable to gain or lose 4 or 5 pounds of muscle or fat in a few days.
  • tanzmitpalmer
    tanzmitpalmer Posts: 124 Member
    Seconding the vitamin drink/supplement shake idea. They're a quick and easy way to add extra calories to your daily intake, with the added nutrition bonus (ie, they're not just empty calories). Store-brand slim-fast shakes will do the trick (same thing, just marketed differently), but I think Boost shakes are the tastiest in my opinion.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    My suggestion is: A cheeseburger.

    Though, that might just be because I'm craving one today. ;)

    Sweetie, I agree with what some people are putting a lot of focus on that 102 number, but I'm glad to hear you're trying to GAIN and not lose. Based on the amount of calories you're burning in exercise, I'd say you just plain need to eat more!

    As for those mysterious four pounds, I'm leaning towards water retention like everyone else here. Did you recently have your time of the month? When I get mine, my weight will go up 2-4 pounds overnight. It always falls off really quickly.
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