Working out in Flip Flops



  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    The only time a man should wear flip-flops, sandals, whatever you want to call them... is at the beach or in the locker room at the gym. You ever see Superman in a pair of sandals? No. Jesus wore sandals and look where that got him.

    My go to is usually a pair of Adidas unless I'm working legs; then I wear Chuck's since they provide a nice solid base for squats and whatnot.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    To the lifters who go barefoot/socks only, is there a reason? Does it feel better, make it easier, etc?

    My sneakers are all running shoes, which makes me tend to put more weight onto my forefoot instead of my heels, which isn't good for squats and deadlifts.
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    To the lifters who go barefoot/socks only, is there a reason? Does it feel better, make it easier, etc?

    My sneakers are all running shoes, which makes me tend to put more weight onto my forefoot instead of my heels, which isn't good for squats and deadlifts.
    What she said^^^
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    i take my shoes off when i deadlift and squat...but i have socks on i would never be barefoot in a gym.. i need some of those cool toe-shoe things but then id be even more of a douchbag than i already am.

    The VFFs are like alcohol, they only serve to amplify your current level of douchiness or coolness. Rest assured, I'm no douche when I wear mine on leg day. :wink:

    I always do weights (heck everything) in my VFF's. Won't catch me wearing anything else.... and I am noticing more and more people at the gym with them on. They are mostly in the weights section, but still :)

    I :heart: my VFF's

    Oh and as to why the barefoot/min shoes (or plain barefoot) ... i allows me to better feel the ground and my balance in relation to what I'm doing. I also feel I get a better grip. But... I have nerve issues in my toes and FVV's are the only shoes that don't irrate my feet worse.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    i take my shoes off when i deadlift and squat...but i have socks on i would never be barefoot in a gym.. i need some of those cool toe-shoe things but then id be even more of a douchbag than i already am.

    The VFFs are like alcohol, they only serve to amplify your current level of douchiness or coolness. Rest assured, I'm no douche when I wear mine on leg day. :wink:

    lol prolly true.. just dont walk around in them like every day...its the equivalent of wearing a bluetooth in public get those jerk vibes.

    LOL... Don't get me started with the "I'm cool with my permanently attached Bluetooth" trend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    I'd just be proud that I dead-lift heavier than a guy but also pretty icked out.

    lol Yeah, I felt bad for the guy.