fear of 213.8 lbs and all muscle



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I am 5'4, 213.8 lbs. ( used to be 135 lbs 6 years ago ) I work out 3 hours a day, one hour running, one hour walking, one hour strength training. It has been 12 days since I started, and I eat clean, rarely have junk. I burn about 3000 calories a day, and eat about 2100. My BMR is 1700. I have not lost any weight yet. I am a bit nervous since it has been almost 2 weeks.. I know muscle weighs more then fat, and so on and so forth, but I have like 90 lbs to lose! mathematically I should be losing weight.. but I am not! How is this possible? I also drink a **** ton of water everyday, no less then 15 cups. I am doing everything right... so what am I doing wrong?

    I'll tell you how it' posible you're not losing weight, you're estimations of how much you burn, your BMR, and how much you eat are off. I can't imagine a 5'4" women eating 2,000 calories to lose weight.

    Are you serious? Because i know 5' women losing at 2000+.. in fact many of them are on this board.

    Are they obese? THe OP doesn't look obese.

    Come on PU.....I am 4'11'' 125 ish pounds and my maintenance is 2000 calories......it is not that hard to believe that someone taller and almost 100 pounds more can lose weight at 2000 calories.
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    My weightloss has been very slow too. It took almost two weeks before I had lost anything and I was following the diet
    to the tee, 1100 or less a day, exercising two hours a day with hard workouts and couldn't believe nothing was happening.
    Finally after about 10 days I lost 3 or 4 pounds. Now I have been losing about 1 or 2 pounds per week. One thing I told
    myself was that I wasn't gaining. Be patient. It will happen if you keep at it.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    ALSO my personal trainer at 5'2 110 lbs is maintaining her weight eating 2200 calories a day. so yeah, I can ****ing eat 2000 calories a day PU. I will not starve myself.

    Also to someone else who said something about working out the same muscles everyday... I do switch it up every day, especially with my weight. strength training. BUT I am also training for a marathon so I run intervals everyday.
  • tomsow
    tomsow Posts: 4 Member
    eat nmore on your workout days or very intense workout days. do this by eating more carbs and match how much your burning. on non workout days or very low intense workout days, eat below calories with not much carbs and higher good fats, try and keep your protein high to spare muscle. about 2.5-3kg per lean body weight. this is called cycling and works very well because your body doesnt slow down your metabolism so fast as compared to just low cal diet all the time. try and cut some cardio out too! take measurements of you waist (around your belly cutton), hips, legs, arms, neck and chest every 2 weeks... and assess from there!

    good luck
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I wish you all would read everything I have posted. I DO NOT BURN 3000 CALORIES IN 3 HOURS! it is the total amount of calories I burn in an entire day, including when I sleep. THE CALCULATION IS CORRECT! I wear a body bugg, very accurate calorie counter.

    BodyBugg is made by BodyMedia .. BodyBugg is distributed (mainly) for 24 Hour Fitness .. I'm a member there too. It is stated on their products and website that they have >90% accuracy .. Greater than.. But not 100%. If you want to play it super safe .. then subtract the 10% of calories it says your burning. i.e. you burned 3000 calories in 24 hours .. then just subtract 300 to have burned 2700 calories (just to play it safe and allow for the margin of error) :smile:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    good grief. you mad.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    dude, PU seriously? just stop responding. You are pissing me off.

    Of course I am pissing you off because you think you know what you're doing when you don't. You want to believe something that isn't true and I am violating it. You should lsiten to people who actually have experience. I am pretty sure californiagirl2012 mentioned a lot of people over estimate their calories. I saw someone else say, you're eating too much, I have also told you this.

    Yet we're all wrong, right?

    What Pu said. ;)
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    Thank you to all who posted kind responses. and for the good information. KATY I will def be subtracting the 10% for sure. that is a great idea! I appreciate it!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    maybe you should wear the bodybugg just for exercising and only add those calories to the ones MFP gives you.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    PU your information is not pissing me off. your method of delivery is pissing me off. you are just a natural jerk. and I am taking a lot of this advice into consideration, as I keep thanking everyone for their information. And I will be making adjustments accordingly. BUT YOU, are quite a nuisance.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I plan on keeping this up for the rest of my life. I have no issues with working out, it is something I love to do. I can fit 3 hours in, any day, on any schedule. I dont plan on losing 5 lbs a week. 1-3 at the most. as I stated mathematically I should have lost at least 2 by now. I am not in this to lose the most, the fastest.

    Weight loss is not linear - it is 'overshadowed' by water weight, which women are particularly susceptible to (annoying but true unfortunately). You need to look at your weight loss over at least a 4 week period.

    ETA: I would cut down the volume of exercise - you are over-doing it imo.

    I agree with Sara, if she's only 12 days in, the water weight from her stupid amount of exercises is masking it.

    3hrs per day every day is too much, you need to give your body time to rest and repair.
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    didnt take you 6 days to gain the weight not going to take you 6 days to take it off... just keep up with your program and you will begin to see success...

    btw i think you are over training... an hour of cardio and an hour of weights is more than enough...
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    good idea going4lean, and thank you deeva.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I dont even work out 3 hours a week..........sounds like a math error either in calories eaten or calories burned, usually is
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I am 5'4, 213.8 lbs. ( used to be 135 lbs 6 years ago ) I work out 3 hours a day, one hour running, one hour walking, one hour strength training. It has been 12 days since I started, and I eat clean, rarely have junk. I burn about 3000 calories a day, and eat about 2100. My BMR is 1700. I have not lost any weight yet. I am a bit nervous since it has been almost 2 weeks..

    Either your calorie burn estimate is off or your calorie intake estimate is off. There's no other explanation. There's nothing magical to losing weight. You just need to burn more calories than you consume. If I were you I would lower my calorie intake to 2000 and see if that makes a difference. You won't starve at that amount. I did it for several months back when I was 240+. If you do this for 2 weeks and still nothing then drop another 100 off. You're not going to see a drop every single week necessarily but you should see some change withing 2 weeks time.

    Still nothing? Do something crazy like, fast for a single day and see what happens. (Don't exercise if you do that). I guarantee you the weight comes off if you don't eat for a day. No exceptions to this whatsoever. With that covered the real issue is for you to find the right calorie amount that works for you. Not what MFP says, not what some fitness tracking device says. Find what actually works.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    PU your information is not pissing me off. your method of delivery is pissing me off. you are just a natural jerk. and I am taking a lot of this advice into consideration, as I keep thanking everyone for their information. And I will be making adjustments accordingly. BUT YOU, are quite a nuisance.

    Nail on the head OP....pu, you weren't even saying anything to me, I was just reading along thinking I could pick up some useful information for myself, and you sir were not trying to be helpful you were just being pushy and arrogant and without even saying anything directly to me, i'm pissed off at you and i've never seen you on the forums before, so I don't know how your response normally are. You posted the same thing several times.. why couldn't you just leave it alone? You could've offered advice with out being so rude. You know, like most others did.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Have you considered you maybe over doing it?
    If you burn lots,
    Eat little,
    you are starving yourself.
    Lack of rest is not healthy either. If you do this same activity everyday, when do you rest?

    I agree. 3 hours of exercise a day? That's really hard on your body. I don't know how you can sustain that for long without injury and/or burnout. And you say you burn 3000 and only eat 2100? Maybe your deficit is a little high? Not sure.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I am 5'4, 213.8 lbs. ( used to be 135 lbs 6 years ago ) I work out 3 hours a day, one hour running, one hour walking, one hour strength training. It has been 12 days since I started, and I eat clean, rarely have junk. I burn about 3000 calories a day, and eat about 2100. My BMR is 1700. I have not lost any weight yet. I am a bit nervous since it has been almost 2 weeks.. I know muscle weighs more then fat, and so on and so forth, but I have like 90 lbs to lose! mathematically I should be losing weight.. but I am not! How is this possible? I also drink a **** ton of water everyday, no less then 15 cups. I am doing everything right... so what am I doing wrong?

    I'll tell you how it' posible you're not losing weight, you're estimations of how much you burn, your BMR, and how much you eat are off. I can't imagine a 5'4" women eating 2,000 calories to lose weight.

    I lost my first 15 pounds eating 2,000 cals a day. 5' 3", SW was 172
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Too much exercise can kill weight loss. Three hours is overkill and is likely causing excessive stress to the point it's throwing your endocrine system out of whack. Add in the possibility that there may be an error in calculations and you have a recipe for zero weight loss.

    Here, read this article by Lyle McDonald on why the spiked cortisol due to steep deficits, especially exercise, can have the above effect:

  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    PU your information is not pissing me off. your method of delivery is pissing me off. you are just a natural jerk. and I am taking a lot of this advice into consideration, as I keep thanking everyone for their information. And I will be making adjustments accordingly. BUT YOU, are quite a nuisance.

    Nail on the head OP....pu, you weren't even saying anything to me, I was just reading along thinking I could pick up some useful information for myself, and you sir were not trying to be helpful you were just being pushy and arrogant and without even saying anything directly to me, i'm pissed off at you and i've never seen you on the forums before, so I don't know how your response normally are. You posted the same thing several times.. why couldn't you just leave it alone? You could've offered advice with out being so rude. You know, like most others did.
