Is it ok to go below 1200 net calories?



  • I really feel for the women on this board, because they so often face this issue. As a man, my calorie allowance is so much higher that I've never really had to face this much, but I see the question doing the rounds really often.

    My personal view, for what it's worth, is that the clue is in what you've said in the title: NET calories.

    I see 1,200 as the *bare minimum* that you should consume during a day. Then, if you burn off calories which results in you coming underneath that, that's OK.

    The comparison I make is for a fuel tank of a car. If you fill the tank up, you can travel around in it, and run it down anywhere between full and empty without causing a problem. But if you don't fill the tank up, and still try to go the same distance, you'll be running on fumes and damage the engine.

    So make sure you're topping up your fuel tank properly each day, and you ought to be OK.

    Just my opinion, though :-)
  • (Oh, and please spare any condescending lectures.)
    This comment tells me that you have read up on the damage your are doing to your body at such low calories, so not sure why you are asking.

    You should never go below 1200 net calories, nevermind remain AT this level for too long unless you are really short (less than 5'3).

    I'm not entirely sure I agree with this.

    To my understanding, you should always try to avoid going below 1,200 GROSS calories. As long as you consume at least 1,200 you can take your net below it.

    I could be wrong, but that's my opinion on the matter :)
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I would continue to work out and eat more. It took me a while to figure out, but the more exercise you do (and enter into MFP) the numbers for your macros go up, so you have more wiggle room and can still be under or around 1200 calories.

    Oh nice!
    See, I didn't realize that the macros went up.
    I thought only the calories did and the macros stayed the same
    Makes so much more sense now. :)

    so actually there was no need for your less than friendly response to my comment - as by eating more (my suggestion) your macros increase.

    My response was not meant to be "be less than friendly".
    And I was not responding to your suggestion.
    I was responding to the last part of your comment which seemed like you were insinuating
    that I was purposely trying make my body "burn muscle".
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I really feel for the women on this board, because they so often face this issue. As a man, my calorie allowance is so much higher that I've never really had to face this much, but I see the question doing the rounds really often.

    My personal view, for what it's worth, is that the clue is in what you've said in the title: NET calories.

    I see 1,200 as the *bare minimum* that you should consume during a day. Then, if you burn off calories which results in you coming underneath that, that's OK.

    The comparison I make is for a fuel tank of a car. If you fill the tank up, you can travel around in it, and run it down anywhere between full and empty without causing a problem. But if you don't fill the tank up, and still try to go the same distance, you'll be running on fumes and damage the engine.

    So make sure you're topping up your fuel tank properly each day, and you ought to be OK.

    Just my opinion, though :-)

    Thanks for reading my question in it's entirety!

    After doing some research I raised my daily calories. So I'll be eating about 1,700 calories a day
    and I won't eat back what I burn unless I start getting close to 1200.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    (Oh, and please spare any condescending lectures.)
    This comment tells me that you have read up on the damage your are doing to your body at such low calories, so not sure why you are asking.

    You should never go below 1200 net calories, nevermind remain AT this level for too long unless you are really short (less than 5'3).

    I'm not entirely sure I agree with this.

    To my understanding, you should always try to avoid going below 1,200 GROSS calories. As long as you consume at least 1,200 you can take your net below it.
    I could be wrong, but that's my opinion on the matter :)

    That's where it gets so confusing...
  • I've only been eating around 1100. I even pre-plan my diary for the days ahead but they don't turn out that way sometimes. I like my 'net' number to be 1200 my diary is public. I don't exercise much because of my MS. BUT I have a lot of weight to loose. I had plateaued (don't know on spelling) a month ago) so I switched up my macros it seemed to help a bit during these past few weeks. Still keeping max caloric intake around 1200 lately.

    just read the above post my height is 5'2
  • loveskinny27
    loveskinny27 Posts: 94 Member
    if your breastfeeding you need to eat more I'd say stay at least 1500 cals aday and eat plenty of nutricious food and drink plenty.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    if your breastfeeding you need to eat more I'd say stay at least 1500 cals aday and eat plenty of nutricious food and drink plenty.

    Thanks. I'm actually about done breast feeding.
    The "baby" is over 2.5yrs old.
    I'm trying to get him to self wean, so if my milk did stop coming in that's wouldn't be bad.

    I did a little research and have raised my daily calories to about 1700.
    We'll see what happens...
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I've only been eating around 1100. I even pre-plan my diary for the days ahead but they don't turn out that way sometimes. I like my 'net' number to be 1200 my diary is public. I don't exercise much because of my MS. BUT I have a lot of weight to loose. I had plateaued (don't know on spelling) a month ago) so I switched up my macros it seemed to help a bit during these past few weeks. Still keeping max caloric intake around 1200 lately.

    just read the above post my height is 5'2

    Im 5' 3.5"
    I guess I'm 1/2" from making the cut. ;)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Definitely 1200 net, not gross. If you're thinking gross and then deducting exercise/breastfeeding, you could easily end up with a dangerously low net intake. Re. macros, you can manually set these to reflect your personal needs - as you're breastfeeding, you may need higher intakes of certain nutrients - check with your doctor for recommended percentages. As previously stated, your macro numbers will increase as your gross intake does - the numbers represent ideal percentages (most easily seen using the pie-chart function on the app, unfortuantely not available online) though the preset percentages are not ideal for everyone.
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    So I apologise if my previous comment was deemed unfriendly, because it just seemed like you wanted to hear what you wanted hear instead of getting a "lecture".

    Here's how it works and why you shouldn't ever net less than 1200 calories, regardless of macros.

    Being on such a low calorie diet, means that you are more than likely not obese (BMI > 30). Your body can only extract so much energy from fat cells when it's trying to fuel your body. So at a high level you can look at it like this, first your body will use the food that you eat to get energy, then it reverts to fat stores and then your body starts hitting problems, because it either has to slow down energy use or start getting energy from muscles (your muscle will actually start breaking down!!). Any exercise you do on top of this, you need to replenish the fuel, otherwise you are simply breaking down more muscle (that's the problem with low calorie diets with exercise on top - your body simply cannot burn more fat than it already has). Your weight loss will look great on the scale, but it's probably muscle.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I'd try cutting back on fat and stuff instead of calories. Its not healthy long term.

    but ppl will do what they want, and just learn the truth themselves later.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    So I apologise if my previous comment was deemed unfriendly, because it just seemed like you wanted to hear what you wanted hear instead of getting a "lecture".

    Oh geeze!
    You definitely assumed wrongly.
    I was full and needed to know #1 if I needed to eat more,
    & #2 if I wasn't supposed to be going over on my macros (which I've already figured out)
    I needed to figure out what I needed to change up so that I could insure that I didn't do it again.

    I had eaten over 1500cals
    -200 for breast feeding
    -280 for exercise
    And I was NOT hungry.
    If it wasn't a good idea to be under I was going to stuff my face anyway.
    It's the frikin internet!
    You can't hear my tone of voice, so I have no idea how you got all of that /\
    out of what I had asked.

    This is exactly what I meant...
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Definitely 1200 net, not gross. If you're thinking gross and then deducting exercise/breastfeeding, you could easily end up with a dangerously low net intake. Re. macros, you can manually set these to reflect your personal needs - as you're breastfeeding, you may need higher intakes of certain nutrients - check with your doctor for recommended percentages. As previously stated, your macro numbers will increase as your gross intake does - the numbers represent ideal percentages (most easily seen using the pie-chart function on the app, unfortuantely not available online) though the preset percentages are not ideal for everyone.

    I actually did some research and customized my diet plan to fit my needs instead of
    going off of what mfp has automated for me.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    After doing some research I raised my daily calories. So I'll be eating about 1,700 calories a day
    and I won't eat back what I burn unless I start getting close to 1200.

    That sounds far more reasonable.

    Honestly (in my case anyway), I was so obsessed with how I needed to lose weight. Every time I saw something I wanted I said "no, I shouldn't, I'm too fat" and deprived myself. I was barely eating anything and then would binge after. It was bad. I'd lose weight, gain it, lose it gain it, annoying!

    Jumped onto MFP and said, ok! I am going to track everything and do this! MFP put me at 1200 calories straight away that I was desperately logging all exercise so I could eat. I had Run Keeper running on my cellphone for every errand I did!

    Then I discovered
    which I believe someone already linked for you.

    Upped my calories to 1800 (no eating back exercise calories though!) via suggestion on numbers, (math is not my friend) by Helloitsdan. I feel a ton better! Ive actually started losing weight whereas it didn't budge forever! (or only went up)

    Eating < ~1200 calories was making me constantly headachy (I get headaches if I dont eat) and grumpy. I also find it much more reasonable and sustainable, I wouldn't recommend anyone stick only to the 1200 calories unless they are very short. But that is just my thoughts from my experience... some people do it and claim it worked miracles for them *shrug* I think you have to find what works for you a bit as well.
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    So I apologise if my previous comment was deemed unfriendly, because it just seemed like you wanted to hear what you wanted hear instead of getting a "lecture".

    Oh geeze!
    You definitely assumed wrongly.
    I was full and needed to know #1 if I needed to eat more,
    & #2 if I wasn't supposed to be going over on my macros (which I've already figured out)
    I needed to figure out what I needed to change up so that I could insure that I didn't do it again.

    I had eaten over 1500cals
    -200 for breast feeding
    -280 for exercise
    And I was NOT hungry.
    If it wasn't a good idea to be under I was going to stuff my face anyway.
    It's the frikin internet!
    You can't hear my tone of voice, so I have no idea how you got all of that /\
    out of what I had asked.

    This is exactly what I meant...

    Mmm, the lack of food has made you grumpy it appears!!

    Read my response and see why it is a bad idea to net below 1200. That's what you asked, that's what I answered you. You can do it, but it's more than likely that you will be burning muscle instead of fat. How to stop that? Put food in your mouth and let your body use that instead.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    After doing some research I raised my daily calories. So I'll be eating about 1,700 calories a day
    and I won't eat back what I burn unless I start getting close to 1200.

    That sounds far more reasonable.

    Honestly (in my case anyway), I was so obsessed with how I needed to lose weight. Every time I saw something I wanted I said "no, I shouldn't, I'm too fat" and deprived myself. I was barely eating anything and then would binge after. It was bad. I'd lose weight, gain it, lose it gain it, annoying!

    Jumped onto MFP and said, ok! I am going to track everything and do this! MFP put me at 1200 calories straight away that I was
    desperately logging all exercise so I could eat. I had Run Keeper running on my cellphone for every errand I did!

    Then I discovered
    which I believe someone already linked for you.

    Upped my calories to 1800 (no eating back exercise calories though!) via suggestion on numbers, (math is not my friend) by Helloitsdan. I feel a ton better! Ive actually started losing weight whereas it didn't budge forever! (or only went up) Eating 1200 calories was making me constantly headachy (I get headaches if I dont eat) and grumpy. I also find it much more reasonable and sustainable, I wouldn't recommend anyone stick only to the 1200 calories unless they are very short. But that is just my thoughts from my experience.

    Kind of the same,
    But half the time I'm not hungry.
    I found out Im fat because we go out to eat a lot,
    and even though I don't "over eat" everything is EXTREMELY high calorie and I had no idea.
    So Im finding myself trying to not exercise so I don't need to eat more because Im full.
    That's why I was hoping it was ok to be a little under 1200 NET.
    My problem isn't over eating, it's eating high calorie and high carb foods.
    It also had me on a 1200 calorie diet.
    I switched it to 1700.
    Plus I add the -200 additional calories to my meal instead of my daily total.
    So that would be 1900! :O
    This should be interesting.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    If you are breastfeeding you probably need to go over on healthy fats for your baby's sake, and I'm glad to see that you have decided you can eat more calories, too. Drink plenty of water and eat fewer simple carbs--try to eat mostly or only complex carbs.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    If you are breastfeeding you probably need to go over on healthy fats for your baby's sake, and I'm glad to see that you have decided you can eat more calories, too. Drink plenty of water and eat fewer simple carbs--try to eat mostly or only complex carbs.

    The "baby" is 2.5 yrs and in the process of weaning.
    I dont mind going over in good fats like from avacados and some nuts, but That's fats that I had gone over with weren't the healthy kind. :/
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Btw everyone, my food diary is open.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Well I abuse Mc Donald's even now, but Ive been losing weight xD /cowers from angry glares

    I think you can still eat out, just be aware of what you are eating. Often they give too much in the portions (especially back home in the US). Ive heard that it is a good idea to stop eating once you are satisfied, not full per se, but once you are no longer hungry it is ok.

    With me and Mc Donald's (French Mc'D's doesnt have as much healthier choice than the US as much as they think so other than food sizes, their super size is US medium). I look up their nutrition facts before hand and I get a rough idea of what is really bad or take the salad instead of fries (I do eat fries though sometimes). I find it really puts things in perspective when you realize that burger is like 500 calories! LOL

    My food diary is open to my friends, but I just made it public I dont care if people see what I eat even when Im bad and go over. Im tired of torturing myself. Though for a week now Im sick or something, I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat. -_-

    Whenever I go back home to the US (Im a misplaced American), I tend to eat out like 5 times a week but weirdly still lose weight rather than when Im in France, so I don't have a bad sentiment against eating out :x
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    apologies if i am missing something, but why not just eat more if you want to do more exercise?

    then you are getting all of the nutrients your body needs, and if you dont have too great a deficit your body will be burning fat (yay!) and not too much muscle (boo!)

    i dont know why anyone would want to deliberately put themselves in a situation where their body will burn muscle?

    This ^ is exactly the advice I did not want.
    I ate well over 1200cals.
    My question was should I stay over 1200net, because I wasn't sure.
    I didn't say I wanted to stay under 1200.
    I said I want to get more exercise in, but I don't know how to keep my calories up without going way over on
    my "macros".

    The more exercise I do the higher my macro goals become. It should not be an issue. Hope that helps!
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Well I abuse Mc Donald's even now, but Ive been losing weight xD /cowers from angry glares

    I think you can still eat out, just be aware of what you are eating. Often they give too much in the portions (especially back home in the US). Ive heard that it is a good idea to stop eating once you are satisfied, not full per se, but once you are no longer hungry it is ok.

    With me and Mc Donald's (French Mc'D's doesnt have as much healthier choice than the US as much as they think so other than food sizes, their super size is US medium). I look up their nutrition facts before hand and I get a rough idea of what is really bad or take the salad instead of fries (I do eat fries though sometimes). I find it really puts things in perspective when you realize that burger is like 500 calories! LOL

    Whenever I go back home to the US (Im a misplaced American), I tend to eat out like 5 times a week but weirdly still lose weight rather than when Im in France, so I don't have a bad sentiment against eating out :x


    Well for example. I ordered a small quesadillas at Chilis Grill thinking it was a good choice.
    After we left I thought to call and ask them how many calories were in it...
    I believe it was something ridiculous like 2600!! That didn't include my salad!
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Akk! Yeah, that is the kind of stuff that is good to know! Sometimes you think it is good but find out it is bad :/
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    apologies if i am missing something, but why not just eat more if you want to do more exercise?

    then you are getting all of the nutrients your body needs, and if you dont have too great a deficit your body will be burning fat (yay!) and not too much muscle (boo!)

    i dont know why anyone would want to deliberately put themselves in a situation where their body will burn muscle?

    This ^ is exactly the advice I did not want.
    I ate well over 1200cals.
    My question was should I stay over 1200net, because I wasn't sure.
    I didn't say I wanted to stay under 1200.
    I said I want to get more exercise in, but I don't know how to keep my calories up without going way over on
    my "macros".

    The more exercise I do the higher my macro goals become. It should not be an issue. Hope that helps!

    It does. :)
    Thanks so much!
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Akk! Yeah, that is the kind of stuff that is good to know! Sometimes you think it is good but find out it is bad :/

    Lol Unfortunately I learned way too late.
    My exact words to my husband were, "NO WONDER I'M SO FAT!!".
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I thought the same until I saw Food Inc.
    The Veggie meats are actually pretty good.
    My kids and husband love Veggie nuggets, hot dogs, corn dogs, etc.
    When we do want real meat I buy organic, free range/grass fed meat.

    That stuff is so loaded with sodium and "flavors" to make it taste like meat.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Not consistently. Occasionally is ok, but don't do it on a regular basis. Do some research to find out what you can eat that fits your macros.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I thought the same until I saw Food Inc.
    The Veggie meats are actually pretty good.
    My kids and husband love Veggie nuggets, hot dogs, corn dogs, etc.
    When we do want real meat I buy organic, free range/grass fed meat.
    That stuff is so loaded with sodium and "flavors" to make it taste like meat.

    But so is the regular stuff.
    Only difference between them is the kind I buy is soy and other veggies instead of flesh from an animal that was pumped with antibiotics and most likely diseased.
    We do try to limit our intake of processed foods though, and try to eat a mostly "clean" diet.
    I try to make everything from scratch when we eat at home.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Not sure about this...please correct me if I am wrong. Did I see earlier that you are breastfeeding a baby? You burn at least 500 calories a day with breastfeeding. Therefore, you should be eating more.