So, can anyone recommend good facial cleanser?



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Considering it got really bad when you went off birth control, I'm inclined to agree that it's hormonal. I know some people use birth control specifically to help with acne.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I've heard sperm is really good for this

    She said she tried everything.
  • ejensen86
    I would recommend visiting Sephora. They have a bunch of cleansers from cheap to expensive and they can help you pick out a good one. I did this a few months ago and my face is so much easier to maintain (even when I'm on my period).

    I've tried ProActiv and while it's good for the first few weeks - for we at least - it always ends up being too harsh and too drying.
  • lilbrat14
    lilbrat14 Posts: 4 Member
    i had the same problem with my chin and nose. i tried proactiv and it didn't work. I now use this product from France: La Therapie Emulsion Purifiante Toutes Peaux by timetospa. you can find it on IT IS AMAZING!!! my face has never been so clear and bright. IT is sooooo SOFT to the touch now. I highly recommend it! make sure you squeeze all of the blackheads, zits whatever you may have then try it. leave it on your face for 3-5 minutes then wash off. the first time i used it i was like OMG!!! this is amazing! it runs around $35 for a 5 oz bottle.

    Good luck!!!

  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    this thread made 15 replies before going beavis and butthead....

    my hope for humanity is restored.
  • kullyg
    kullyg Posts: 17
    I have been using soap and glory face wash and it helps with the scarring too. cant remember the name, but it is the green gel with little pinky/orange beads in. I am 31 and still get the odd spots, mainly around TOM, very annoying!

    Dermalogica stuff is really good too, I like their anti-bac face wash and the micro-exfolliant.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I've had good results with Neutrogena pink grapefruit washes and scrubs. Also, St. Ives Apricot scrub. And I've found that changing my pillowcases more often and drinking more water has helped too.

    I've had oily skin and acne problems ever since I was a teen. And, I remember way back when, a dermatologist once telling me that I will actually appreciate my oily skin when I am older because I'll look younger than everyone else. He was right, so take some comfort in that. :flowerforyou:
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I' m 31 and just started getting acne problems about a year ago, WTF.

    I really like's blue and has scrubbies in it. I can't remember the name, but it's the only blue scrubby stuff I have seen by them. Once a week I use apricot scrub too, just to get rid of dead skin cells.
    For moisturizer, I use Aveeno Clear Complexion or Retinol Cream from Vitamin World, it's like $6.

    I have learned that consistency is key! I will get lazy sometimes and not wash my face before bed. That's when I get breakouts (although this never happened until a year ago). You should probably get into a routine of washing your face in the AM, after your workout, and before bed. That should clear it up in no time.

    Please Please Please do your research before purchasing ProActive. My boyfriend purchased it and they kept sending him a new kit each month and it was like pulling teeth to get the charges refunded and for them to stop sending more ProActive.
    I used it also, and after the 2nd or 3rd day, my face was on FIRE! Then a day later, the top layer peeled off like I had a sunburn. GROSS! Unless your skin is like leather, it will probably be too drying for you.

    Good luck!!
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    Wash with baking soda
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I never had acne as a teenager and never got any until I was 43. I started using Carley's Clean & Smooth products which I fell in love with! is the link - their products are awesome & they last a long time - I would definitely recommend their product line!!! You can buy it from their site and they sell it on ebay.

    About six months ago, my niece started selling Mary Kay so I, too, have to vouch for them. I have very dry skin as I've gotten to be 46, but their dry skin formula made me break out. I switched to normal/oily and it's working out well. I just can't use their sunscreen products - it makes me break out every time I try it. Another product I'm using now is by Rodan+Fields, the same makers of Proactiv. It is very expensive so I only use it every other day - I'm using the product line called "Reverse" and it's clearing up my skin like I can't believe. A friend of mine with bad acne swears by Proactiv and became a seller of the Rodan+Fields products. Good luck!
  • priestess_kitten
    I'm 40 and I feel your pain. I've had good luck with Garnier Nutritioniste Nutri-Pure detoxifying cream cleanser. it's gentle, oil-free, and really minimizes my break-outs. and my pores are getting smaller.
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    Clinique 3 step....I have combination skin with a super dry t-zone and I get (or got!) horrible breakouts on my chin. I get compliments on my skin all the time now since I started using Clinique!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    So is it coincidence that the add on the top of this post is for organic acne cleanser? Hmmmm.
  • jpe71
    jpe71 Posts: 50 Member
    I've used a product that's basically ProActiv (different brand, but I forget what), that really worked pretty well. I also sometimes use the powder from Bare Escentuals - their stuff is all minerals. It seemed to work pretty well, and while the container is expensive, it lasted a lot longer than I expected. I used it daily for about two months, and got through a third of it. Thereafter, I've used on occasion because unless I'm having a problem, I generally prefer a very light washing with Dove. My skin's pretty good for my age and if my family is any indicator, I can look forward to youthful skin until my late 50s. I try not to tamper with a system that seems to work really well.
  • christinekry
    christinekry Posts: 86 Member
    I started with cystic forehead acne mixed with the bumpy chin acne when I turned 30 and tried every prescription medication out there. Nothing was working for more than a week or two, so I started trying all kinds of crazy home remedies. Here are the few that I've stuck with.

    Try a sulfur soap (

    and then apply tea tree oil before bed (,k:tea+tree+oil).

    The sulfur soap is good for drying out, but I think dove soap works just as well if you aren't too oily. Tea tree oil has saved my face and healed any scaring. (Tea tree oil, extracted from leaves of a tree native to Australia, is well known for it's anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It is used to for a number of things, including bad breath, athlete's foot, cold sores, body odor and even acne. While tea tree oil is effective in killing the bacteria which causes acne, it is important that you learn how to use it first.)

    Also, splashing your face with cold salt (table salt is fine) water for about 5 mins 2x a day will do the trick - if your face is really oily, look here:

    One I've wanted to try, but can't vouch for just yet - cut a lemon in half and smooth honey over it, then rub on your face:


    Honey has been used for many years in skin care regimens because of the abundance of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, and natural moisturizing properties, which are beneficial to facial skin. Honey also has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties which encourage clear, hydrated skin.


    Lemon is found in many facial treatment recipes because of its ability to brighten skin and counteract acne breakouts. According to Dr. Randall Neustaedter, OMD, who practices in homeopathic and oriental medicine in Redwood City, CA, acne can be treated with lemon juice which can be applied directly to the face with a cotton ball, allowed to sit for ten minutes, and then rinsed away with warm water.

    And, like others have stated, it is both hormonal and genetic. Always use non-comedogenic make-ups and lotions.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    I've been using a Boscia clear complexion kit (ordered from Sephora) for the last few weeks. I was having issues with my forehead and hairline breaking out all of a sudden a few months ago. My forehead has cleared up so far.

    Another thing I've used, but wasn't working on me for the acne, is Origins. A lot of people seem to like it for complexion balancing, it just wasn't helping my acne. I'll probably go back to it once I'm sure my skin is clear and happy and just use the Boscia occasionally.

    Good luck!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I use Kiehls products for my skin.

    What's your stress level currently? When I was promoted from part time to full time here at work, it took a couple weeks for me to give my 2 weeks notice to my night time job. During that 3 week/month period my skin went crazy. 4-5 cystic zits on my chin, around my nose and forehead.

    I tried really hard to be more relaxed, exercise more, drink water, lower my stress levels. Now my skin's back to normal.
  • wendyj910
    wendyj910 Posts: 58 Member
    I have been an Esthetician for 11 years and am begging you not to use Pro-Activ. It's like using battery acid on your face! It's a horrible product. Here is what I use. Since you are in your 30's (like me) and are still getting hormonal acne (which is anywhere from the chin to jawline...and usually whatever side is breaking out worse is what side your a ovulating on) I would try Murad's Time Release Acne Cleanser. It's desigined for woman in the 30's-40's to provide an acne treatment and an anti-age treatment in one. Here is a link to the entire Time Release kit....

    The main thing to remember is even though your skin is breaking out and may be more on the oily've got to moisturize. When your skin is dehydrated from lack of moisturizer, your body will produce more oil to compensate for the lack of hydration. More oil=more breakouts! I would seriously suggest you getting a facial treatment from a professional and have them help you find a product line that works best for you and your budget :)

    Some other product lines I like are: Dermalogica and Pevonia
  • Kaydoggie
    Kaydoggie Posts: 98 Member
    I wash my face twice daily religiously
    Tea tree oil super dries out my skin. I have also tried:
    Clean and clear
    honey and lemon face masks
    Facial steams

    I havent been on birth control for over almost 2 years now.
    Thanks everyone for the awesome suggestions!!!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Mary Kay believe it or not has some great products. Just make sure you use both the cleanser and the moisturizer. When you don't moisturize your skin produces more oil to compensate.