Do you have people watching you to see if you eat?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    dudette you're 44. if people do things that bug you then tell them to back the hell off.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I only had that problem when I was truly anorexic. It annoyed me then. I know I'm not anorexic now, so I don't care what anyone thinks about what I eat or dont eat. If it's bothering you a lot and several people are 'watching you', you may want to sit back and re-evaluate your situation. I'm only saying that because anorexics are totally in denial. I know I was! Also, if you are, YOU can't control it. It's not your fault and you can get help for it.
    If you aren't, you're an adult. Ignore them!
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    @ meshasheha20 I wish I could. I really don't have a mean bone in my body. I really wish I could tell them oh I really feel.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    my family does it to me constantly. I started eating better over the summer (cut out all fast food, soda, etc) and started training for a half marathon. The first time I went to my parents' house after starting this (it had probably been a month or so since I had been to my hometown to see them), I thought my mom was going to cry. No sooner than I had walked in the door, she started asking me "where the rest of me was" and "was I sure I was eating" (asking this as I was sampling everything on the stove that she was making for dinner didn't seem quite logical to me, but hey, who knows). I stayed home for about a week and constantly noticed everyone in my family kind of watching me and asking me if I was sure that I was eating and if I was taking care of myself.

    I understand how it can be kind of disheartening and definitely somewhat of a hassle to have to explain yourself for taking care of your body and eating well, but that's finally what brought me to the point of kind of going off. I finally just explained that yes, I was still eating plenty, i was just making better choices of what to eat and had become more active and that although I had gotten smaller, I still had plenty of meat on my body from the muscle I had built. Basically, I learned that all I can do is assure them that I am eating fine and there is nothing to worry about and that hopefully if they feel the need to keep watching some of my habits will at least maybe rub off on them. If you have to, show them your food diary so they can see just how many calories you eat in a day.

    Keep it up though, as long as you're taking care of yourself don't let it get to you :)


    I find my family gets freaked out when I eat all "healthy" and order salads, grilled chicken, lots of veggies, nuts... whatever.

    They don't always think I am eating enough... but hey, I eat 1,400-1,700 daily! I net usually around 1,000- 1,200

    I have a pass of disordered eating habits, I had skipped periods for awhile... Sometimes I have binges, and that makes me have no appetite for a meal. I don't eat in front of them as much as I should. They have things that make them worry, but I am truly not anorexic. I am overweight, and I am not afraid of food. I just know I am in debt (over weight) and need to cut back (calories).

    The thing is, my mom has been on diets in the past and she thinks the only way to tell if I am not losing weight is by if I eat junk food or not. She tries to push pizza and fatty foods on my plates often. Why, I don't like to eat with her.

    You are 40+, they need to leave you alone. Don't eat with them, then.

    And, there is nothing wrong with fitness and healthy foods. heavier people often feel guilty because it's opposite of their choices.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I also agree everyone thinks you should eat huge amounts of food. I went to lunch with a friend last week. She wanted a cheeseburger so I said that was fine. I order a kids meal and ate about 70% of the hamberger and about 1/2 of the fries. She totally flipped on me and told me I needed to finish my meal. I just looked at her and could not believe she just said that. If I am not hungry I will not keep on eating.

    LOL I usually don't eat like that but I went cuz she wanted a cheeseburger.

    Grrrrrr. I know right!
    Some of my friends comment on my meals if it's all healthy, and I pass dessert. Or if I split portions in half, they freak!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I usually get people looking at me like this:


    Because I generally eat what I want (within reason- portion control is my homeboy) and am loosing weight steadily. It's kind of fun blowing people's minds :)
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I used to about three years ago when I started losing weight with this site. I had another account back in those days, and I said that I was going to drop weight, and keep it off because I found a nifty site to help me do it. My coworkers were watching every move I made to see if I was eating, especially after I dropped my first thirty pounds. A few people that hadn't seen me in awhile thought I had cancer. It's been nearly three years now, and when I tell them that I use this site, they still think I'm on some kind of specific diet plan that sends special meals to my house. I've been a big exerciser since my teens, but counting my calories is the reason I'm slim.
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    No, but I get the silent snark like they think I'm being silly and ridiculous even though I am not preaching it or expecting anyone else to conform to what I need to do to lose weight. That's completely their choice whether to try anything themselves or what to try if they do want to lose weight. I am not a crusade to force anything on anyone. The other annoying habit they have is actually the opposite of yours....they compliment me profusely but to annoying obsession that makes it obvious that they define me only as a body size. But really it's nothing I didn't already know about them -- they've always judged a person's value and worth by their body and physical accomplishments (something that isn't a particular gift of mine. I can persevere, work hard and do the exercise but I have never been, nor will ever be nor desire to be a great athlete nor attain any particular great speed or skill. And I am OK with that and my skills being more academic and mental than physical --they aren't, their loss.) And I know from years of witnessing the way they talk about certain members of the family behind their backs that anything that even hints of "alternative" or non-standard life choices (i.e. being vegetarian or a backwoods, back to nature type to name two specific examples from other familly members) that they will be pseudo-sweet to your face and totally trash you when you aren't in the room. They seem to think that "alternative" is equivalent to moral turpitude which is complete nonsense of course but I have no doubt that gossip runs rampant about me when I'm not around -- which is most of the time -- and that even though they "talk nice" to my face, it's obvious that I don't really fit their criteria of a decent human being so it always comes off as slightly condescending and fake. They tolerate me being around because I am family and their sense of propriety and concern for appearances won't let them complete write me off.....but I am barely tolerated with civilities rather than actually liked as a human being. But I have long since ceased to care what they think and stick to what is right for me regardless of what they think or say or do. They aren't going to change by my efforts and I can't put any emotional time and energy into trying to make it happen or feeling sorry for myself. I get more love and support from my church family than I do from my biological family and that's good enough for least someone really cares and supports me on the basis of who I actually am, not what my body looks like on any given day.