How do you fight depression?



  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Making a to do list, if I have things that I need to get done all laid out then there's a sense of accomplishment when I can check it off my list. Working out was a big thing while I was going through a rough time, its a natural energy boost and gets the happy hormones flowing. Cleaned up my diet which helped because I wasn't feeling guilty about what I was eating anymore. Also started meal planning which made cooking healthier meals with lots of variety less stressful. Also, forcing myself to get out of the house too and soak up the sun as much as I can even in the winter months.
  • kittymewmew66
    I know this way past your first post, but cleaning really helps. Other options are listen to music, dance around really weird, scream and sing loudly, if you can go for a long walk, do craft, look at old pictures and think of happy times, etc.

    I have suffered for years with depression and know how you feel. Meds are an option depending on your situation. Do seek the advice of someone you are close to that always helps too. Whatever you do don't be afraid to see someone such as an LPC (counselor), LCSW (Clinical Counseling Social Work), or a MA level psychologist. They do not prescribe, but they are mainly there to listen and help guide you through the stormy seas the Depression Monster likes to get you lost in. A lot of times you therapist can make a referral for you to see a psychiatrist for medication assessment (also available are Pharmacotherapy Advanced Practitioner Nurses, they work under psychiatrists). They often work hand and hand with each other during this process to make sure you are responding well. Everything is very confidential. If it is not and they are not treating you respect, then they are not following ethical guidelines.

    Please do not be afraid and REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. People often don't realize our "brains" get sick too just like any other part of our body.

    Through time you learn to adapt to the Depression Monster and his visits. When hes visits and tell him to get lost. Sometimes he wins though, but I know how to handle it. I usually find a nice comfy place, grab my favorite blanket, and tell the world I wish I wasn't in it and sleep it off. It took years to acquire this skill, it was not easy, but once you find a away, you'll do fine. I know I can always wake up in the morning knowing I am alive, wanted, loved, and have a purpose. My cousin fights the depression monster off by doing push ups...hehe...she has the great looking arms to prove it;)

    I wish you nothing but love, peace, and strength. It is a hard battle, but you can win. Please remember you are not alone:)
  • proctor78
    Great advice...
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    I usually clean something that I've been putting off for a long-long time. If my family seems me down on my hands and knees in the closet, they know to leave me the F alone.

    It really helps when I'm done and can appreciate what I've done.

    Of course grief is different from depression. When my doberman died 2 years ago, I barely had the energy or motivation to get my usual day-to-day responsibilities done, and I'm sure you feel similar about your cat right now. Take care of you; losing a loved one is so hard!

    This. Grief is different from depression, although unrecognised it can lead to it.

    At the very least, give yourself some time to remember Boots and allow yourself to feel sad he has gone, and if you can, feel happy for the times that you had that were good with him. It would be better to look up the seven stages of grief and even to speak to someone about it.

    But normal depression? A long bath, massage my legs myself, watch old re-runs of a show I loved when younger (just now it's MASH, before it has been Friends), set a small task or home improvement and accomplish it (that is more for when you are on the mend), have a drink or a coffee with a friend, read a good book, take a few hours for me and do whatever I feel like at the time, meditate. And also, if it keep cropping up, look at the big stuff in life, where life is headed, see what the depression is telling me and take steps to change it. Sounds like you've got the big stuff covered- recognise how much you are doing for yourself through that, some people never get to that very mature place you are already at, so give yourself a lot of credit for it. Hope this helps.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I've had a lot of people in my life die, parents, best friend, many other friends, pets aren't a big deal too me, forgive me.

    When there's something else depressing me, I remember the people all over this earth that have it worse, seriously, this is what I do. For example, your finance's, you say it would be like this forever, good! So, even more so, for short term, think about the people who have so much less than you. Think of the people who can not afford food, period.. They eat out of dumpsters, and or, food lines, charitable places, homeless shelters. The more I realize that my situation isn't *kitten* compared to others, I become more grateful, and when your grateful, it's hard to be depressed. Also, do what your doing, talk about it.