someone please tell me if im eating healthy or not?

female, near 18, 4'11 (150cm) and im 103lbs (46kg) and i want to be 97lbs (44kg)
im a competitive all star cheerleader and im a flyer and i walk every day and trainings go from 2-5pm for cheer. i also stretch for a hour or two everyday and if i still have the energy i work out too :p pop pilates i think its called? its on youtube :)
today i ate:

breakfast: special k honey and almond cereal with trim milk

snack: nature valley crunchy apple crisp bar (2 in a packet) and a orange

lunch: whole grain bread chicken sandwhich

after school: low fat yoghurt, small green apple, a handful of raw almonds.

dinner: half a plate of steamed veggies, green pear and gala apple.

do you think this is healthy? cause i feel so gulity after i eat and i want food ALL the time. and i dont eat chocolate bars, ice cream, mcdonalds, or anything like that. and also everyday i feel so tired i really crave a sugar free energy drink good idea or not? and i usually have 100 or something calories left over for the day.


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Your food is delightful.
    sugar free energy drink seems out of place

    how about a banana smoothie
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    sounds like you're making good healthy choices, but whether or not you're getting enough calories depends on how much you're exercising and how many you're consuming.(hopefully more than 1200 your maintenance is probably similar to mine at 1500) It looks like you could maybe use some protein in dinner...esp if you're burning a lot with cheer!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    you're probably hungry all the time because you need a bit more protein and fat in your diet. add some avocado and eggs in there
  • To be quite it isnt healthy

    Not in the sense of 'oh my gosh ur eating so much junk food' but just in the way that it isnt enough and your prob not meeting your energy or dietary needs for the day

    This is why you would feel tired and crave things throughout the day
    If your really keen to get it all down pat then i suggest going to a nutritionist because they will give you the best advice
    Otherwise my advice would be to add some more protein and fibre to your will help you to feel full so you wont be as hungry *kitten* the time
    If your saying youre craving energy drinks you should try having a protein shake at those moments - it will make you feel full, give you some more protein as well as giving you more energy! Plus they are generally delicious and very healthy :)

    The guilt thing is a bit of a could be a sign that perhpas you are developing an eating disorder? i have gone through an eating disorder for many many years (now i am recovered and life is a million times better) ... and hence why i have quite a bit of knowledge of the symptoms and what your body needs or how it reacts to too little food
    If you think this might be the case you are more than welcome to send me a message or add me if you want some support or have any questions ;)

    The amout of exercise you do would require a lot more energy than you are taking in (and is also possibly another sign... ed's arent necessarily just about the eating side of things)
    I really am not trying to imply that you do have one i sincerely apologise if it has come off like that

    Good luck!
  • Can you tell us how many calories that is? You shouldn't feel guilty after you eat, that can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food so just be careful. The food is fine but I'd focus more on your calorie intake, macronutrients (make sure your getting sufficient fats and proteins) and just make sure you are getting enough micros too. It's okay to have "treats" once in a while and just fit it into your day.
  • ok thanks :) can you guys tell me examples of what kind of foods i should have?
  • female, near 18, 4'11 (150cm) and im 103lbs (46kg) and i want to be 97lbs (44kg)
    im a competitive all star cheerleader and im a flyer and i walk every day and trainings go from 2-5pm for cheer.
    today i ate:

    breakfast: special k honey and almond cereal with trim milk

    snack: nature valley crunchy apple crisp bar (2 in a packet) and a orange

    lunch: whole grain bread chicken sandwhich

    after school: low fat yoghurt, small green apple, a handful of raw almonds.

    dinner: half a plate of steamed veggies, green pear and gala apple.

    do you think this is healthy? cause i feel so gulity after i eat and i want food ALL the time. and i dont eat chocolate bars, ice cream, mcdonalds, or anything like that. and also everyday i feel so tired i really crave a sugar free energy drink good idea or not? and i usually have 100 or something calories left over for the day.

    Do i consider it healthy? no.

    Most of everything you eat is processed and has a lto of sugar.

    2nd.... does it matter if it's healthy or not? No it doesn't. stop stressing, eat at your goal and stop worrying.

    Dont tell her its not healthy! Most of what she eats is fresh fruit and vegetables and wholegrain bread! Where did you get your nutrition degree??
    Pretty sure that a muesli bar is totally fine!
    What should she be eating then???
  • to me, you seem to be seriously under eating given the amount of exercise you do. even if you are trying to lose weight. since your an under 18er i'd suggest using this calculator:

    and then subtracting 500 calories from your activity level (average of moderate high) and eating that amount. if your hungry all the time that's your body telling you it's STARVING and begging for have to listen to it and give it what it wants. the fact that you feel seriously guilty after eating sets of major warning bells in my mind for ednos or anorexia, so perhaps it's time you contact a nutritionist or doctor and them about how you feel towards eating. but please just be careful! i've struggled with anorexia in the past, and now i'm dealing with bed...i don't want that to happen to any other girl.

    good luck! :)
  • as far as ideas for foods you should have

    Maybe dont have as much fruit...mainly just because fruit can be sugary (good sugar, so dont worry about it too much) thus u get big highs in energy and then crash, plus they are mainly water so you feel hungry very quickly

    Aim for high fibre and protein foods - eg wholegrain bread, rices, oats, lean meat, tofu, bean curds, beans, - these will all give you enough energy to do the things you love plus will healp with feeling full as well as being great for digestions
    Adding more vegtables is always great and helps make your plate look really beautiful and colourfull haha
    Try to get some good fats too so things like advocados, nuts, tofu and bean curds (again), oils (eg flaxseed is really good), even chia seeds which are great for antioxidants too
    Because you are so active try carrying some energy bars around with you - they are high protein and you can get high carb ones too for greater, more susatined energy, which will help you to be able to do the things you love!
    Making some pasta dishes and stews and things can be great because you can throw everything in together and get this amazing hit of nutrition and deliciousness at once :)
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Hey, I would have whole milk with breakfast
    I would replace the fruit at dinner with a nice piece of chicken or beans/meat replacement if you are veggie
    I would replace the non-fat yogurt with a full fat yogurt.
    I would have a superfood smoothie every morning and make sure your 'veggies' include lots of spinach and green stuff like cabbage and kale.
  • ok thanks :) can you guys tell me examples of what kind of foods i should have?

    Have whatever you like while hitting your calories, macros and micros. Remove that idea of individual foods being bad. Right now I'd suggest you work on developing a healthier relationship with food though, you really shouldn't feel guilty after eating. It's good to be safe and keep this under control before it leads onto something. Also, maybe work on eating more? I don't know how many calories that is but it doesn't look like enough, especially considering your activity levels. xx
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    What you are eating is pretty healthy but I would question whether you are eating enough. You just have veg for dinner? What about adding some chicken or fish with it. You seem to have a pretty active lifestyle and you need to fuel your body to help it cope with this. Good luck
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Your breakfast us mostly carbs and so you can have tons of energy t first then crash, you could add eggs in there or a protein drink or cottage cheese like 2%.

    Snack is okay but I like to do protein more than sugary, so an apple with peanut butter or almond butter is good or 2 boiled eggs or a low sugar yogurt.

    Lunch is good except I pull off one slice of bread, add a half of a fruit and a salad along with it or cup of veggie with protein homemade soup that I would freeze and reheat.

    Second snack is good, you can add cheese even, you need more good fats.

    Dinner is too small you need protein and fats added

    You need more calories for as much as u are working out for energy and so you done deplete your muscles. I would add chicken cooked in coconut oil or dinner and even a snack before bed like cheese and celery. Cottage cheese and half an apple with walnuts.

    You can indulge on dessert once in awhile too good luck it's just my opinion only.

    female, near 18, 4'11 (150cm) and im 103lbs (46kg) and i want to be 97lbs (44kg)
    im a competitive all star cheerleader and im a flyer and i walk every day and trainings go from 2-5pm for cheer. i also stretch for a hour or two everyday and if i still have the energy i work out too :p pop pilates i think its called? its on youtube :)
    today i ate:

    breakfast: special k honey and almond cereal with trim milk

    snack: nature valley crunchy apple crisp bar (2 in a packet) and a orange

    lunch: whole grain bread chicken sandwhich

    after school: low fat yoghurt, small green apple, a handful of raw almonds.

    dinner: half a plate of steamed veggies, green pear and gala apple.

    do you think this is healthy? cause i feel so gulity after i eat and i want food ALL the time. and i dont eat chocolate bars, ice cream, mcdonalds, or anything like that. and also everyday i feel so tired i really crave a sugar free energy drink good idea or not? and i usually have 100 or something calories left over for the day.
  • I'm assuming you're not getting enough calories for the amount of exercise you do which is causing you to feel tired. You would probably benefit from adding more protein and fat to your diet.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Your food seems healthy enough although I will say you are eating a lot of sugar - low fat yogurts, special k and cereal bars are are particularly high in sugar. What I'd be more concerned about is the amount. You must burn a lot of calories a day, yet you only eat half a plate of steamed veg for dinner? You need to add some protein and add some fats.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I have a feeling you are under eating. You are definitely not eating enough protein. And considering you are young, i bet you aren't even feeding your metabolic rate. We know you are a cheerleader, but how much are you eating. More than like, you need to be eating an additional 600-800 calories on top of what you are eating. Also, if you are looking for a tighter leaner body, have you considered weight training or even gaining 10 lbs of muscle. Below is a thread of what happens when you gain 10 lbs of muscle.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I think it's great that you aren't eating much junk food, especially at your age! However I, like others, feel that with how active you are you are not getting enough food to fuel your body. Try eating a little more every day, in the form of protein or healthy fats. Eggs are your best friend. If you need energy try black coffee, or with a little milk if you need. But I think you will feel less tired if you eat more and keep making healthy choices.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Eat more protein and fat, please. Meat is good, but if you don't want to eat it, try dairy or a protein shake. And you are young--there is no reason you need to eat "low fat" anything or skim milk. Full fat dairy is fine. Cut out some sugar and processed food if you can and add meat/dairy/beans and some healthy fats: avocado/coconut oil/olive oil.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    You eat a lot of carbs and sugar- try eating vegetables with almost every meal and definitely more protein either from legumes or lean meats :] once a day.
  • talaysia3
    talaysia3 Posts: 84 Member
    Honestly, I believe that you are doing excellent in what you are eating, because you are only 17 and only able to eat what is available to you. I believe that you are a good weight for your height. Because you are 17 and very active, you can probably definitely eat a little more than what you are eating, especially since you are hungry. If you are still hungry try adding foods with more fiber and drink lots of water.