someone please tell me if im eating healthy or not?



  • pallypunch
    You are doing awesome! Especially for a teenager. And you are just so tiny.

    I would say that you need more protein, more veggies and less processed foods. Eggs (brown eggs, omega-3) in the morning are great (you could even add some spinach or something green in them to get more veggies- it's quick & easy- and healthy)!

    Don't be afraid add a little meat either! Bacon, in moderation, is great!

    And to mix it up & to get your veggies in, try a green smoothie once in awhile (kale, almond butter, coconut milk & bananas make a great smoothie)!

    For snacks, try fruit with a healthy fats (bananas & peanut butter, persimmons & hazelnuts, apples & blue cheese). Or snack on string cheese, dried fruits or granola. (you already do a lot of this.)

    For lunch, try to add some veggies has a side to your sandwich. Maybe some carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower and some dip. You could also add a slice of cheese to your sandwich- and maybe some cucumbers, tahini (yogurt) sauce, olives (if you like them, I don't).

    And for dinner, you are on the right track. You can also roast veggies to mix it up a bit (cauliflower is great roasted, and so are beets & sweet potatoes). Also, add some protein/meat/tofu, a slice of bacon, some chicken or something.

    And, if your family is ok with this & you have access to these types of food, try getting more "whole food"- look for organic and natural food in the produce & bulk foods sections (and try skipping or cutting back on items in the freezer section and in the snack section).

    I hope this helps! I (was) a terrible eater- but I have made great strides but simply focusing on eating more veggies (my goal is to for each to have a plate that is at least 1/2 (preferably more) veggies, 1/4 or less protein/meat/nuts/cheese and 1/4 or less starch).

    Also I have found that fresh veggies are actually WAY better than the overcooked, over-processed ones found in the freezer section (with the exception of the frozen veggies from Trader Joe's- those are good & cheap).
  • navydx
    From the sound of things you may not be eating enough calories in your day. I cheered for 2 years in college and if your practices are anything like ours were you can burn off a lot in that 3 hours. Don't worry so much about what the number on the scale says but how you feel and what will be safe for you and the girls and/or guys you are cheering with. Being smaller in stature it could lead to injuries if you get too small.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    female, near 18, 4'11 (150cm) and im 103lbs (46kg) and i want to be 97lbs (44kg)
    im a competitive all star cheerleader and im a flyer and i walk every day and trainings go from 2-5pm for cheer. i also stretch for a hour or two everyday and if i still have the energy i work out too :p pop pilates i think its called? its on youtube :)
    today i ate:

    breakfast: special k honey and almond cereal with trim milk

    snack: nature valley crunchy apple crisp bar (2 in a packet) and a orange

    lunch: whole grain bread chicken sandwhich

    after school: low fat yoghurt, small green apple, a handful of raw almonds.

    dinner: half a plate of steamed veggies, green pear and gala apple.

    do you think this is healthy? cause i feel so gulity after i eat and i want food ALL the time. and i dont eat chocolate bars, ice cream, mcdonalds, or anything like that. and also everyday i feel so tired i really crave a sugar free energy drink good idea or not? and i usually have 100 or something calories left over for the day.

    Healthy is simply as many unprocessed foods as you can, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, within reason. You diet is healthier than most people your age. I think sugar free items are okay for calorie control now and then. I'm not a fan of cold cereals because of the high heat used to process them, even the organic ones are silly, the heat needed to form even granola destroys the nutrients. You can kind of tell whenever they add vitamins, it is usually because they have to add them back in after they destroyed them in processing. But "processed" is a silly word, we all process food, when we cook it, chop it, blend it, etc. Still, the more you can get away from "packaged" foods the healthier. The closer you are to getting it from the farm, the better, within reason.. we all don't have time to mill our own soaked grains or make our own cheeses, or bake our own breads even with a nice bread maker gadget.

    You are doing great. There is a balance between time, calories, and eating healthy and you are doing it well for a young person in this day and age.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    your food looks really good but I think you need more protein( maybe eggs in the morning?)
  • nativitadanastor
    Yeah i think you eat very healthy.
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    ...very healthy to me except that your dinner is very light and lacking protein. You may be hungry and tired a lot because your exertion is larger than your intake. Get more protein throughout the day and you won't be as tired.
    Is this an average day? Also, try something other than cold cereal for breakfast.
  • nativitadanastor
    Hi everyone I need help please cause i don't know how to work it out this is my first time please. I be waiting for respond please reply me back thank you so much....
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi everyone I need help please cause i don't know how to work it out this is my first time please. I be waiting for respond please reply me back thank you so much....
    What do you not know how to work out? What do you mean? To post a new topic? What exactly?
  • nativitadanastor
    Hi everyone I need help please cause i don't know how to work it out this is my first time please. I be waiting for respond please reply me back thank you so much....
  • nativitadanastor
    I have been trying to lost weight for two years so it doesn't work. I don't what is the problem.
  • nativitadanastor
    I need to eat healthy but i don't no how that's what i mean.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Adding just a bit more protein, a hardboiled egg, one serving of chicken will really make you more lean. Although fruits are really great for your health, they have higher net carbs then vegetables (generally). Try replacing one fruit in your day with another vegetable and adding a lean protein, since you don't have much to lose you should see results in less than a month! :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Nativitadanas, can you change your diary settings to public so that we can see what you are currently eating and then make some suggestions?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    female, near 18, 4'11 (150cm) and im 103lbs (46kg) and i want to be 97lbs (44kg)
    im a competitive all star cheerleader and im a flyer and i walk every day and trainings go from 2-5pm for cheer.
    today i ate:

    breakfast: special k honey and almond cereal with trim milk

    snack: nature valley crunchy apple crisp bar (2 in a packet) and a orange

    lunch: whole grain bread chicken sandwhich

    after school: low fat yoghurt, small green apple, a handful of raw almonds.

    dinner: half a plate of steamed veggies, green pear and gala apple.

    do you think this is healthy? cause i feel so gulity after i eat and i want food ALL the time. and i dont eat chocolate bars, ice cream, mcdonalds, or anything like that. and also everyday i feel so tired i really crave a sugar free energy drink good idea or not? and i usually have 100 or something calories left over for the day.

    Do i consider it healthy? no.

    Most of everything you eat is processed and has a lto of sugar.

    2nd.... does it matter if it's healthy or not? No it doesn't. stop stressing, eat at your goal and stop worrying.

    Dont tell her its not healthy! Most of what she eats is fresh fruit and vegetables and wholegrain bread! Where did you get your nutrition degree??
    Pretty sure that a muesli bar is totally fine!
    What should she be eating then???

    Please tell me where i can find trees or plants that contain special k honey and almond cereal, skim milk, nature valley crunchy apple crisp bar, whole grain bread or low fat yogurt.

    She should eat anything that fits in her calorie goal. Health and weight loss are pretty much 1 in the same. If a person loses weight their health indicators will improve. It's better to be at a healthy weight eating junk than it is to be over weight and eating healthy. Priority number 1 is getting to a healthy weight. After that, if you want, clean up your diet.
    Pu, she's not overweight. She wants to lose a few pounds for her sport. Please stop. Skim milk, whole grain bread and yogurt don't come from trees but they are not unhealthy.