Are all these food allergies real?



  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    It seems insane that in the last few years, everyone is allergic to something. The big thing now is gluten. But, WTF is going on? When I was a kid, no one had any problems (OK, in my whole enitre childhood, there was this one kid that was alergic to peanuts, but that was it). Now, all of the sudden, everyone has some issue with wheat, gluten, dairy, etc....the list goes on. Am I insane? Or, is something happening out there? Aleins perhaps? How have we all survived the past few thousand years? I feel like something is wrong, or people are just being pansies. What's the deal? I'm not looking for smart-*kitten* remarks, I'm looking to be educated. Is there some food epidemic or something? Why is all this stuff suddenly a problem for everyone?

    I'm not talking about diets, I'm talking about real food problems.

    As an example, someone I know stopped eating gluten and says he fels so much better. But, that's totally not scientific. I keep asking if something was wrong or what? He just said he was having "issues" (of course, it's undefined), and he stopped eating gluten and now he feels good. But, to me, that's not a real issue. Since his problem isn't well defined, and because he doesn't really know if it was the gluten, or if it's something else. So, this is kind of what I mean. People self-diagnose, but is the problem real. Ya know?

    When my son was young, the doctor told us he might be lactose intolerant. So, now his mom keeps telling him that, and he believes it, but he's never been tested. It's this kind of BS that I'm talking about. He is growing up thinking he is actually lactose intolerant, but has absolutely not one shred of evidence. I call BS, and serve him ice cream, and he eats it with no problem. This is what I'm talking about.

    People are making this stuff up. I know not in all cases, but as I look around, many people are making it up, but it's not real. But, more and more there are more people saying they have some kind of allergy or intolerance, or whatever to something.

    Are there studies about what's going on?

    well i have a 3 year oild and a 10 month old. They only thing they have issues with is lactose. They are lactose intolarent. My kids were started on rice cereal at age 2 months. Baby foods introduced at 3 months and table foods at 6 months., And they are both JUT FINE and perfect on the growth scale. My kids love everything healthy and their every once in awhile chicken nuggets for noah r ritz crackers for Presley. but mostly they eat very healthy. bananas, berries, apples, raisins and peanuts and things for brother, avacados and foods in a mesh feeder for Presley. I don't believe in this whole giving solids before 6 months causes allergies. Plain nd simply do not. The only thig I'm weary of is shellfish as I have a nephew whos anaphilactically allergic so i keep the kids away from my seafood as I LOVE it. Dont get me started on the gluten thing. Its like the solids before 6 months thing. Its a fad. In two years it will be dairy or somethng similar im sure. Or eggs. Ugh. Yeah it disgusts me :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Totally personal opinion, but I think we've trashed our immune systems until they react to everything under the sun because they're not exposed to anything to build them in early childhood.

    When I was a kid (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth) we played outside, dropped our cookies in the dirt and ate 'em, crawled around floors that were not disinfected to within an inch of their lives. I teethed on my Dad's tobacco pouch. Our immune systems got exposure and became robust. I have friends now who make us use hand-sanitizer before we can hold their baby.

    Now I definitely agree with this and there is science to back this up. I don't even remember washing my hands as a child (I'm sure my Mother made us at supper time?). Now parents have hand sanitizer in their cars, child's backpacks, at school - everywhere. I have no allergies (knock wood). Maybe things are changing for the worse. Sad.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Well. GMOs. Isn't that clever? The farmers are able to make more money on crops that are bigger and disease resistant and it could be causing all this grief? What's the point? Pretty soon every one will be allergic to something. I think I'll stick to growing my own veggies in my garden in the yard. It's so much cheaper too. I only hope the seed we use are just seeds. But who really knows??

    Search out heirloom seeds.

    Thanks. I'll do that next spring. Just put the garden to bed today.

    I wish I could have a garden. I may try gardening in pots. I bought some dwarf citrus trees. They are doing OK, but not really producing much.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I blame Monsanto.
    When in doubt always blame Monsanto. /bitter Californian

    Ha ha.....How do you think I feel? I live in St Louis where their Corporate office is at.

    I would like to ____ __ their office. I have sat in on protests outside of their offices in St Louis off of Linbergh Avenue.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Well. GMOs. Isn't that clever? The farmers are able to make more money on crops that are bigger and disease resistant and it could be causing all this grief? What's the point? Pretty soon every one will be allergic to something. I think I'll stick to growing my own veggies in my garden in the yard. It's so much cheaper too. I only hope the seed we use are just seeds. But who really knows??

    Search out heirloom seeds.

    You can also try local farmer's markets (not sure where you are exactly). That is usually locally grown food that is pollenated by the beas in your area. Usually has minimal to no pesticides, etc. The farmer's are usually the ones selling so you could always ask. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc grow well in pots. Google patio gardening and you'll get lots of ideas.

    Thanks. I'll do that next spring. Just put the garden to bed today.

    I wish I could have a garden. I may try gardening in pots. I bought some dwarf citrus trees. They are doing OK, but not really producing much.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I think that food allergies are real to a point, and that they've always been around. However, maybe 20 years ago it was harder to diagnose. Also I think that 20 years ago people were more likely to try to deal with an ailment then go to a dr for every ache or pain. My mom has a few food allergies that went undiagnosed until much later in life. Her growth was stunted as a result of this, but when she was younger her mom told her to stop whining. I myself am only allergic to certain medications, not food, so I dunno.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Too many processed foods, too many pesticides, too many hormones in meats. Not scientific at all. No study to back up anything I said. Just a thought. Hope someone can answer this I am curious too. Seems like every poster on the forum has an allergy to something. *shrugs*

    Agreed. My Friends are such smart cookies!! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you sweetie! I only pick smart people! Like you! :flowerforyou:
  • risenonlytofall
    I blame Monsanto.
    When in doubt always blame Monsanto. /bitter Californian

    Ha ha.....How do you think I feel? I live in St Louis where their Corporate office is at.

    I would like to ____ __ their office. I have sat in on protests outside of their offices in St Louis off of Linbergh Avenue.
    You have my condolences. But seriously awesome job protesting. Seems ridiculous how much they can still lie and suppress information in the technology era.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    um this has probably already been covered... but my bf has celiac disease which is in fact an auto-immune response to gluten.
    in other words, when he eats gluten, his body attacks itself. The villi in his intestines get destroyed, and then he can no longer absorb nutrients properly.

    Continued gluten ingestion with celiac disease has been linked to colon cancer, crohn's, and other digestive dysfunction.

    as far as mere gluten intolerance, the side effects are not quite as bad, but who are you to say that your diagnosis is better than a doctor's? or better than a person's own judgement on their health when the bloating and headaches they've experienced for 5 years are suddenly gone?

    and the reason the prevalence is increasing over time is because we are eating more and more processed and altered foods which are bad for our bodies, especially in large doses.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I blame Monsanto.
    When in doubt always blame Monsanto. /bitter Californian

    Ha ha.....How do you think I feel? I live in St Louis where their Corporate office is at.

    I would like to ____ __ their office. I have sat in on protests outside of their offices in St Louis off of Linbergh Avenue.
    You have my condolences. But seriously awesome job protesting. Seems ridiculous how much they can still lie and suppress information in the technology era.

    Yes, it is awful. The farmers around here don't even want to deal with the big M that tries to promote their company as such a family loving, environementally friendly, gag, gag, gag.............

    The billboards around here make me sick.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Too many processed foods, too many pesticides, too many hormones in meats. Not scientific at all. No study to back up anything I said. Just a thought. Hope someone can answer this I am curious too. Seems like every poster on the forum has an allergy to something. *shrugs*

    My husband is always saying things like this, that food doesn't taste the same as when he was younger (he's 38) because of the reasons stated above.

    I think intolerances have increased, but also people are more aware of what they eat now.

    There also seems to be a rise in things like autism and ADHD. I'm a teacher and we have a massive percentage of students on the SEN register. I'd never even heard of ADHD when I was at school myself. Are people more aware? Are conditions like that a result of diet?

    From what I see on this site, people aren't more aware of what they eat..................if they did they wouldn't sing the praises of all the junk, processed, frankenfood they fill their diary with.

    I guess I meant more aware of effects of certain foods, but I do see your point.

    I live in the UK, and I have to say that being on MFP has opened my eyes to what Americans eat, and there seems to be a lot more processed foods in the US. Even basic things like a cup of coffee. Most people here have milk, or just drink it black. Most Americans seem to add creamer. So even a simple cup of coffee ends up with crap in it!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I think the explosion in IVF and that ilk is helping keep genetic codes surviving when they should be dying out. You have a couple who can't get pregnant via intercourse, so they spend $$$ to get his sperm and her eggs mixed in a dish and implanted in a uterus to have the kid(s) they've wanted. I'm not bashing on IVF, just pointing out that maybe people who can't get pregnant "naturally" shouldn't muck around.

    *awaits flaming*
  • risenonlytofall
    Yes, it is awful. The farmers around here don't even want to deal with the big M that tries to promote their company as such a family loving, environementally friendly, gag, gag, gag.............

    The billboards around here make me sick.
    I bet. I'm still bitter because I found out one of my county's locally based "organic" food companies pumped $500,000 into suppressing GMO food labeling. It's so frustrating because I just want information that should be available BY DEFAULT.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's a conspiracy!

  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Interesting subject... I wonder why it's easier for some people to get the intolerances, and not others if we're all eating the same GMO/pesticides/hormonal laden food? No one in my family has any kind of allergy or intolerance to anything... not even the oldest (80+) members who have been eating all this food for longer periods of time.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Totally personal opinion, but I think we've trashed our immune systems until they react to everything under the sun because they're not exposed to anything to build them in early childhood.

    When I was a kid (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth) we played outside, dropped our cookies in the dirt and ate 'em, crawled around floors that were not disinfected to within an inch of their lives. I teethed on my Dad's tobacco pouch. Our immune systems got exposure and became robust. I have friends now who make us use hand-sanitizer before we can hold their baby.

    Great comment! I think the hand-sanitizer junkies are the most likely to get sick too!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Yes, it is awful. The farmers around here don't even want to deal with the big M that tries to promote their company as such a family loving, environementally friendly, gag, gag, gag.............

    The billboards around here make me sick.
    I bet. I'm still bitter because I found out one of my county's locally based "organic" food companies pumped $500,000 into suppressing GMO food labeling. It's so frustrating because I just want information that should be available BY DEFAULT.

    Oh yes. I know Whole Foods backed up Monsanto a whole lot in this mess.

    I have also heard from others that live in California that it is possible that there was ballot tampering and that the measure might have actually passed.

    I was praying for rop 37 to pass in California as a first so that it would spark and unite other states to join in also.

    Of course Missouri would want no parts of it because they are big Monsanto lovers around these here parts.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Too many processed foods, too many pesticides, too many hormones in meats. Not scientific at all. No study to back up anything I said. Just a thought. Hope someone can answer this I am curious too. Seems like every poster on the forum has an allergy to something. *shrugs*

    My husband is always saying things like this, that food doesn't taste the same as when he was younger (he's 38) because of the reasons stated above.

    I think intolerances have increased, but also people are more aware of what they eat now.

    There also seems to be a rise in things like autism and ADHD. I'm a teacher and we have a massive percentage of students on the SEN register. I'd never even heard of ADHD when I was at school myself. Are people more aware? Are conditions like that a result of diet?

    From what I see on this site, people aren't more aware of what they eat..................if they did they wouldn't sing the praises of all the junk, processed, frankenfood they fill their diary with.

    I guess I meant more aware of effects of certain foods, but I do see your point.

    I live in the UK, and I have to say that being on MFP has opened my eyes to what Americans eat, and there seems to be a lot more processed foods in the US. Even basic things like a cup of coffee. Most people here have milk, or just drink it black. Most Americans seem to add creamer. So even a simple cup of coffee ends up with crap in it!

    Americans are so scared and phobic of Fat consumption that milk or heavy cream are a big no no...........

    But present them with some Creamora (powdered chemical creamer) and they will act like they died and went to heaven.

    I don't think MOST Americans know what real food is supposed to even taste like any more.
  • jbwegner
    jbwegner Posts: 254 Member
    I think the explosion in IVF and that ilk is helping keep genetic codes surviving when they should be dying out. You have a couple who can't get pregnant via intercourse, so they spend $$$ to get his sperm and her eggs mixed in a dish and implanted in a uterus to have the kid(s) they've wanted. I'm not bashing on IVF, just pointing out that maybe people who can't get pregnant "naturally" shouldn't muck around.

    *awaits flaming*

    Aren't you just little Miss Sunshine? My husband and I have tried for 5 years to get pregnant and would be wonderful parents. I wish we could afforf IVF. Yet there are irresponsible, immature people all around us having kids that don't really want them and can't really take care of them. I guess according to you, their geneitc codes are better than ours.

    And BTW, allergies and food intolerances have nothing to to with genetics.
  • painthoss
    painthoss Posts: 63 Member
    Well. GMOs. Isn't that clever? The farmers are able to make more money on crops that are bigger and disease resistant and it could be causing all this grief?

    It's not the farmers making all this money, it's the corporations who produce the fertilizer.