Office job - stuck on my bum!



  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I get up an hour early and walk with my dogs - 3 miles in 45 - 53 mintues (3.5 - 4 mph) with part of that being about 1 mile down hill and part being 1 mile up hill (no way to avoid it since we live at the top of the darn hill). Also, if the weather is decent I will take a 30 minute walk during my hour long lunch break. The only problem there is that if it is raining or sketchy I don't want to come back to my office looking like a drowned rat or smelling like a gym rat. Even a short walk is better than no walk at all. If it's crappy weather and I'm feeling blah I'll walk the hallways up and down the stairs etc for a few minutes just to get moving.
  • bluefrog_2001
    bluefrog_2001 Posts: 138 Member
    I know how you feel - I have been stuck behind a desk for almost 3 years now, and I know the backside spread is due to my sitting all day! I work in a tiny office, but I try to stand up against the available wall space and touch one knee to the opposite elbow, while up against the wall. (Hope that makes sense). I alternate legs each time - I can usually sneak in about 10-20 reps of this while the boss is off getting coffee!

    I would love to sit on my inflatable ball at work, but the boss will not allow it. :(

    All the other suggestions are great too. Just getting up and walking around helps too, even if it is just to the copier.
  • BeSophisticate
    Get up at least once an hour and get your blood pumping. Jumping jacks, push-ups, walking up and down the stairs, etc. Go for a walk on your lunch break... on the phone? Pace! Sneak in ways to exercise even for a very short period of time. It will add up!

    This this this. I'm a desk jockey too. I set an alarm on my calendar to remind me to get up every hour, because I tend to become so absorbed I lose track of time.