Ever get embarrassed about weight loss?!

GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
Seems like a strange one and I suppose it is a bit of an NSV. But I was at a gym class today and one of the girls I used to rollerskate with (no longer rollerskating due to a bad back) was exclaiming how tiny I was since I last saw her around a year ago.

Now don't get me wrong, every gram I have lost has been tough, I have worked for it and I should be proud. I am proud! But it was just strange getting such a full on compliment like that from someone I've not seen in so long, and I did feel a bit embarrassed!

Hey ho, just thought I would share! Must be getting shy as I change shape :-)


  • NextChapter60
    NextChapter60 Posts: 78 Member
    Great job - great NSV! Better practice flashing a smile and saying "Thanks!", because there will be more to come!
  • TashiaMH
    TashiaMH Posts: 70 Member
    People at work are starting to notice and while I appreicate the compliments and truly need them! I feel as though I'm getting put on the spot and don't exactly love the attention in that moment. It's weird, I like and need people to notice for the reinforcement but at the same time it is a little awkward feeling. I think it's more so when it's said in front of more than a one person.
  • snapril68
    snapril68 Posts: 76 Member
    People at work are starting to notice and while I appreicate the compliments and truly need them! I feel as though I'm getting put on the spot and don't exactly love the attention in that moment. It's weird, I like and need people to notice for the reinforcement but at the same time it is a little awkward feeling. I think it's more so when it's said in front of more than a one person.

    I know I keep getting people asking me how much I've lost (which is 15 lbs) and obviously it must show, LOL ! I'm only 5'2. But it's funny because I've had a few people comment on how tiny I am now. I do get a little embarassed but at the same time it makes me happy because my hard work is finally showing :) Keep up the great work you guys!!!
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I get embarrassed when it is all someone talks about. One compliment is fine but I hate when people make a spectacle of it. Makes me feel extremely embarrassed that I was as large as I was.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    why would i get embarrassed???
    Last sunday I saw a girl I rarely see (friend of a friend), just on special stuff like weddings or baby showers.. First thing she told me was ´woah girl you look so skinny!!´´´.. put a huge smile on my face! :happy:
  • kayvanne
    kayvanne Posts: 35 Member
    What is an NSV?XD

    But congrats! I can't wait to get compliments in a few months time :)
  • ellenasl210
    ellenasl210 Posts: 95 Member
    Tonight I went to have dinner with a friend and her mom... It was chicken marsala (yummy, btw!) and pasta, which i skipped.. When my friend asked why I didn't have any pasta, her mom swifty says: it has too many carbs. It was just a tad embarrassing to know that everyone seems to know I'm trying to lose weight.

    And whenever I go to lunch with my dear grandma, I have to remind her that losing weight does not mean I have to starve myself xP
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Yes! You get used to it but sometime attention gets tiring. Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome to be fit and I want to stay there and I love being healthy, but honestly it's so against the grain of society that you end up getting attention where ever you go. Even people who don't know you, standing in line at the store, running errands, going to the coffee shop, especially in the summer when you where shorts and tank tops. Sometimes you don't feel like having the attention! LOL and when I tell my husband I'm going to wear baggy clothes to not get attention and he laughs and says You can wear a potato sack and look good, you can't hide your shape no matter how hard you try. I'm enjoying it, but I get embarrassed too, especially when you have lived most of your life without attention (an ink blot as my husband jokes) like I did, and I'm older so it's been a lot of years.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Because i was tiny my whole life until a couple of years ago, and then gained a bunch of weight in a short amount of time my brain didn't really process it. I still saw myself as thin. So now when i am still not at the weight i used to be at, having people say 'oh you've lost a lot of weight that's great" makes me all self conscious because i realize people around me did notice my weight gain. And thought i needed to lose some..
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    People have been noticing my weight loss. I used to brush it off but I've worked so hard that now I say "THANKS!"
    I was at a work training the other day and was referred to as 'small' a couple of times. That's never happened to me before but when I looked around the room I realized that I was in fact one of the smallest people there. It feels good :)
  • RyanJS81
    RyanJS81 Posts: 66 Member
    Great job!

    Having lost 190 #'s and going from 330 #'s to 140 #'s it is a pretty big topic that gets brought up around old friends. I must admit it feels great though having people compliment or congratulating me. I do get embarrassed at how big I let myself get but am proud of how far I have come
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I don't really get embarrassed, but I don't like it when people ask how much I've lost. I usually say a lot! I don't really like sharing that because it shows how out of control I was with my weight. I don't care if they ask how I did it, or tell me I look great etc. though. I did work hard after all.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I've had strangers comment on my weight loss. I live in a pretty small town so people I see often notice lol. I kind of get embarrassed cuz I don't know what to say. Still nice anyway.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    The other day... :) I saw an ex-coworker at Walmart. She just kept going on about how tiny I was and how great I looked. Asked me what I was doing and how I lost it? At first I was flattered and felt victorious. But she kept going on and I started feeling flustered. Some one asked her a question and I said bye as fast as I could.

    Way 2 go!!!
  • JustRenea
    JustRenea Posts: 82 Member
    This...this is why when my sister and I decided to start losing weight ..i told her not to tell my mom or anyone else...my mom (love her to death but still!) she will make comments like "i thought u were losing weight...do you need that..? orrr if I started to give up...she'll be like "great you're getting fat again" ext.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I tend to have problems taking any compliment well as I tend to feel a bit embarrassed by them, even though I find them flattering. I just try to smile and say thanks.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I don't handle it well. On the outside, I smile and say "thanks" and then answer the "What are you doing?" question. On the inside, I'm thinking:

    1. You treat me differently because of how I look. Not everyone, but this has been noticed. Some people do treat me differently now. Hard to pinpoint exactly how, it's in the nuances of body language, primarily.

    2. What did you think about me before? If I look "Great!, amazing! and Wow your stomach is so much smaller!" were you all thinking I was a disgusting cow before?

    3. Does it matter? Does it change who I am as a human being?

    4. Why are you all so surprised when I say "Diet and exercise" when you ask what I'm doing differently/how I'm losing weight.

    5. Why do you want to know a number, as in, "How much have you lost"? and why do you want to know my goal?

    I know I have issues, truly I'm aware. I'm working on it. Trying to shrink that chip on my shoulder.
  • scrappy25
    scrappy25 Posts: 77 Member
    I have found that when I respond, "Thanks, I am working really hard at my fitness." that tends to stop the conversation. People in general seem to want to know about special diets and magic, they aren't that interested in plain hard work.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    By and large, I feel good when people notice my weight loss. Most do ask if I've done anything--surgery, special diet, etc. I am happy to tell anyone what I have done, and prominently mention MFP, because it probably the only new part of this lifestyle change.
  • enigmachik
    People at work are starting to notice and while I appreicate the compliments and truly need them! I feel as though I'm getting put on the spot and don't exactly love the attention in that moment. It's weird, I like and need people to notice for the reinforcement but at the same time it is a little awkward feeling. I think it's more so when it's said in front of more than a one person.

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