Ever get embarrassed about weight loss?!



  • enigmachik
    I don't handle it well. On the outside, I smile and say "thanks" and then answer the "What are you doing?" question. On the inside, I'm thinking:

    1. You treat me differently because of how I look. Not everyone, but this has been noticed. Some people do treat me differently now. Hard to pinpoint exactly how, it's in the nuances of body language, primarily.

    2. What did you think about me before? If I look "Great!, amazing! and Wow your stomach is so much smaller!" were you all thinking I was a disgusting cow before?

    3. Does it matter? Does it change who I am as a human being?

    4. Why are you all so surprised when I say "Diet and exercise" when you ask what I'm doing differently/how I'm losing weight.

    5. Why do you want to know a number, as in, "How much have you lost"? and why do you want to know my goal?

    I know I have issues, truly I'm aware. I'm working on it. Trying to shrink that chip on my shoulder.

    and this
  • soufauxgirl
    soufauxgirl Posts: 392 Member
    Its bizarre but some of my male co-workers comment on my weight loss so far, but I have yet to hear anything from any of my female co-workers LOL
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    Enjoy the compliments! I'm looking forward to the time when someone will notice my weight loss :)
    I think it would be great to tell people how you are working hard with lifestyle changes to lose the weight - people need to know that good results come from doing it the healthy way and not the quick fixes or fads.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Love the attention! So I'll take all the compliments that the rest of you don't want.
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    I think I feel embarrassed because it's embarrassing to be fat and I feel like I should not have had to lose weight in the first place. Pointing out my weight loss is like pointing out that I was fat.
  • lilteddy78
    lilteddy78 Posts: 93 Member
    I also get embarrassed every time someone talks about the weight I have lost. I have never taken a compliment easily no matter what it related to because I knew I always had a bigger goal in mind and I didn't make it to that goal. I've lost almost 80lbs now and I get stopped by people I have known in the past and the weight loss is all they talk about. I even had a parent from my daughters softball league walk by say hi....then he had to turn around and come back and say something about my weight and first assume I had bypass surgery.

    I can only take a compliment from someone so many times. Then it becomes annoying and I try to avoid them. Or you have other people that I work with who have now told me that they hate me or I'm a b*tch because I've lost so much. I know it's all in fun but there comes a point that it needs to stop. :(
  • maryannmiclat
    maryannmiclat Posts: 133 Member
    I wouldn't say that I get embarrassed, more like uncomfortable. If someone notices my hard work and says something I smile and say "Thank you, it's been a lot of hard work." What makes me uncomfortable is when a person keeps going on about my weight loss and then calls someone else over and mentions it to them and they just go on and on.

    A few weeks ago a church member commented on my weight loss and then called her daughter over and said "See, she lost weight maybe you should take tips from her. She looks great" That made me feel VERY uncomfortable because her mom was basically calling her daughter fat right in front of me. I felt bad for her daughter. Her daughter isn't even fat! I'd take her body over mine any day! I just smiled at her and said "Don't worry, you look great!"
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I wouldn't say that I get embarrassed, more like uncomfortable. If someone notices my hard work and says something I smile and say "Thank you, it's been a lot of hard work." What makes me uncomfortable is when a person keeps going on about my weight loss and then calls someone else over and mentions it to them and they just go on and on.

    A few weeks ago a church member commented on my weight loss and then called her daughter over and said "See, she lost weight maybe you should take tips from her. She looks great" That made me feel VERY uncomfortable because her mom was basically calling her daughter fat right in front of me. I felt bad for her daughter. Her daughter isn't even fat! I'd take her body over mine any day! I just smiled at her and said "Don't worry, you look great!"

    This is the worst, when someone actually tries to use you to impose ideas on an unwilling third. Awful. Your response was good, I had a situation not unlike that and just mumbled something about protein. Know better what to say if it happens again (though it seems unlikely).
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I'm embarrassed when it comes to my daughter. She's on here too :-)
    I started on here 20 kgs heavier than her and 3 months earlier than she did.
    Now, over 2 years later, we're about the same weight, meaning I lost much faster than her.
    I'm feeling really bad and I have a bad conscience about it. I'm embarrassed for every little loss because that brings me closer to her weight and I'm scared to surpass her and weigh less (I'm taller too).
    But that actually is the only time to be embarrassed about my weight loss.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    I have found that when I respond, "Thanks, I am working really hard at my fitness." that tends to stop the conversation. People in general seem to want to know about special diets and magic, they aren't that interested in plain hard work.


    It's like they think you must've done something special. It couldn't just have been you working hard, eating right ;)
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I have found that when I respond, "Thanks, I am working really hard at my fitness." that tends to stop the conversation. People in general seem to want to know about special diets and magic, they aren't that interested in plain hard work.


    It's like they think you must've done something special. It couldn't just have been you working hard, eating right ;)

    Sometimes there's no winning, once someone brings it up, other than changing topics as quickly as possible (unless people really want information, which I'm happy to offer). 'Plain hard work' can sound kind of judgy to some too, even if you don't mean it to.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Hi there,

    I am the same... People will give me a compliment or make a statement and it's not that I am getting embarrassed, it is more that I don't know how to respond to it!

    For example on Sunday we had an extended family birthday BBQ and my aunt said to me as it was finishing up "Good bye, Ash, so great to see you again *hug* - Now, you're soooo skinny! You can stop now!" Shouts out to my partner "Nick, give this girl a hamburger!!" Says to me "Every time I see you you're skinner than the last time, and this is a problem because if you're getting skinner and I stand next to you I keep looking fatter and fatter!!!" ---- like seriously what do you respond with to that? It's a compliment in itself, but it's awkward and it was said loudly and drew awkward attention to myself! And yes that side of my family is constantly trying to lose a few kilos (they're not big at all, they actually are all looking very good) and love to make everything about themselves.

    My grandad a few months ago said "Wow Ash, where's the other half of you!? You keep disappearing!!" Or another friend said "Hey Ash, where's the rest of ya!?" or they lift me up in the air whilst in a 'hello hug' or whatever!

    Don't get me wrong, I love it and makes me feel good, it's just sometimes hard to know what to say back when on the spot like that!
  • fit_spired_vicky
    It just shows that you are modest!
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    In the beginning I did, especially because it was other people who noticed before me! But now absolutely not. I'm proud. I've lost over 25kg, and I want to encourage others to do the same.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I dont mind it. The only time so far I havent liked people noticing is when someone presumed i'd had surgery as if they didnt believe i could do this on my own!!!!! I didnt even bother replying I just walked away before I hit them
  • hattie491145
    hattie491145 Posts: 85 Member
    I can understand it, I liked the "working hard on my fitness" answer- *stores for future reference
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    It used to make me horribly embarrassed until I got back to the size I was before I gained tons.
    someone said before, and its the same with me, as soon as I say I work out 6 days a week theyre not really interested anymore.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    I get embarrassed when it is all someone talks about. One compliment is fine but I hate when people make a spectacle of it. Makes me feel extremely embarrassed that I was as large as I was.

    This has been happening to me at work recently and I hate it.
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    People at work are starting to notice and while I appreicate the compliments and truly need them! I feel as though I'm getting put on the spot and don't exactly love the attention in that moment. It's weird, I like and need people to notice for the reinforcement but at the same time it is a little awkward feeling. I think it's more so when it's said in front of more than a one person.

    Amen to all of that. I hadn't told anyone (and I mean anyone) that I was trying to lose weight, but it became really obvious (none of my old clothes fit etc) so people started to ask... When people ask me if i've lost weight I just smile, say yes, and change the subject.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I thought I was the only one! I've had a few people compliment me on my loss so far and I generally have no clue what to say back, I end up looking awkward and stammering 'thanks'. :blushing:
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