White noise for sleeping



  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    I've slept with a fan pointed at me for years! I can not sleep without it even if i'm freezing I'll point it away from me just for the noise..makes me sleep so soundly!!

    Yep me too - can't sleep without it!
  • brittyxx
    brittyxx Posts: 5 Member
    I love the songza app!! You can select bedtime and what kind of music you'd like to sleep to! I do the mellow electro! Sleep like a baby with it!!!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I have to have white noise. Nothing wrong with it!!!

    I use a big fan. Loud enough to drown everyone out and the husband when he's moving around. I can't stand the apps... I can always hear where the loop is ending and starting so I focus on that then stay up all night.
  • Brianna72994
    I always need to sleep with a fan or air conditioner on. I literally cannot fall asleep without it. I even bought a mini fan for when I go places, it's super tiny so it travels very well.
  • jessejames3ball
    Thanks everyone. I guess I'm not a freak after all. Well, not for this anyway. haha

    I think I'll go buy a new fan this weekend. Mine is too loud. I don't really want to use an app as I don't charge my phone at night, and when my phone make noise in the middle of the night it's because I'm getting called out for work, so that sucks and wouldn't work as well for me I think.