The Meaning of Life...(is NOT in the fridge!) Febuary Chall



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    The meaning of life was in the yummy Valentine's dinner that BF and I just had...broiled crab cakes, roasted red potatoes, and sauteed garlic green beans with mushrooms. The Chardonnay and cheesecake brownies, too. Basically, the meaning of life is a nice dinner at home with my honey. :heart:

    Hope you ladies are having a wonderful day!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    The Cryptkeeper is being all crazy lately, he's been snippy and micromanaging everything this week. Maybe he's PMSy too. Ugh. I want to stab his God complex in the eyeball. Anyone got some kind of antidepressants I can slip in his food or whatever?

    Nope. I don't share my much-needed prescription happy pills. Better living through chemistry.

    I do remember reading about a 60oz bottle of Johnny Walker Black somewhere, though.

    Glad Jasmine-boy popped his head in to say "hi". That has to help with the homesickness.
  • kaytbognar
    Cryptkeeper doesn't (or VERY rarely) drinks alcohol, so slipping him a mickey probably won't work. Jose, our bartender, apparently got yelled at once for "trying to get [the cryptkeeper] drunk." Can anyone truly be blamed for trying to improve their employer's disposition? Maybe I can find some sort of airborne mellow-out drug. Or find some yoga swami chant chant CD with subliminal messaging to make him chill out.

    Likewise, I suppose that JWB will work to improve MY disposition, and numb me out to the Cryptkeeper's crazy.

    Augh, Jasime-boy totally helped with the homesick. Tonight I'm giving my very best friend in the whole wide world a call, too, so that'll be good for the soul.

    How's everyone doing with this challenge, btw? We're more than halfway through the month. I sucked the big one this weekend, but otherwise I have been good with refraining from Fridge Raiding.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    As I stated on the first of the month, I reserved mid-month for having two drinks. I did that yesterday after a very long and very crowded lap-swim-two-hours. Why does everyone who is supposed to be exercising want to chit chat at the end of every lap? Which is fine, but don't chit chat in my direction, and please get the he!! out of my way.....grrrrrrrr(umbles).

    So I went to my favorite bar after for my favorite lunch with my favorite bartender. And promptly got invited to cocktails on Wednesday - again . So now my dilemna becomes - I had my two drinks yesterday. Do I abstain (after saying I'd go to their house for Margs) or do I go and throw caution to the wind again....?

    I suspect I will feel better if I go, but don't drink. Can't even have non-alcohol Margs, too much sugar. Did you know they are about 600 kcals at a bar? Used to be one of my go-to drinks. Hmm. could explain the 50 lbs overweight situation.

    What do you think, gurlz? Can't decide. The two drinks yesterday were okay, but expensive and really you only get a small buzz from two drinks. Stay tuned. I say "no" would be the correct answer. Plus, there will be horses. I would love to ride, and not fall off after imbibing.
  • kaytbognar
    The Angel-Kayt says go, but say NO! to the Margs. Avoiding equestrian-related injuries is a good motivator for restraint.

    Devil-Kayt says throw caution to the wind. But Devil-Kayt is saying that largely so she won't feel so bad about about the very good chance that she'll dip into the JWB tonight while on her phone date.

    Why must EVERYTHING delicious be so high in calories? What ever happened to the (calorie) Free Lunch? Huh? HUH? That's right universe, I'm talking to you...

    Feel you on the crowded lap-swim, Cheryl. I've been avoiding the pool lately becuase it's been swarming with people--particularly children. Shudder.

    Anyway, listen to Angel-Kayt. Devil-Kayt is a PMSy self-serving jerk. :/
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Kayt, you need to go read my "Self-Indulgence" philosophizing on the sugar thread a couple days ago, or yesterday?

    And the PMS thing? What, does it last two weeks? So don't miss that. Exercise helps, really.

    I stopped the drinking because of the sugar/alcohol connection. Not the cals. I really think sugar stores the fat in the midsection. I swear by that discovery.
  • kaytbognar
    Checked it. UGH. Why are you right? How are you so wise in the ways of self-moderation? How do you make manning up gracefully look so easy (you and everybody else over on the sugar thread, actually.)

    It's really hard to own things for me this last week or two--I don't know if it's exhaustion, or being plagued with allergies, being overheated, PMSy or just a little depressed but gosh it just feels IMPOSSIBLE sometimes. It's so hard to not get discouraged, especially when I have so many things I could blame my lack of willpower on. the small (shrinking) rational part of my brain reminds me that it's really just a lack of willpower, no more, no less.

    And yeah, two weeks of biological and hormonal OPPRESSION that turns me into the biggest, whiniest pain in the persquiter, as demonstrated lately.

    SIGH-IGH-IGH. Life at the grindstone must continue, it's not all that bad and i really should break up with complaining about everything so much (but darnit, I like complaining *POUT*)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Kayt. Laugh and the world laughs . . . . . . . . . . .with...... . . . . . . . . . .

    *ducking for cover*
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member

    where's everybody?
  • kaytbognar
    Alternating between lying comatose with my head in the fridge and burning up in bed (NOT that fun way, either. GRUMBLES! Maybe all the head-in-fridge was where I got sick?) You know what sucks? Rocking a frakking fever in the tropics. Talk about insult + injury.

    Supposed to (but have a feeling time and the Cryptkeeper will not permit) hit the doc today.