Anyone annoyed with ppl asking you to eat out?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm always happy when the people I'm around want to spend time with me. The people I work with invite me to walk with them for ice cream all the time. We walk, the buy, they eat, we walk back. Its nice to be able to walk away for a little. I'm sorry, I just don't see an issue, just because I changes my life doesn't mean that everyone has to, part of making this work for me is incorporating this into my lifestyle and just making smarter decisions b
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    You are going to have to put your foot down with this person. He is controlling and here's the problem, he is use to harassing you to the point where you give in. The 1st time you stand up and really dig your heels in will be the worst.
    At the restaurant, turn the tables on him. You prob feel like the situation is making a scene. Remember that it is HE that is making the scene. The second time he tries to get you to change your order, be firm. Say I have chosen what I will have, you are being kind of rude. The third time, "I already said what I am ordering, do not mention my order again. He will put up the biggest fight the first time you stand up and won't back down. This is to be expected.
    I don't get annoyed by the asking me to eat out, but more irritated by how my friend (or at least, a certain friend) acts when we do. I have a flatmate who is a close friend and I love him to pieces, but he's been blessed with a super fast metabolism and a skinny little frame, even though he eats like absolute crap.

    Just tonight we went out to a chain pub to eat - I pretty much planned what I would have so I could keep the calories down and still enjoy the meal out (my friends and I like to eat out - that's how we socialise) but my friend has absolutely no interest in calories, healthy eating or even in my attempt to lose weight (not maliciously... he's just, not bothered).

    So instead of my relatively low-calorie option, he went on and on until I ordered a gammon steak because it was cheap steak night. I tried to offer him my fries but he wouldn't take them and having them on my plate was too much and I ate them all. I'd planned to stop there, and I've been very good at avoiding desserts but he basically guilt tripped me into it by saying he'd really been looking forward to dessert but wouldn't eat it without me. Thankfully another friend was there and we split a dessert so I only ate about a quarter.

    I know, I KNOW it's my own fault that I give into him. But it's so frustrating to live with someone who encourages me NOT to eat healthily. He's always trying to persuade me to eat the pizza he gets delivered weekly or have desserts etc etc. I think I bore him with my calorie-counting.
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    My husband has never had to worry about what he eats and forgets all the time that I can't eat like he does. He's not trying to be rude, he's just hungry and offering to take me out instead of asking me to make him dinner.
  • SHHitsKaty
    Could be innocent; it could be that they don't understand how bad cheeseburgers and ice cream are for them/you. But it is also absolutely possible that they are (consciously or subconsciously) trying to sabotage your efforts. If you eat junk with them, then it is acceptable for them to continue with their unhealthy lifestyles. If you are eating differently, you bring light to the dissonance between what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing. That means they either have to change how they eat or change how they think. Of course, if you happen to eat junk with them, that's not something they have to acknowledge. :) I'm not saying it's DELIBERATE, but it is possible. If you tell them it bothers you that they are food-pushing, maybe they will realize they are hindering your progress and be more supportive.


    While I don't think they are out and out trying to sabotage my healthy efforts, I think that when someone around you all of a sudden is bringing to light how unhealthy certain things are, like eating out on a daily basis, drinking pop all day long, etc. they all of a sudden don't like that. And I don't mean, I'm walking around telling people that everything they put in their mouth is bad for them, I think it's just noticed that I'm losing weight, I'm eating right, I'm working out...andddd they aren't. So, in a sense, it's like they wanna bring you back down.

    To be honest, not sure if it's where I live or what, but it's quite apparent that when someone is doing well for themselves, happy, enjoying a healthy lifestyle, people don't like that and try to bring you down. It makes them look at their own life and think about the bad.

    So, if everyone else around them is drinking a 12 pack of beer a night or eating McDonalds every week for dinner, they can't feel too bad for themselves.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Just cause you are eating different doesn't mean you have to be a social outcast. If you have weak will power then saying thank you and not going might be your best option. I personally tag along to bars or icecream parlors all the time, I just get nothing if it doesn't fit my calories for the day.
  • SHHitsKaty
    People should really read the rest of responses before responding.

    I eat out, I have a cheat day every week, some days more than one. I have no problem with that. I also have no problem with choosing healthy options if I am forced to eat out or decide to eat out.

    I do have a problem with saying no every single day for 3 months and still being asked the same question, every single day. It's not even that I don't want to grab food out, it's that I spent $200 on groceries to bring my lunch in to save me from spending $10 a day on a fast food lunch so I'm not going to fore-go the food in the fridge I brought in and go spend MORE money when I already have something to eat.

    You wouldn't keep asking a recovering crack addict if they want to go smoke some crack every day for months after they told you no, every day.

    Also, when someone asks me to grab something out at lunch. It's not socializing, it's walking downstairs, grabbing something from the food court, walking back upstairs to our desks, going to our respective desks and eating alone.

    While it's nice, I'm just annoyed with having to say no to the same question for what seems like ages now.
  • SHHitsKaty
    Also, thumbs up to all the guys with the 'eating out' responses. LOL
  • Peaches516
    Peaches516 Posts: 104 Member
    People should really read the rest of responses before responding.

    I eat out, I have a cheat day every week, some days more than one. I have no problem with that. I also have no problem with choosing healthy options if I am forced to eat out or decide to eat out.

    I do have a problem with saying no every single day for 3 months and still being asked the same question, every single day. It's not even that I don't want to grab food out, it's that I spent $200 on groceries to bring my lunch in to save me from spending $10 a day on a fast food lunch so I'm not going to fore-go the food in the fridge I brought in and go spend MORE money when I already have something to eat.

    You wouldn't keep asking a recovering crack addict if they want to go smoke some crack every day for months after they told you no, every day.

    Also, when someone asks me to grab something out at lunch. It's not socializing, it's walking downstairs, grabbing something from the food court, walking back upstairs to our desks, going to our respective desks and eating alone.

    While it's nice, I'm just annoyed with having to say no to the same question for what seems like ages now.

    Why don't you go with them, just to take a walk? I pack my lunch everyday, but I'll still accompany my co-workers when they go out to buy their lunches. Then we walk back to the office and eat there. You need to get up and stretch every so often!