Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • GREAT!!!!! I just finished the shred, and so far I'm liking the idea of something new every week instead of 10 days of the same thing.

    Same here. I've realized that I just get way to bored with 30DS

    Same here. I have been doing 30DS with Biggest Loser Boot camp (with bob harper) Because I get bored. I was thinking about doing Ripped in 30 mixed with Biggest Loser Boot camp. I like it a lot, its a little easier so its perfect to mix in with Jillians workouts. When I say its easier, I mean you arent in plank position all the time haha which is what I feel like with a lot of Jillians videos.
  • thanich2006
    thanich2006 Posts: 14 Member
    Just started ripped in 30 this week and am already loving it. It is a fun challenge. I already have sore but am going to stick with it. I can't wait to see the results. FR sent
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    I've been 30ds this November. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer than 20 minutes. I love level 2 for the strength training and now level 3 for the cardio! Overall 30DS has given me awesome burns and I can feel and even see some difference. I'll be starting RI30 for December and am really looking forward to seeing more results! :-)
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    I'm thinking of adding this into my weekly routine. Just finished 30 Day Shred, and I'm thinking of trying to do my next month of exercise by alternating routines to keep it interesting & hopefully get a fuller workout. *runs off to see if there is a ripped in 30 group*
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    Did day 1 tonight. Liking it so far.
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    So glad I saw this topic! I have been bored with 30DS - my third attempt at trying to "Get through it". I finally got to level 3 and man it kicked my butt - literally could not walk properly for 2 days!! What a difference level 3 is to level 2. Anyway I am going to get through level 3 and start Ripped in 30 - thank you for the information! I would love more supportive friends so if you want to add me, please do so! :) Good luck ladies!!!!
  • pureeevil
    pureeevil Posts: 6 Member
    howdy y'all I just tipped the scales and it freaked me out. I did the first week of RI30 a while ago but quit because I got lazy. just about to go do day one week one. Here goes nothing! feel free to add me I could use a few friends!
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    May be slightly off topic - is 30DS meant be to 30 consecutive days or have rest days in there?
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    What is the days per level for ripped in 30?
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    would it be possible to combine them both? I have just started 30DS and want to make sure I stay keen and interested. could you do a week of one, then a week of another, or mix it up say have 1 day 30DS then 1 day RI30 ??

    I actually wanted to do this as well.
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    I am on day 3 of Ripped in 30 and I love it. I do some of the modified stuff because of my left knee and the fact that I can not do a normal push up for the life of me even when thinner I could not do it. I am actually going to do day 3 again tonight because I just do not feel like I worked out enough.
  • stilleto816
    thanks to you last night i completed day 2 week 1! i wish i could tell how many calories I burn doing this. i even invested in a pedometer/calorie counter watch thingi but couldn't figure out how to use it so i threw it back in the bag with my reciept ARGH! THIS MORNING I WOKE UP SORE!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Ripped in 30 has 4 different programmes which JM referes to as "weeks" (so week 1, week 2, etc)

    I did it over 4 actual weeks, with one rest day each week, so that was only 24 days, I guess!
  • renniksla13
    renniksla13 Posts: 3 Member
    Day 2 on ripped and am feeling the burn. Definitely sore, but it feels good! I was actually motivated to do the DVD this morning before work. I may just do it again Tonight along with running intervals. I have a cruise in February that I need to "RIPPED" for. What size weights is everyone using?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    2 kg weights for most of it - but I keep 2 filled water bottles for the exercises where those are too heavy.
  • pureeevil
    pureeevil Posts: 6 Member
    Day 2 on ripped and am feeling the burn. Definitely sore, but it feels good! I was actually motivated to do the DVD this morning before work. I may just do it again Tonight along with running intervals. I have a cruise in February that I need to "RIPPED" for. What size weights is everyone using?

    I got a cruise too! in three weeks and while not hoping for a miracle (I'm realistic I know I won't see changes in such a small amount of time) I'm just expect to not have to squeeze myself in a dress. going to continue the shred and ripped while on the cruise though I can't use any vacation as an excuse to not exercise or I'll just straight up quit. I use 5lbs which I curse hopefully will move onto heavier weights as I progress.

    Have fun on your cruise!
  • pureeevil
    pureeevil Posts: 6 Member
    May be slightly off topic - is 30DS meant be to 30 consecutive days or have rest days in there?

    Jillian meant the program to look like this: 2days 30Ds/RI30 (take your pic) 1 day cardio (running swimming walking elliptical whatever) 2days 30DS/RI30 1day cardio 1 day rest (really rest)
    10 days on each level

    the whole "30" day thing is a marketing execs idea to make the DVD sound catchy (and it obviously worked) it is a great
    workout if you like circuit training. I am currently doing RI30 in the morning and 30DS after work and then some yoga to stretch out my sore muscles and relax.
    Lots of people do it for consecutive days or mix and match the levels ultimately it is YOUR workout. dependant on how much time you have and how your body reacts to the workouts (personally the more sore my muscles are the better I feel but will not go overkill I'd rather have a slow progress than an injury putting me out of the game)
    Everyone is different and loses differently at different rates.
    In one of the DVDs she says "you can eat your way through any workout" and that really drove the point home for me.
    Sorry for going on for so long or sounding preachy I just finished a workout and feel awesome
    really the hardest part of a workout is actually getting off my @$$ and actually doing it!

    let's kick Jillian's butts ladies!
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
    Just did day 1 of RI30 last night, so count me in! I finished 30DS back in Oct, then did stage 1 of NROLFW, now I am looking forward to some more Jillian. Good work everyone!
  • jomomma3
    I just started ripped in 30. I found these posts actually because I googled "ripped in 30 results"...I wanted PROOF!! lol! I mean, I will totally let her kickk my butt, IF I will see real results...ha! Anyways, I saw some VERY encouraging pictures, so I will continue with it.
    Seems as if the gals that got the most out of the ripped in 30 were the ones who restricted their calories down to what Jillian reccomends (1400) and added in extra cardio. The one I saw with the most exciting results did an extra 30 minutes a day of hard cardio. Wow, she really did have some amazing before and after pictures! I can only hope that I can replicate that plan, and her results!

    I have carried 40 extra lbs for over 10 yrs now. I have dieted multiple times and have always given up. I am praying that I will see it thru this time. Tired of the extra weight, and the health worries that go along with it (not to mention the self esteem!)

    Looking forward to getting to know you all, may we all be ripped in 30! :smile: