pissed off abit



  • IzzyBmydog
    IzzyBmydog Posts: 58 Member
    i am proud to say i live in a small town, meaning small is that we have 1 food shop
    and 1 clothing shop, you know everyone business and they know your
    being struggling to lose weight for this last year, mostly my fault not losing but
    but found out that we are getting a kfc in our town, people realy why is it
    how am i going to do that with tempation around the corner!!
    Could be worse- Taco Bell?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    First you say that it's your fault for not losing weight this year, so first you need to rethink and look at WHY you have not. Then make a plan to start losing weight. So KFC is coming to town. It doesn't mean you have to go. We are all tempted daily with food choices. Some days I win and some days I don't. I try to win more than lose. It is a challenge to stay on track for some people . Some people never go off plan and that is great.

    You first have to want to lose the weight and have a plan of action. If you try KFC for a treat make the best choice while you are there and plan extra exercise to help with what you ate.

    Make a plan that works for you and then work that plan to lose your weight. Good luck.

    All of this ^^
    It is up to all of us to choose what we will or will not eat, and deal with the consequences. Anyone that can't develop some kind of willpower isn't going to be as successful as those who do. It's all in your power.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    ..... Temptation? Sorry. No.

    I like to remember that KFC is grease-ridden disgustingness. There's not a single SALAD on their menu that doesn't have a MAYONNAISE base either. Come on.... am I the only one pulling a WTF on that one? Their menu is DESIGNED to create fat people. Mashed potatoes... corn... HELLO?! What happened to "Garden Salad"?

    I understand that in the USA you guys have grilled chicken in some locations. Well, us Canadians don't have that option. It's grease, or no grease.

    So I wouldn't touch KFC if it was the ONLY food for miles, & I was STARVING.

    A quote i heard the other day, going to a fast food restaurant for a salad is like going to a prostitute for a chat!! its a fast food restaurant, if you want a salad, make one or go to somewhere that sells one. if you want fast food go to a fast food restaurant but know the consequences.
    Go ahead and take a day and look up the nutritional values of your favorite things at kfc. Keep that in mind before you go. Also I don't really agree with the comment about organic isn't any different on how its raised. Most of the time, at least for the meat where I come from, organic meats are usually labeled as pasture rasied or free range. I know those have iffy titles but I know my chicken, when I do eat it, isn't standing crammed shoulder to shoulder being fed diets to make the grow so fast that their muscles can't even support their own weight and are forced to stand in it's own excrement. And the amount of ammonia that is produced in the small space burns the feathers off. OP, maybe read my last couple of sentences and that'll turn you off from eating chicken from kfc, or most places for that matter.

    that was my point though, organic doesn't mean free range etc, you need to make sure it has those labels as well, otherwise it probably won't be. I also look for these labels when buying my meat, but a lot of the organic stuff is a scam, at least the other types of labels are specific as to what they are. Having unfortunately worked in a battery chciken farm for a very short while i know what they are like.... horrible places.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Even though I know it's disgusting, KFC is one of my favourites. The only thing that makes it less tempting is it's so expensive, I don't have 50 dollars for a bucket of chicken. haha
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    I've been eating healthy for quite a while now and if I ate fast food it would make me feel sick to my stomach. I would have no problem staying away from KFC.