Offline to Online Friendships



  • Countryboy_
    I don't speak to strangers!

    I can't STOP speaking to strangers!!! It's like a sickness. I just love everyone! Until they get all weird and freaky on me. :P

    Hi! Text me at 010-867-5309 so I can add you to my collection. I mean, my contacts.!!!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Define nasty/insane.

    Everyone has a difference sense of what they are... to many they could be just being friendly and playful!

    :tongue: :laugh: :wink:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Define nasty/insane.

    Everyone has a difference sense of what they are... to many they could be just being friendly and playful!

    :tongue: :laugh: :wink:

    :) For me nasty and vile is using your facebook to talk badly about people you PRETEND to be friends with. It's using your facebook to mock other cultures, other religions and other countries. It's using your facebook to mock your customers (when you work in retail - I don't mean funny stories about crazy things customers do but outright mocking them for things that... really, aren't justifably mockable. OH! Someone smiles at you and said hello and you're going to make a facebook status talking about what an idiot they are for daring to be friendly to you? REALLY?).
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Have you ever been friends with someone and after a few months decided to add them to your facebook or give them your cell number or whatever and through this medium discovered they were completely, bat-crap insane? And then you realized you can't remove them from said social medium because they would go crazy and kill you?

    I have two very awkward scenarios going on in my life right now and I was hoping I'm not the only one who has experienced this!

    Scenario 1: I befriended this lady who I keep meeting around town. She comes to my workplace. I go to hers. We were constantly chatting it up and just generally we hit it off. So I figured; we should go for coffee! It's been years of conversations in the street so why not make it an official friendship?

    Well, I gave her my cell number and the woman is FREAKING INSANE!

    She'll text me like twenty times. And at the end of it all she says: Are you mad at me? Are you upset? Is that why you're not responding? Is something wrong? Guess you're mad. Whatever. I don't need you.

    Etc. etc. etc.

    I get off work and there's this row of insane messages. So far my approach has been to respond to her ORIGINAL text, before the crazy started, and ignore all the rest. But it's getting to be a bit freaky! In person she is still the same, wonderful, fun person but through text she's CRAZY!

    I'm thinking of pretending my phone is broken and resorting to our old friendship but I'm worried she'll realize it's a lie and she'll hunt me down and kill me.

    Scenario 2: I keep meeting this lady around town. She always kind of brushed me off but I didn't think much of it. I did, however, end up working with her fiance. Through work he and I became friends! He added me to facebook and out of respect for their relationship I added HER to my facebook as well. I figured, we do kind of know each other and I didn't want her to be uncomfortable with the friendship I have with her fiance.


    She's a freaking horrible person! I mean it! The stuff she posts on facebook is vile and nasty and just... *shudder*. So weird. She didn't seem so nasty in person. And she's making it VERY clear that she doesn't like me. Why the HECK she added me? I dunno, but she's making as many passive aggressive little digs as she can, whenever she can.

    So now I have these two people who COULD have been friends face to face if I hadn't introduced social media to the picture and now I'm not sure how to 'quit them'. *sigh*

    Tell me your awkward offline to online relationship stories! Make me feel better? :P

    Scenario 1 - Respond to your texts and she wouldn't have to text you 20 times
    Scenario 2 - Just delete her
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I have found the best way to deal with crazy people is to make them think you are crazier.

    This is priceless advice and works quite well.... LOL
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Scenario 1 - Respond to your texts and she wouldn't have to text you 20 times
    Scenario 2 - Just delete her

    But... but I'm not allowed to text at work. If I'm caught with my cellphone I'll be fired. ;(

    So you've never had a crazy offline to online friendship story?
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
    I don't give anyone email, phone number, facebook, nothing!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    You and I share a similar disease: FlyPaperForCrazy-itis
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I think it will be ok given some time...btw, you can text me or add me on FB since I am perfectly normal.... :devil:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You and I share a similar disease: FlyPaperForCrazy-itis

    LOL! Is there a cure? Some medicine I can take?
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I attract crazy people like lint, I must have 'come talk to me nutjobs' written on my face in ink only they can read.... It's bizarre! *Next time you meet her bring a scribbled colouring book and crayons and show her your 'art'...That's what I used to do when I lived in the city and people tried to talk to me on public transport! It works too!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Are you certain that you aren't the crazy one?

    Just checking...
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Are you certain that you aren't the crazy one?

    Just checking...

    I don't know. You tell me.

  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Been there, done that.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I use an online dating site and at times I'm going back and forth inboxing a guy and he'll then say "here is my number, it's easier to just text message"...which is true, so I usually text for a bit. The next thing you know they start calling.....I'm like no, we are texting friends, not phone call friends! :laugh: I'm not trying to be rude really, but I'm busy with my life, 2 kids, the gym etc when I'm not at work....I don't want to talk to you silly man! :laugh: Then I have to ignore them for a bit and hope they stop. Or then they just turn in to a texting maniac. :noway:
  • IamBlackMamba
    Yep happened to me so I shut down facebook and changed my number.

    Just do something, no one needs that crap.

    Oh and take down Countryboy's number, he has the best van...
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    You need to stop having conversations with ladies you bump into around town. S**T maybe its your town. It is just inhabited with Bat S**t crazy people
  • nikilovesaxl
    The texting lady, she could just be lonely and maybe bipolar. Its dumb, I know but I'm kinda the same way. I mean, I won't send twenty texts but I always feel like people don't want to talk to me or are mad at me when I've done nothing. Just have a chat with her and calm her nerves.

    The facebook lady, just hide her posts. Its a simple fix.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Scenario 1 - Respond to your texts and she wouldn't have to text you 20 times
    Scenario 2 - Just delete her

    But... but I'm not allowed to text at work. If I'm caught with my cellphone I'll be fired. ;(

    So you've never had a crazy offline to online friendship story?

    Have you told her that? Some people have low self confidence and if you don't respond right away assume they did something or there is a reason you are not responding to them.

    No I have not. I do not think weirdos are drawn to me.
  • RychelleD
    RychelleD Posts: 103 Member
    had a situation where there is this girl in a mutual group of friends. I know she doesnt like me, weird jealousy or something. I tried to keep things decent between us, to keep things civil in the group. Shes added me to fb , followed me on twitter. She will make comments directed towards me or talks about me to other ppl. I eventually deleted her off FB but she went crazy and msgd me and got her bf to msg my hubby about it. I eventually re-accepted her friend request cause she wouldnt quit and I cant get out of seeing her socially., but I just hid her from my newsfeed. Some ppl are so weird. They become obsessive over things I suppose.