Crossfit Thoughts



  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    To the OP - what exactly is your goal since I don't believe anyone has asked.
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat. Sad but that's what you get for doing trendy things.

    Lost no fat but has huge legs? = friend needs a calorie deficit.

    The idea of doing crazy-hard workouts sounds fun to me, but I am not even about to pay $$$ to do group workouts that make my legs all huge.

  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat. Sad but that's what you get for doing trendy things.

    I'll agree with the "it depends on the gym" reply, however. Apparently some people love it because of the community. *shrug*

    The idea of doing crazy-hard workouts sounds fun to me, but I am not even about to pay $$$ to do group workouts that make my legs all huge.
    Yer doin' rite if yer legz get huge and u kry.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat. Sad but that's what you get for doing trendy things.

    I'll agree with the "it depends on the gym" reply, however. Apparently some people love it because of the community. *shrug*

    The idea of doing crazy-hard workouts sounds fun to me, but I am not even about to pay $$$ to do group workouts that make my legs all huge.

  • EMc4452
    EMc4452 Posts: 187 Member
    Like any new fitness program I would always suggest to just give it a try and see if it works for you. Some people love CrossFit some don't. Like all the other comments have said start slow and focus on form in every workout! Good luck.
  • phillips0911
    I'd say take an intro class or have someone teach you form prior to starting.
    My husband does CF. He started with a trainer and it really helped him learn proper movements. He loves it. He was the type that had a set gym routine, and found it not working anymore... CF was perfect for a serious change and lots of hard work has been paying off. Best of Luck. :)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Why don't you join Crossfit group on MFP? You'll get better responses over there.

    This. Join the CrossFit group and hear what they have to say. My son does it and absolutely loves it. It is the only form of exercise you has ever really committed to and stuck with. It is the camaraderie in the gyms. He likes that.
  • phillips0911
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat.

    sorry but this is hilarious to me..:laugh: maybe she's eating more food . i'm actually one of those girls who easily gain muscle and i can tell you that muscle doesn't make your legs huge, fat makes your legs huge... and considering that most of the weights are only like 30-50% of someone's 1 rep max it's hard to build based on that

    maybe your friend goes nomnomnomnom too much after crossfit?

    I agree with nomnomnom.
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    My best friend does CrossFit (also follows the recommended Paleo Diet) and I can see a huge difference in her. She looks great. I love the idea of CrossFit, but hate the idea of parting with so much $$$ per month. She did recommend that if I ever decided to do CrossFit that I take their intro course where they teach your form. Her opinion of CrossFit is that it is designed based on your own abilities. You shouldn't feel ashamed that you can't do a pull up without assistance or that you can barely lift the bar when doing squats. You will eventually get there, and at the end of the work out you feel great.

    Good Luck with your decision.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat. Sad but that's what you get for doing trendy things.

    I'll agree with the "it depends on the gym" reply, however. Apparently some people love it because of the community. *shrug*

    The idea of doing crazy-hard workouts sounds fun to me, but I am not even about to pay $$$ to do group workouts that make my legs all huge.

  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat.

    sorry but this is hilarious to me..:laugh: maybe she's eating more food . i'm actually one of those girls who easily gain muscle and i can tell you that muscle doesn't make your legs huge, fat makes your legs huge... and considering that most of the weights are only like 30-50% of someone's 1 rep max it's hard to build based on that

    maybe your friend goes nomnomnomnom too much after crossfit?

    This! Haha
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    It does help to have a good box with good trainers.

    I know my box doesn't have an on-ramp class, but they do make sure to make sure we all know what the moves are before we start a WOD and they pay close attention to what we're doing. They know us and what our abilities are. They correct us when we're doing things wrong.

    Not all boxes are like this.

    I know of only one person at my box who has an injury from CrossFit, and it's because he has an old back injury and knows he should have surgery, and he refuses to listen to the trainers when they tell him to lighten up weights or modify to do something else. Otherwise, I know of no injuries from our box (other than the occasional palm tears). Many boxes cannot say the same.

    It's been a really positive experience for me. I had never, ever, ever worked out in my life before getting pulled into trying CrossFit. I still have to modify a lot of things, and I'm still slow. That said, I have a lot more confidence. I have a lot more strength. I have some great friends.

    Is CrossFit for everyone? No. Can it work for anyone? Yes.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat.

    sorry but this is hilarious to me..:laugh: maybe she's eating more food . i'm actually one of those girls who easily gain muscle and i can tell you that muscle doesn't make your legs huge, fat makes your legs huge... and considering that most of the weights are only like 30-50% of someone's 1 rep max it's hard to build based on that

    maybe your friend goes nomnomnomnom too much after crossfit?

    I agree with nomnomnom.

    I also agree with the said nomming.
    I'm sure if she were eating all proper her legs would still be huge but the fat would go away.
    I'm sure if *I* are proper my fat would go away! hahaha!!

    It's hilarious to me too because I'm horribly mean <_< Both her and I carry lots of weight on our legs. I know that those muscle help burn fat so it's important to ... what? tone them? build them? I haven't figured it out yet, but I know that I don't want my muscles to be any bigger. *PETSTOREKITTY SMASH!!!*
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat.

    sorry but this is hilarious to me..:laugh: maybe she's eating more food . i'm actually one of those girls who easily gain muscle and i can tell you that muscle doesn't make your legs huge, fat makes your legs huge... and considering that most of the weights are only like 30-50% of someone's 1 rep max it's hard to build based on that

    maybe your friend goes nomnomnomnom too much after crossfit?

    I don't think the food was an issue. CF should beef up your legs. It did to my legs. My legs are so musclar just like a horse's legs. I am very happy with the result.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat. Sad but that's what you get for doing trendy things.

    I'll agree with the "it depends on the gym" reply, however. Apparently some people love it because of the community. *shrug*

    The idea of doing crazy-hard workouts sounds fun to me, but I am not even about to pay $$$ to do group workouts that make my legs all huge.


    oh damn, my server blocked this image *cry* Must go find other things to giggle at..
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    My legs are so musclar just like a horse's legs. I am very happy with the result.

    You might wanna get that looked at
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat. Sad but that's what you get for doing trendy things.

    I'll agree with the "it depends on the gym" reply, however. Apparently some people love it because of the community. *shrug*

    The idea of doing crazy-hard workouts sounds fun to me, but I am not even about to pay $$$ to do group workouts that make my legs all huge.

    This happened to me too. Now my butt is round and delicious and my thighs are practically solid rock. My "skinny" jeans don't fit anymore, OH MY GOD! It's all Crossfit's fault!

    Oh, wait. No it's not. It's because I'm awesome.

    "Trendy" things? Yeah, because lifting weights has only been around for like, 5 minutes. Give me an freaking break.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I don't think the food was an issue. CF should beef up your legs. It did to my legs. My legs are so musclar just like a horse's legs. I am very happy with the result.

    Wrong - food IS the issue. If you're not losing fat (as was mentioned) then yes, you need to create a calorie deficit either by exercise or calorie reduction. If she's doing Crossfit religiously and not losing fat then she's simply eating too much.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    I don't think the food was an issue. CF should beef up your legs. It did to my legs. My legs are so musclar just like a horse's legs. I am very happy with the result.

    Wrong - food IS the issue. If you're not losing fat (as was mentioned) then yes, you need to create a calorie deficit either by exercise or calorie reduction. If she's doing Crossfit religiously and not losing fat then she's simply eating too much.

    I'm hoping there's a sarcasm button that someone forgot to push.

    The one lady did not get huge legs from CF. Women don't get huge muscles from anything other than being genetic freaks, massive calories in their diets, and/or anabolic steroids coupled with years of targeted training.

    All this discussion, probably on a false premise.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    I don't think the food was an issue. CF should beef up your legs. It did to my legs. My legs are so musclar just like a horse's legs. I am very happy with the result.

    Wrong - food IS the issue. If you're not losing fat (as was mentioned) then yes, you need to create a calorie deficit either by exercise or calorie reduction. If she's doing Crossfit religiously and not losing fat then she's simply eating too much.


    If you eat too much foods then you'll gain weight and your legs would be bigger because of fat build up. If you worked out really good then your legs will be bigger because of muscle build up.

    So, if she is eatting too much and working out really good then she will grow fats and muscles at same time.

    We don't have enough information from her to reach the conclusion. I only could assume that she ate the right amount of food to maintain the weight and she worked out really good. Therefore, she must have increased the muscles in her legs which she have complained. I am not surprised with that say because the media telling us that a skinny woman is ideal. (that is very gross).

    I am man and I really don't understand why many women really want to be like the women in TV, magazines, etc.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member

    If you eat too much foods then you'll gain weight and your legs would be bigger because of fat build up. If you worked out really good then your legs will be bigger because of muscle build up.

    So, if she is eatting too much and working out really good then she will grow fats and muscles at same time.

    Don't quite get the "sign" as you pretty much reiterated what I wrote? It's not rocket science. Lose fat=calorie deficit. Gain Fat=calorie surplus. Reread the original post - her friend "hasn't lost much fat" - my "guess" would if she's working out that hard and not losing fat then she has a calorie surplus. Just as you said "if she is eatting too much and working out really good then SHE WILL GROW FATS and muscles at same time". Yes, it's called bulking and I doubt that's the girl's intent. [/quote]
    We don't have enough information from her to reach the conclusion. I only could assume that she ate the right amount of food to maintain the weight and she worked out really good. Therefore, she must have increased the muscles in her legs which she have complained. I am not surprised with that say because the media telling us that a skinny woman is ideal. (that is very gross).

    True. As a women who trains legs heavy x2 a week I can tell you it's VERY hard to gain muscle. That said the "huge legs" comment combined with the "hasn't lost much fat" comment tells me she's in a calorie surplus. But then again, neither of us know the specifics.