What are some "tricks" you use to lose weight?



  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    The bottom line is burn more calories than you eat each and every day and the weight will come off. Also remember most of us took a few years to get the pounds on so don't expect them to fall off overnight.
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    Eat @ Tdee - 10-20%
    Hit my macros - 40% carb, 30% pro 30% fat
    Lift Heavy 3x a week
    Don't deprive myself
    Drink lots of water
    Stay the course and don't go for a quick fix
    Put more emphasis on clothing fit/size + measurements than the scale.

    Feeling good.
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    Mine are weird, I think.

    1. I make sure I eat enough food. Usually, on diets I was on previously, I cut my calories back too much. If I was sitting around with my stomach so hungry it hurt I thought I was burning fat. If I were to add it all up, I would have been eating around 800 calories. I would lose a little at first, then eventually stall. When I got fed up from starving myself, I would start over eating again and gain it all back x3. So, I try to eat enough food. I'm not quite there yet, MFP has me set below my BMR, but I'm trying to start netting more calories every day to see if it affects my weight loss.

    2. Eat when I'm hungry. This recalls, #1. But also, I don't force myself to eat in the morning if I'm not hungry. I usually start getting hungry around noon to 2 p.m. So, that's when I usually start eating. But, around my time of the month, I get hungry a little earlier, around 10:30 a.m. I don't make myself wait until my normally scheduled eating window. I just eat when I'm hungry.

    3. Exercise every day. Sometimes the exercise is a short walk, sometimes I do the 30 day shred, but I exercise every day. Exercise makes me feel better about myself, feeling better about myself makes me make better choices, which makes me feel even better about myself, which makes me want to get out and do more exercise. It's a cycle. So, I exercise. Which leads me to...

    4. I take the time to congratulate myself on every victory, no matter how small. If I lose 2 inches off my hips, I pat myself on the back. If I can do more push ups today than I could yesterday (I can!), I am proud of myself. I used to look at every other person and feel bad about myself because of how far I still had to go, and the disappointment would make me want to quit, which I always eventually did. So hey, 5 full push ups, tomorrow I'll do 6. Yay me!

    5. Eat new and different foods. (Especially different fruits and vegetables.) Yesterday, I discovered that I like spaghetti squash better than I like Barilla Plus spaghetti noodles, who knew? Not me, but I do now.

    I'm still finding my path and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more on the way, but this is what I've learned so far. Not so much 'tricks', but it's working for me.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    hookers and blow....

    HAHA My fiancee says this when people are asking him how he stays so skinny.
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    -Nothing processed: no sauces, no ketchhup, no mayonnaise, no bbq sauce. The only sauce I buy is soy sauce and I use it in minimal quantities, since it's either loaded with salt or sugar ( at least Kikkoman brand)
    -I never skip eating proteins on my strenght training days, but I go meatless once a week.
    - I only eat chicken and fish, with the occasional cured ham (can't escape from that,I live in Spain lol). I could eat red mest once a week but I was advised not to,since my bad cholesterol levels are too high.
    - I make my carbs whole grain and low IG ALWAYS, with the exception of cheat days.
    - cheat days: once or twice per week. Usually on weekends. If I don't have my cheat days I feel deprived from the foods I love and I feel I'm on a diet. And I want to avoid that.
    - I stick to an exercise program I feel I can follow even in those days when I'm exhausted. I never skip the gym unless I'm sick or feeling unwell. It's become a habit and my "me" time.
    - i try not to get obsessed, though it's been tougher not to have my goal constantly on my mind lately. I'm too close to reaching it!
    - the fat in my food only comes from light cheese, olive oil, peanut butter (ocassionally), and almonds. No butter or whipped cream. I try to have my milk and dairy skim
    - i can't buy clothes every month so I try on new clothes every month just for fun,and I get a better idea of my progress.
    - to track progress I have mfp and a notebook with a chart that i fill in each week (weight and fat and muscle proportion), and once a month i take measurements.
    - i eat sensibly. If I feel hungry, I go over my calories for the day. I don't starve myself. There will be plenty of chances to burn it all off.
    - i try to enjoy my meals. No tv, i try my best at cooking with lots of spices to make my food delicious. I ended up loving my healthy recipes and i crave other foods less this way.
    - i eat from ALL food groups. i don't follow any commercial diet.
    - i make a meal plan for the week, it gets easier and has a better effect on your budget
    - i enjoy my workouts and food. If i get bored,i change to a different thing.
    - i get out of my comfort zone, if there's an activity i never thought i would ever do i give it a try. Who would have ever thought i would like contact sports and dancing? Not to mention running!
    - i started closely monitored by my family doctor and a nutritional and endocrine medicine specialist. This is key when you are overweight-obese ( i started with a BMI over 40). Once I got healthier and my lab tests improved I was left to go on on my own, when it was proven I had learnt how to eat healthy and i was used to my new habits.

    - be happy. Most people overeat to fill in holes. Try to get endorphins from things other than food and you'll have less cravings. I have never been an emotional eater but getting endorphins at the gym got me in an overall good mood and it was easier for me to follow the diet and the fitness program.
  • mercymarque
    I pre-plan and log my meals
    drink water first thing in the water after morning void
    weigh myself every morning to see how different foods effect me after voiding and before the water
    I eat every 2-3 hours
    I have 3 small meals (not enough to feel full but satisfied)
    3 snacks
    I a protein drink, veggie drink smootie or soup under 480 on sodium
    I try to drink my body weight in water (try, I get a least no less than 10 cups a day) (keeps you in the bathroom getting rid of any toxins in your body)
    Though I eat throughout the day I limit the snack to 100-150 in calories (no chips, cookies, or cakes)
    No alcohol or soda (mainly water, protein drink, veggie juicie or smootie)
    I exercise late after all my meals are eaten (mainly because of working schedules) I don't eat back calories
    I eat close to without going over my allowed calories
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 224 Member
    this...there are no "tricks"
    my tricks are eat healthy and exercise more
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    Mine are weird, I think.

    1. I make sure I eat enough food. Usually, on diets I was on previously, I cut my calories back too much. If I was sitting around with my stomach so hungry it hurt I thought I was burning fat. If I were to add it all up, I would have been eating around 800 calories. I would lose a little at first, then eventually stall. When I got fed up from starving myself, I would start over eating again and gain it all back x3. So, I try to eat enough food. I'm not quite there yet, MFP has me set below my BMR, but I'm trying to start netting more calories every day to see if it affects my weight loss.

    2. Eat when I'm hungry. This recalls, #1. But also, I don't force myself to eat in the morning if I'm not hungry. I usually start getting hungry around noon to 2 p.m. So, that's when I usually start eating. But, around my time of the month, I get hungry a little earlier, around 10:30 a.m. I don't make myself wait until my normally scheduled eating window. I just eat when I'm hungry.

    3. Exercise every day. Sometimes the exercise is a short walk, sometimes I do the 30 day shred, but I exercise every day. Exercise makes me feel better about myself, feeling better about myself makes me make better choices, which makes me feel even better about myself, which makes me want to get out and do more exercise. It's a cycle. So, I exercise. Which leads me to...

    4. I take the time to congratulate myself on every victory, no matter how small. If I lose 2 inches off my hips, I pat myself on the back. If I can do more push ups today than I could yesterday (I can!), I am proud of myself. I used to look at every other person and feel bad about myself because of how far I still had to go, and the disappointment would make me want to quit, which I always eventually did. So hey, 5 full push ups, tomorrow I'll do 6. Yay me!

    5. Eat new and different foods. (Especially different fruits and vegetables.) Yesterday, I discovered that I like spaghetti squash better than I like Barilla Plus spaghetti noodles, who knew? Not me, but I do now.

    I'm still finding my path and I'm sure I'll learn a lot more on the way, but this is what I've learned so far. Not so much 'tricks', but it's working for me.

    I love this ^^ :flowerforyou:
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member

    I eat 8 meals per day. Every two hours. The reason is because if you wait too long between meals your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but I think it can be really harmful to people when others post things like this as definite facts. Many people on this site have never thought about nutrition before, never done any research, weren't given proper information growing up, etc., so they tend to believe whatever as long as it is stated with authority. This is obviously a ridiculous statement, but people who don't know any better might take it to heart and decide that if they don't eat every two hours their body is going to start starving and storing fat. That's ridiculous.

    Newer users: Please recognize that the majority of people on these boards are not professional nutritionists, dietitians, trainers, etc. They are mostly people just like you. So take everything you read with a grain of salt, ask for references, and do your own research (and get really frustrated when every bit of research you read says something different).

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    small to moderate calorie deficit.
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    I keep both 2% milk and almond milk in my fridge. So if I choose to have a bowl of cereal I use almond milk that winds up being 30 cals per cup instead of 120 cals and it tastes close enough I don't mind. There are just some instances I cannot give up the regular milk.

    I have also switched from regular soda to diet to ween myself off of them. (I don't care what people say about it, it's working for me) And now I keep mio with me if I want a little flavor in my water. (I don't give a flying flip about the chemicals)

    I also cut coffee creamer out of the equation when I have coffee but for the most part I have switched to hot teas because I like the taste better than coffee with no creamer.

    My parents take smaller bites and actually set their forks down between bites and force themselves to chew. Eating a little slower like this makes them realize they are full before they over eat. Me on the other hand....I've always ALWAYS been a slow eater so if I were to try it I would take like 2 hours to eat one meal! LOL

    ETA: I also found some snickers ice cream bars for 90 cals per thing and others like skinny cow and weight watchers....I keep them around for the rare occassion I get that sweet tooth and it keeps me from blowing my calorie goal.
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    Eat more than 1200 calories
  • StupidBunnySuit
    I eat mostly carrots & lettuce all day long.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member

    I eat 8 meals per day. Every two hours. The reason is because if you wait too long between meals your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat.

    I find this a bit of an oxymoron. If you think about it, "back in the day" you didn't have food available to you 24/7. That means you may not be able to have a meal until the next kill, or next harvest, etc. Yet, they were extremely fit. Now, we have food 24/7 and eat all the time and we're obese. I don't think there's much of a difference between eating 8 small meals or 1 large meal. I think; to each his own.
  • commandax
    commandax Posts: 38 Member
    I order a takeout sandwich every day at work, usually a grilled chicken or salami sandwich with a side salad. I look forward to it all morning, and it's often the high point of my work day. When my lunch arrives, I split the sandwich and any sides in half, and put one half on a plate and the other half in the office refrigerator. So without any fuss, I've cut my lunch calorie intake in half. For the first few weeks I was doing this, I was pretty hungry in the afternoon, but I got used to it before long.

    I eat the second half of my lunch for dinner when I get home from the muay thai gym at 9:30. It's a controlled portion and saves me cooking time. (I'm not much of a cook, anyway.) Otherwise, I'd be eating dinner right before I have to hit the shower and go to bed! I've been losing a steady 6 pounds a month since I started splitting lunches and learning muay thai simultaneously. That loss seems to come from about 2/3 calorie restriction and 1/3 exercise. Muay thai burns a lot of calories, so on days that I kickbox I can afford an afternoon snack, and a long Saturday morning session at the gym buys me a few Saturday night indulgences.
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    On Sundays I eat a big bag of Doritos.

    Every other day is strictly business as usual - only water or herbal teas, fresh fruit and veg, white and red meats, fish, pulses, and grains - happy lady :)
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    intermittent fasting


    adding spinach to my smoothies or meals and that will keep me feeling full which allows me to stay under my daily caloric intake
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I don't diet & focus more on conditioning my muscles to burn more fat. I'm not really that into by the number on the scale.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Hi Regina,

    I eat 8 meals per day. Every two hours. The reason is because if you wait too long between meals your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat.

    At the moment I am eating 2000 calories per day, which means I eat as close to 250 calories per meal as possible. However, when I was losing weight quickly I was eating 1500 calories per day (180-190 calories per meal). Just divide the total calories you want to eat by 8.

    Also, drinking a glass of water (or a cup of tea) with every meal makes it easy to get your 8 cups of required water per day.

    I also walk quickly on the treadmill every day for 30-60 minutes.

    I lost a total of 50 pounds in about 7 months.


    ^Excellent advice. Thank you. :flowerforyou:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Hi Regina,

    I eat 8 meals per day. Every two hours. The reason is because if you wait too long between meals your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat.

    At the moment I am eating 2000 calories per day, which means I eat as close to 250 calories per meal as possible. However, when I was losing weight quickly I was eating 1500 calories per day (180-190 calories per meal). Just divide the total calories you want to eat by 8.

    Also, drinking a glass of water (or a cup of tea) with every meal makes it easy to get your 8 cups of required water per day.

    I also walk quickly on the treadmill every day for 30-60 minutes.

    I lost a total of 50 pounds in about 7 months.


    ^Excellent advice. Thank you. :flowerforyou:
