Intermittent Fasters



  • Z3NN4
    Z3NN4 Posts: 58 Member
    just fasted for 51.5 hrs.

    feelin' like a badass ;)

    Amazing. I bet you do feel good! I have yet to make it past 18.5 hours. 20 hours if you don't count alcohol. lol
  • Z3NN4
    Z3NN4 Posts: 58 Member

    I have a non MFP buddy tell me and show me results from his inter fasting, WOW. I've done fasting, never inter fasting, and I didn't exercise, it was for a different purpose, but I definitely plan a inter fast sometime. The only down side from what I saw/ was told, when you stop, the results do to. Just from what I've understood and seen. Still something I'd love to try. Good Job!

    Thank you. Try it out! I used to do it when I was in high school before I ever knew what IF was. It was not successful then since I was no good at nutrition or fitness in those days.
  • klindema
    klindema Posts: 55 Member
    After a LOT of internet research, I've decided to give IF a try- I'm the type of person who just never feels full or satisfied unless I'm stuffed, and I have two small kids, so sometimes I don't even realize I've put a handful of goldfish/cereal/carby snack in my mouth... I had been drinking a protein shake for breakfast, but gave it up and stopped eating after 6:30. My lunch period is at 12:15, so it is pretty easy for me to maintain a lean gains-ish 18/6 window- I read the Juliette Morris kindle book and my biggest takeaway was that for women with a lot of belly fat over 16 hours is better (I think it was 16-18.)
    The best part for me is that I'm not anxious about snacks and food all day. I didn't realize how preoccupied I was before, but I definitely have some issues and often ate when stressed or as a reward.
    I am seriously not hungry. Not craving food is probably a better way to put it. I haven't had any negative effects like light headedness or anything, but I used to be AWFUL if I was a couple hours without a meal. You know- the hunger induced bad mood. But now it is gone- I think because I reframed how I thought about meals and hunger.
    It's been less than a week, and I don't even have a weigh in to share, but I feel really positive so far, and the science is very encouraging.
    Maybe it's because I kind of have an all or nothing personality, so a bunch of compromise meals weren't doing much for me... will follow up if I learn anything else interesting!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I haven't looked much into IF, so I checked out the leangains website. This schedule is almost exactly like what I do these days:

    12-1 PM or around lunch/noon: Pre-workout meal. Approximately 20-25% of daily total calorie intake.
    3-4 PM: Training should happen a few hours after the pre-workout meal.
    4-5 PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal).
    8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

    I don't fast on purpose. I'm just extremely disorganized and never manage to have enough time to eat breakfast or put together a proper lunch for when I'm on campus. I just have a snack, hit the gym, and eat a lot at night. I've actually gotten used to it, and it works well for my schedule.