No More Excuses - Week 13



  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good Morning All,

    I had a definate bad weekend, not going to get into how bad I ate, but today is a new day. My weight wasn't bad today, but that is do to the dehydration. Going to step aerobics this evening, but would also like to get in an extra treadmill workout done today to counter act some of the weekend. The treadmill workout I want to do I got from a fitness magazine while waiting in the docs office last week.

    My 4 year old son got sick last night with what sounds like a croupy cough, so hopefully he is better today, and hopefully we have a good day. Would like to bundle the kidlets up and go for a walk later on today to get the mail and a few groc. (we only live 2 blocks away, but is -20 here this morn).

    I hope everyone had a good weekend, will check back in later on.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    It is so late. I can't believe I'm still up. I just wanted to post a quick yeah me moment. I did the treadmill and only intended to run my 10 minutes, walk 5 and then run the other 10, but I ran the first 10 and then just kept going. I did the whole 25 minutes running and felt amazing. I think I could have continued on but I didn't want to over do it and then not be able to walk tomorrow. Just had to let ya'll know.


    I missed this yesterday, Great job Tammy, Only a few more minutes and you will have run a 5k.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    It is so late. I can't believe I'm still up. I just wanted to post a quick yeah me moment. I did the treadmill and only intended to run my 10 minutes, walk 5 and then run the other 10, but I ran the first 10 and then just kept going. I did the whole 25 minutes running and felt amazing. I think I could have continued on but I didn't want to over do it and then not be able to walk tomorrow. Just had to let ya'll know.


    At what speed do you run at Tammy? I'm just curious. I somethimes try to run but am never sure on how fast I should go.
  • tigermom79
    Good morning team!!!

    Renea... 20 BELOW!!!!....egads...Okay I promise I won't complain about my 20 above this week!!! ;) Stay warm and safe. Our problem is the ice. Still snowing but have a layer of ice below the dusting of snow!!!

    Other than the weather, I have decided it is going to be a great day in my little world!!!! My brother (the one that had a heart attack) is comtemplating moving back down here by me. That would be great! Please pray that he does what is best for him.

    As far as eating goes. According to the Curves diet, I am suppose to be up to 2000 calories this week. HOLY CRAP!!!! That is scary. The whole Idea is to keep your metabolism up. I am really nervous about eating that much. I had a hard enough time doing the 1500. However, the idea makes sense as far as metabolism goes, but totally against everything we have been taught in the past!! Oh well.....we will see what happens!!!!

    Have a wonderful Monday all!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good morning team!!!

    Renea... 20 BELOW!!!!....egads...Okay I promise I won't complain about my 20 above this week!!! ;) Stay warm and safe. Our problem is the ice. Still snowing but have a layer of ice below the dusting of snow!!!

    Other than the weather, I have decided it is going to be a great day in my little world!!!! My brother (the one that had a heart attack) is comtemplating moving back down here by me. That would be great! Please pray that he does what is best for him.

    As far as eating goes. According to the Curves diet, I am suppose to be up to 2000 calories this week. HOLY CRAP!!!! That is scary. The whole Idea is to keep your metabolism up. I am really nervous about eating that much. I had a hard enough time doing the 1500. However, the idea makes sense as far as metabolism goes, but totally against everything we have been taught in the past!! Oh well.....we will see what happens!!!!

    Have a wonderful Monday all!

    I am talking Celcius, which would be 4F
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    It is so late. I can't believe I'm still up. I just wanted to post a quick yeah me moment. I did the treadmill and only intended to run my 10 minutes, walk 5 and then run the other 10, but I ran the first 10 and then just kept going. I did the whole 25 minutes running and felt amazing. I think I could have continued on but I didn't want to over do it and then not be able to walk tomorrow. Just had to let ya'll know.


    At what speed do you run at Tammy? I'm just curious. I somethimes try to run but am never sure on how fast I should go.

    I won't speak for Tammy, but I used to go 5.6 mph when I was 1st starting out, recently I have bumped that up to 6.0 as I have gotten into better shape. Most people go a lot faster than that, but I never said I was fast. :smile: I usually walk around 3.5 mph, but I would consider that a pretty brisk walking speed. I like the 6.0 mph speed because its super easy to calculate distance with time. 31 minutes equals 3.1 miles.....40 min equals 4 miles.

    On the calorie front, if you are exercising as much as they want you too, you will be hungry. My recommendation is to eat bread with your meals, its high in calories and carbs, and thats what the body needs when you are exercising hard, plus everyone loves to eat bread. Stay away from the butter and saturated fats. I use the spray butter.

    If you are having trouble making calories on a day, bagels are crazy high in calories, but not too bad in the fat category, but you have to skip the cream cheese because of the fat content. When you are exercising hard, you can eat like you are not on a diet, but you just stay have to stay away from all the really fatty things. Now if I could just practice what I preach.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Thanks Jack, I don't use the treadmill much, with doing step aerobics 2 days, and I like my dvds, but I wanted to start doing 1 day to make 3 days cardio, and 2 days dvds. I usually walk at 3.5 as well, can jog at 4.5 for approx 5 mins, but when I up it to anything higher, I tire so quickly. Think I may look at that C25K. Was going to try this other workout today, but it was way to much, to crazy with inclines, and speed. Tried to just decrease them, but decided wasn't worth it. Only did 20 mins for 1.3 miles and 240 cals. But will burn approx 750 cals at aerobics tonight. Just wanted a small extra burn to counter act the wings and beer last night.
  • tigermom79
    Thanks Jack, I don't use the treadmill much, with doing step aerobics 2 days, and I like my dvds, but I wanted to start doing 1 day to make 3 days cardio, and 2 days dvds. I usually walk at 3.5 as well, can jog at 4.5 for approx 5 mins, but when I up it to anything higher, I tire so quickly. Think I may look at that C25K. Was going to try this other workout today, but it was way to much, to crazy with inclines, and speed. Tried to just decrease them, but decided wasn't worth it. Only did 20 mins for 1.3 miles and 240 cals. But will burn approx 750 cals at aerobics tonight. Just wanted a small extra burn to counter act the wings and beer last night.

    Renae...I am in the same boat! I can't run much more than that as well on the treadmill. I think mine is at an incline and the impact really kills my knees. At least that is all I can figure. I can "jog" with the wii for 20 minutes and it says I go over 2 miles. Good luck. I have thought about the c25k thing as well!

  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    I use 0 incline when I run. I figure the running itself is hard enough on the body, why add difficulty to it.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    It is so late. I can't believe I'm still up. I just wanted to post a quick yeah me moment. I did the treadmill and only intended to run my 10 minutes, walk 5 and then run the other 10, but I ran the first 10 and then just kept going. I did the whole 25 minutes running and felt amazing. I think I could have continued on but I didn't want to over do it and then not be able to walk tomorrow. Just had to let ya'll know.


    At what speed do you run at Tammy? I'm just curious. I somethimes try to run but am never sure on how fast I should go.

    I am just now up to 5MPH. I am barely in the running category on MFP :laugh: but I am getting faster. I started out around 3.5, I think.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    It is so late. I can't believe I'm still up. I just wanted to post a quick yeah me moment. I did the treadmill and only intended to run my 10 minutes, walk 5 and then run the other 10, but I ran the first 10 and then just kept going. I did the whole 25 minutes running and felt amazing. I think I could have continued on but I didn't want to over do it and then not be able to walk tomorrow. Just had to let ya'll know.


    I missed this yesterday, Great job Tammy, Only a few more minutes and you will have run a 5k.

    Thanks! Now if only I can keep it up!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...Sorry I haven't had time to post yet. I didn't work this weekend so I am making up for it now. I am doing the C25K and it is really great. I literally could not run for the 90 seconds when I first started. I thought I was going to die. I have never run for more than 15 minutes in my entire life, including high school when I played softball. I don't run very fast compared to lots of people on here, but maybe speed will come later? I feel like I am really moving at 5 MPH but then I look in the mirror and not so much:laugh: I found the program on I have started using little "hills" on the treadmill at the gym. I think the highest it goes on that program is level 3 incline. My treadmill at home is cheap and stays at one incline unless you move it manually. Hope this helps. Good luck!