Do you have stretchmarks too?



  • wildapril
    wildapril Posts: 97 Member
    I have them on my hips and breasts from growing too fast as a young whippersnapper. And now that I'm losing weight, the ones on my breasts are getting loose and look terrible.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member

    We all have them, how you view them is just a matter of perception
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I think you'd be better off counting those who do NOT have stretchmarks! It's done faster ;-)
    I have lots of them on belly, arms, breasts, thighs...
    Even my son has some on his thighs (actually under his butt). He's 21 and has never ever been overweight. He's in perfect shape, fit, plays badminton regularly and still has them.
    So please don't you complain about stretch marks because of pregnancy! At least you have a reason/excuse to have them!

    I don't care about mine. Sure my belly would look nicer without them, but I can't change it anyway, better to accept it the way it is and be happy to have children and live!
  • Have loads.all over my torso and loose skin on my tummy which bunches up when I do sit-ups. My c-section scar is still bright purple nearly two years later and I have a raised ridge of hard scar tissue right under it which protrudes now that I have lost most of the baby weight.

    I look at my beautiful daughter and think how proud I am to have a visible, constant reminder on my body of the incredible, incredible thing I did when I brought her into the world.

    Sorry if it sounds a bit woo, but you have to LOVE your stretch-marks. They are something to be proud of!
  • bii14
    bii14 Posts: 192
    i have them too.. alot on the butt and thighs, some on the waist and some on the boobs... i m 24, unmarried, un-mommyfied. and i havent been TOOO FAT (touch-wood) to gain them but i have had them since i can remember. i have no idea how i gained them. i was at my biggest just when i started using MFP 140lb. i suffer from the same embarrassment as you do and just cant get over the ugliness of these scars or embrace them as mine...
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    :( I have stretch marks, and I don't want this to upset you, but they will fade, but will not go away.

    I'm not trying to be upsetting, but your age may have something to do with why they may bother your boyfriend (But if he hasn't actually SAID they bother him, then they probably don't. Most men are pretty happy to get a woman naked!). I have found, the older I get, the less I hear men talking about things like stretch marks or a little bit of body fat or having perfectly perky tits. The body does not stay pristine forever, no matter how much you do for anti-aging, and men know that.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    If your boyfriend does not like the way you look naked because of the stretchmarks you got while carrying his child then he has a LOT of growing up to do and seriously, he's in for a shock as the majority of us have them.

    I get where you're coming from, I hate mine too but they're there to stay, they will fade over time but some of mine are an inch wide, I'll never be able to wear a bikini again. My boyfriend (incidentally not the father of my children but an actual grown up unlike yours is being) really doesn't care, he loves me for me and all my imperfections.

    The 'adult film' industry has a lot to answer for in a lot of impressionable young men thinking all women should be flawless but as they mature they realise that generally speaking real women don't look like that and what's more, they don't care. In the words of my BF 'wahay, she's naked, she doesn't find me repulsive with my clothes off, she's in my bed and she's mine!'.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Yup. On my upper arms/shoulders too. It sucks. I feel self concious in sleeveless tops. But rationally I know no one else probably cares or even notices. I still feel weird without my arms covered.

    finally! someone else who has them on their shoulders :')
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    Dry brush before a shower in the morning and Palmers before bed. It makes quite a difference (for me anyway)
  • blwalton70
    blwalton70 Posts: 71 Member
    In 2009 I was pregnant, had that baby and got pregnant again later that same year. My stomach is TRASHED, that being said- it's a daily reminder that I carried my amazing children and gave birth to them. It's a fact of life. If your boyfriend doesn't like em', well I hate to say this, but screw him. Have him push something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a lemon, and let's see how good he looks. I don't plan on buying creams or oils for them. They are apart of my body now and I am aging. It means I am living..... that is something to be happy about.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have stretch marks and was never overweight or pregnant. :grumble:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I prefer to think of them as battle marks. You earned each and every one of those marks by growing a child and bringing him/her into the world. So you have stretch marks? There are worse things that could happen to you...
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I do have them and they fade eventually but some can never truly disappear.
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh yeah! I've got them too! Boobs, belly and butt. I've pushed out 3 kids, my youngest is 12 and they're not going anywhere. I've tried all kinds of junk but nothing works. Just learn to accept it and move on.

    I like the "tiger who earned her stripes" line... :)
  • sofia10811
    sofia10811 Posts: 23 Member
    I used to feel bad about mine but after having 3 babies, I'm over feeling bad about them. My thin husband (6'1", 162lbs) has them and he's never been fat in his life. Don't let them make you feel bad. They do fade some eventually.
  • slowly_changing12
    slowly_changing12 Posts: 192 Member
    i have stretch marks and i hate it!!!!!!! i am eventually going to find something to help get rid of them......hopefully!!!!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    <<<< Sure do.. belly, hips, thighs.. don't care. I'll still have the body I want and I won't let a dang person make me feel less than awesome about them.

    As for your bf, seriously? I'd rapidly junk-punch that douche-canoe. You are a gorgeous girl.. if he's too stupid to see and appreciate that- it's time to reevaluate that relationship.
  • MommiLauren
    MommiLauren Posts: 323 Member

    We all have them, how you view them is just a matter of perception

  • anybeary
    anybeary Posts: 188 Member
    Honey, your body is not ruined. Your a goddamn tiger who earned her stripes. I hate mine, but I embrace them. My bf loves me and thinks my body is rocking so I'm not going to dwell on something that you can't really change. You can use the cocoa butters and it will firm them up a bit and minimize the appearance, but probably never go away. Your beautiful and a mommy, LOVE YOURSELF!!!

    What she said!! :smile:
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I have them on my boobs and then from the waist down. I wish I ONLY had them on my stomach. They cover my sides, butt, hips, thighs, and calves. I even have some on the backs of my arms and all the way down to my private region. I gained like 70 lbs my first pregnancy and 60 lbs my second pregnancy. I NEVER feel sexy; I hate them. And the only thing to do is laser removal which is completely unaffordable. :sad: