Does it matter what way you eat your Calories



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Do I look like I don't understand diet? I diet and coach many other people. I've already explained the differences between them. I'm waiting for you to educate me how they are all so much different?

    The recommend levels in the UK for a UK male for example is 55g protein, 300g carbs and 95g fat, 2500 calories. Hardly tailored towards protein sweetypie.

    You can diet on just about anything you like. Of course, entirely of fat would make you sick because of how it comes if liquid fat but the average diet people can diet on will drop weight just as one needs.

    Of course if one is training for muscle mass, one could tailor the diet with greater amounts of protein, around 1g/lb of body weight but this isn't being asked here.
  • KitchenAbs
    I've eaten 1400 calories worth of meat, potatoes, bread, pasta and diet coke for 3 years and lost 10lbs.

    Now I'm eating 10 portions of fruit of vegetables a day. no grains or potatoes, high protein, low carb and have lost 5lbs in two months.

    I think it matters
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I've eaten 1400 calories worth of meat, potatoes, bread, pasta and diet coke for 3 years and lost 10lbs.

    Now I'm eating 10 portions of fruit of vegetables a day. no grains or potatoes, high protein, low carb and have lost 5lbs in two months.

    I think it matters

    Science says otherwise.

    PS - 5lb in 2 months will be simply intracellular water from less carbs in your system. 2.5g of water per gram of carb you eat. You've simply lost water, very little fat if any.

    If I lost 5lb in two months I'd be upset.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    A calorie is actually a calorie. Your body doesn't distinguish whether a calorie came from a chocolate or a carrot, it just knows it has a unit of energy

    The point is that it's better for your health to eat proper food rather than rubbish.

    ^^ This!!
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    A calorie is actually a calorie. Your body doesn't distinguish whether a calorie came from a chocolate or a carrot, it just knows it has a unit of energy

    Really? So a gram of fat or carbohydrate will help build muscle as does protein and protein will act at the main fuel source for the body as opposed to carbohydrates?

    You are purposefully misleading here and twisting Bernadette's words around.

    Calorie is just a unit to measure of energy. It has NOTHING to do with proteins, carbs, fat etc. The only thing you can do is measure the energy contained in 1g of protein, carb and fat etc.

    Protein contains 4 calories per gram
    Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram
    Fat contains 9 calories per gram

    We have two nutritional goals:
    1) Eat enough calories
    2) Meet our goals of macro- and micronutrients.

    If you can meet both goals your body doesn't care where you got your calories from.

    A calorie is just a calorie.
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    I have lost a lot of weight (10lbs in 1 mth) on a junk food diet. Only problem was even after the weight loss I had a muffin top :(

    Muffin top only disappears when I eat good food and do regular exercise.

    But at the time I was in my 20s, I didn't eat breakfast (black coffee only), had a BK whopper hold the mayo (aprox 500 cal) for lunch and either had a massive dinner or skipped dinner in order to drink cocktails! Didn't matter what jean shape or size I bought the muffin top was unavoidable. But I was significantly overweight then and 10 lbs lost was the start I needed to get back into the gym.

    Every time I notice my muffin top appear I know it is time to cut out the junk!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My rule of thumb is to aim for 80% healthy and 20% "fun foods." I set my macros to 50/25/25 and try to hit that ratio as best I can. Make sure you are eating enough protein and plenty of veggies and stick to your calorie goal and you'll be fine. Unless you have some medical condition, your macro ratio should be set to your preferences. They don't need to be set to anything in particular, provided you are not limiting any macro to less than about 20% of your calories. Do what's right for you. Your diet should be one that your can adhere to without feeling deprived or uncomfortable/hungry.