


  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    an ounce of vodka is only 64 cals. So vodka and diet coke, or vodka and crystal light are pretty good. Really though you should stop drinking so much. Once a week is ok as long as you're keeping it under control calorie wise, but having to count in extra cals every day just for alcohol would suck.
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    an ounce of vodka is only 64 cals. So vodka and diet coke, or vodka and crystal light are pretty good. Really though you should stop drinking so much. Once a week is ok as long as you're keeping it under control calorie wise, but having to count in extra cals every day just for alcohol would suck.

    lol woops i just read the rest of the post.
  • laurabelle25
    And BTW-to all those people that think drinking is just 'oh, so terrible for your health': My grandfather has been drinking for basically 75 years or more. And continues to drink, sometimes even 3 times a week. And he still can get out on the golf course, play a full round, and beat most of the 60 year olds out there. AND HE'S 93! So obviously drinking occasionally isn't all that bad.

    Look, when i wrote this, basically i was trying to say that some people just need to relax. If you want to drink...drink. If you aren't losing weight, try not drinking. Its what ever YOU decide. I know all the risks, I know plenty of alcoholics (including my own family members) and I've experienced and seen first hand how alcohol can effect the body and mind, in a variety of ways. I'm not saying if you do what my grandfather has done his whole life that you'll end up like him. I'm saying he loves to drink, so he drinks, and he's still active.

    I love to drink. I want to lose weight and get healthier. But I'm not going to stress out all about it and end up confusing my mind and body even more. So i'm going to drink. And i'm going to lose weight and get healthier. And if you're one of those people that can have the will power to just cut out alcohol all together...more power to ya, but that's just not me. Basically, what i'm trying to say is if you like to drink and want to continue to do so and lose weight, just figure out how to do that. if all these posts have made you to realize you want to give up alcohol and lose weight, then just do that. it's YOUR choice.
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    I bet he's glad he asked! Hehehe!
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Interesting thread...full of caring people!