so tired of this battle- an honest "off my chest"



  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Have you spoken to a doctor about your relationship with food? Food isn't your friend... It's just food...

    You need to look at making small lifestyle changes instead of going on and falling off diets... Diets do not work! You are proof of that yourself!

    When I was younger, I used to play outside with friends. These days, when I visit with someone, it's usually for a meal, and a good 99/9% of the time, at a restaurant. Food reminds me of time spent with these friends, traveling with my family, and special occasions - everything from birthdays to the time I had some really painful dental work done and my dad took me out for dinner. With memories like this, I still think of food as a friend -- but, I did make a lifestyle change: like with my friends who are away at college, I visit with these foods a lot less often. Everyone on here is different; some are willing to eat clean, work out six days a week, and can stick to a schedule. Others of us find those things more difficult to do, and I couldn't fit some chocolate or the occasiona burger, pancakes or pasta into my diet, I wouldn't bother watching what I eat at all. :-) You can be friends with food and watch what you eat. Whether or not you should consider food a "friend" is a different story....
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    JanaCanada you ARE right! I am not saying you are wrong. Nor am I feeling sorry for myself which is why I am on here. i WANT to make a change.

    And what i said about my parents was not that they were making bad food choices for me. That would be much easier to live with. In my case my mum kidnapped me from my dad, moved countries and then decided she wanted to live her life go clubbing and find men so she abandoned me. This is what scarred me as I was ALONE and the only thing I could turn to for comfort was food. This is where the problem began not because my parents were not feeding me good nutritious food.

    Nevertheless you are right and I need to let go. I WILL do this and nothing will get in my way!

    Atta girl!!! THAT'S the attitude you need!! xoxoxox
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I agree with the gentleman - if your boyfriend loves you and wants to get engaged - I say go for it - walk your way into the dress of your dreams!

    Ditto - I'm assuming he chose to propose to you, which means that he wants to be with you. If he didn't, or if he had doubts, he wouldn't have proposed. You talk about the difference between "love" and "attraction," but I hope you know that it is entirely possible to be attracted to someone who's overweight. In fact, it's quite common. And, if he likes you when you feel like you're a whale, he'll support you all the time, right? How's that for a feeling of security? He likes you no matter what shape you're in!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    *hugs* to you
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    Part of the problem is that you are viewing this as a "battle." If you are constantly fighting your body you will fail. I just posted a blog on this today, take a look if you have time. I know I have struggled with this same attitude and issues, so it's by no means easy to accomplish. But if you can make small changes and start with not fighting your body, you will do this.

    Here is the link I posted to my blog today.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I started at the same place as you, and believe me - I know what it feels like to just want it ALL GONE NOW! But that never got me anywhere in the past. I need this to be the LAST TIME I have to lose weight. So I'm doing it slowly, one step at a time. And over the past few months, I have had some really encouraging moments. And I realize how much it's working, and it's worth it.

    My advice - log everything - that one step alone can make a huge impact. Next - make one change today. Something that's not overwhelming. When it feels natural, add another change., and another. Over time they really add up. And it's not so overwhelming and when you have small successes, it encourages you to strive for the next one.

    You can do this.