How can I motivate myself to go to the gym?



  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Motivation... that's what it comes down to right? Fact of the matter is that's why we do anything in life.

    So, how do you find yours... day in and day out? Especially when it's not something you've "Grown to like" as they say.

    Think of all the reasons Why you want to do it. Attach those feelings to your goal and focus on it. Remember your Why and think of it every day and how it will make you feel once you achieve it! When you Why is strong enough, the How will come much easier.

    I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it. ~ Unknown
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    There is a difference between having an interest and commitment. When you were interested you signed up for membership however if you were committed and becoming healthy you accept no excuses, only results! When I started my gym I had the struggles of getting out of the house as I suffer from panic attacks. In the end I stuck up a picture of my start weight at 323lbs in every place in the house with this quote underneath 'You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great' and it motivated me to give it a go. I am the biggest person at the gym as its a small one near me and believe me I did get some 'looks' when I went in but then a few weeks later I actually had people coming over to me, encouraging and admiring me for wanting to make a change. It took me another few months before I went over to the weights section as again I thought I was going to be laughed at but one guy stopped what he was doing and took a general interest in helping me to achieve what I wanted. Believe me I hate to exercise and will use any excuse in the book not to go but I know if I don't I will be in this nightmare for the rest of my life. If you don't want to go to the gym there are other ways and means of getting exercise. Whatever you decide to do it will take determination, willpower, sacrifice and you will have to push your body to the max, no doubt some days you will hurt like hell but when you reach your goals it will be worth it. Good luck

    Great post- and the part about pushing yourself is spot on. Improvement happens when you're out of your comfort zone.

    Thanks :) Once I get in I am happy and enjoy pushing myself that little bit extra every day. I wouldn't go as far and say I love the gym but I am loving the new 'me'