Naturally thin people who look down/make fun?



  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine that I'm starting to notice. There are a lot of people who are naturally thin or whatever, and eat junk food 24/7 and stay thin regardless. Then there are people like us who have to eat healthy/less and workout to become/remain slim. And I have no problem with that because I feel great eating better and exercising.

    HOWEVER, what I can't stand is hearing or seeing those who are "naturally thin" saying stuff like "healthy food sux I eat whatever I want!" or "ew why are you eating a salad, have a cheeseburger" or "yeah I hate the gym lol count me out". Kind of like they're rubbing it in your face that they don't have to watch what they eat or exercise, or they think they're somehow better because of it? Idk it really pisses me off.

    yeah, i see it all the time, and not just from thin people. I see it here too, which sucks. comments like, "you go enjoy your lettuce... i'm going to have a pizza."

    okay, yeah... that helps.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I don't let it bother me because even though they may be thinner...I"M HEALTHIER. That kind of eating and lack of exercise will catch up with them one day when they develop heart disease, diabetes, high BP, etc....they mistakenly think that THIN equals HEALTHY and it DOESN'T!!

    i don't mean to offend you or anything but i freakin' hate when people do this. The fact that you're watching what you eat does not mean that you are in any way better than people who just eat whatever. You're comparing yourself to them and assuming you're healthier and arrogantly saying that they will develop diabetes one day.
    A lot of health conscious people have this terrible habit.

    ^ What she said.