HIIT and heavy lifting?



  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Any cardio before a weight training session would be less energy before weight training.

    This ^

    If you're actually doing HIIT properly, then you'd never have enough energy to get a good resistance training workout in afterward. Some light cardio before resistance training is perfectly fine, but don't push yourself hard with HIIT before lifting.

    I think you're current strategy of warming up, lifiting, and then doing some cardio after lifting is fine.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I love HIIT!

    I have read to do same day, but different times. I.E, weights morning, HIIT afternoon kinda thing. Then a rest day.

    I wonder if rest days can include yoga?
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I do HIIT and heavy lifting on the same days.. but HIIT AFTER lifting. I usually run a half mile or jumprope for 5 minutes before.. then lift, then do HIIT for 15-25 minutes, sometimes on the treadmill, sometimes plyo based circuit stuff...

    This is my routine, but always on the treadmill. I'll also do HIIT combined with steady state cardio (30 minutes or less) in between lifting days.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Its also according to what type of HITT you do and for how long. Whatever works for you is a good thing. I believe a key is changing up the types and the durations of workouts for optimal results. I've always been told that you shouldn't do a hardcore High Intensity session more then 3 times a week. Weight training is a form of HITT in itself to you could take that into consideration. Mix them up and take them down :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I wouldn't think it's safe to do them on the same day. Your CNS will be fried, your glycogen stores will be empty... Yeah I just don't think whacking the treadmill up to a high speed following heavy lifts or the other way around is safe. I know I wouldn't risk lifting anything over chest height if I was already exhausted before starting my lifts.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    HIIT is definitely not a warmup, but I've done it first thing and then done my lifting routine IF it were an upper body routine. There is no way after 20 mins of alternate sprinting/jogging that I could do a heavy leg day...my legs are too tired by then.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I do heavy lifting three times a week and always do a 10-minute warm-up on the elliptical. I'm following the New Rules of Lifting for Women program and some of the workouts have you doing 15 minutes of HIIT after the lifting. Those are tough days! I typically do it on the treadmill (sometimes spin bike), doing 2 minutes of walking, 1 minute of sprinting.

    I personally love HIIT. Like a PP said, it's just more fun to me. Also I've always been a good sprinter (even being 50 lbs overweight), so it's actually fun for me.
  • ndoty_sa
    I usually do just a One Lift a Day routine at night (ex. Mon-Bench, Tues-Chins, Wed-Militarys, etc), with some brief HIIT shortly afterwards (a few rounds of running sprints, or a few rounds of burpees, maybe a tabata). Still only about 30 minutes a night for the total workout, and the HIIT doesn't affect my lifts.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    warm up

    Replacing a warm up with a HIIT workout before you lift is asking for it.

    And I really would be careful about doing a full out 10 min HIIT workout after a lifting session- you're cruising for some strains or tears- RSI anything- you'll pay for it one way or the other.

    I've done it- for a while because I thought I could- then after that didn't work- I did it when I have to- now I don't do it. I do steady state cardio on lifting days- or I split up my hiit and my lifting and give my body a breather. Doing them back to back repetitively (like for weeks on end) is going to cause some damage. No reason to risk it. Once in a while- sure- no big deal- But not regularly.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    it can be done, but if your doing HIIT and lifting in the same day, typically one is going to get done well and the other maybe not so well. i just feel like if your really going to slam it in HIIT, you wont be able to slam it as well in your lifting. If the goal is to lose weight, thats not such a terrible thing really. your still going to get enough stimuliation to keep your muscle.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Remember that the purpose of a warm-up it to get the blood flowing and quite literally, warm-up your soft tissue. The cardio should be light especially if you're truly going heavy. Remember that HIIT and Maximal strength training (aka heavy lifting) are competing for the same energy system (anerobic / ATP) so they don't exactly compliment each other in that regard. Leave the HIIT for after or on an non-lifting day.