


  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Don't weight every day if you want "real weights" because your weight will fluctuate with water/food intake. I mean you could weigh every day if you wanted but it can get annoying since you'll fluctuate so much. For example one day I'll drop down to 110 and the next night I'll be at 115, very common fluctuation for a lot of people. You should really only record your weight last once a week or even less. I only actually log my weight every other week. As for going to the bathroom, track your fiber make sure you're getting enough. I get plenty of fiber and still have issue sometimes. Best trick for me has been black coffee.
  • 02tods
    02tods Posts: 126 Member
    Well poop is not my favorite topic lol but since you started it................................lol.
    I have also noticed a big decrease in frequency of my trips to "dropping the kids off at the pool". The other thing I have Really noticed is that if I eat really well and keep on track.....things are good in the "crap shack"! but if I stray and jump off the wagon and go back and forth from healthy eating to not so healthy, I have hell to pay!! There are days when I could poop through a screen door and not touch the wires, and other days when I'm setting there thinking "hmmmmm I dont remember eating a porcciipine!!" so I think they key is just being consistant!! hope this helps!! Kyle

    This is the first thing I read this morning!! :heart: it!!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I go...Oh about every day. Or every other day. xx

    I eat fiberones to keep myself going though.
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    I have completely cut out anything fried since February...and consequently the frequency has decreased. Nothing to grease the skids, is how I look at it.

    I eat PLENTY of fiber and protein, I just think there isn't so much waste to eliminate! The good stuff gets USED!

    That was kinda my feeling toward it, and I wanted to see if everyone else experienced the same thing.... BTW I eat plenty of fiber and I eat yogurt about every other day (probiotics).
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Pooing is private. :sad:

  • Sandraonlyskinny
    Sandraonlyskinny Posts: 18 Member
    Then don't join a conversation about pooing.
  • daggs95
    daggs95 Posts: 51 Member
    I use to go, 4 or 5 times a day when I was eating "conventional foods", meaning healthy whole foods but not from Whole Foods. Once I switched to all natural and organic meats, dairy, vegs etc, it decreased to 2 times a day. I also cut back on grains because I think i either have a problemm with yeast or with gluten, but not a full blown allergy.
  • rujminshima89
    rujminshima89 Posts: 3 Member
    I drink twining peppermint tea every day at dinner time which helps me to use the toilet once a day..trust me it really helps :)