For those who love whipped cream!



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I hope that's just for you and you're not depriving the rest of your family of the real thing.

    My aunt tried to do that to us once. There was a rebellion, which is forever more known as The Whipped Cream Conspiracy.

    And not everyone likes coconut (including me).

    Quite literally laughed out loud at this....yea there would be an uprising if my sister tried such a thing

    My cousin, my mom, my other aunt and I all went out to a convenience store and bought some real whipped and foiled my aunt's plan. She had just finished her degree in nutrition and was being a food nazi that year. We weren't having any of it!
  • aggiekaela2016
    aggiekaela2016 Posts: 6 Member
  • brew99
    brew99 Posts: 8 Member
    As a vegan, I have tried this but it's not as easy as it sounds. Be prepared for some work. :) Have you seen the method with chickpea water? It's a bit healthier and sounds easy.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    LowcarbNY wrote: »
    So you are using the concentrated solids from the coconut milk and throwing away the coconut water?

    How much of that do you get out of a can of coconut milk?

    Why is this better than just using "real" whipped cream?

    It's non-dairy. If no one has that particular restriction and you're not going for coconut flavor, then you've got me.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    My family loves whipped cream and I am going to bring this mock whipped cream with me for Thanksgiving!
    All you need is a can of coconut milk!
    You need to refridgerate the coconut milk in the can overnight.
    Spoon out the solid mixture! And place in mixer. And start whipping.
    And mix with 2 tablespoons of powder sugar.
    Maybe add in a little vanilla.
    And there you go "whipped cream"

    I make an awesome vegan/gluten free (I'm not vegan but I love this cake) tres leches with coconut milk using this as the "icing".
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    I might try this- whipped cream upsets my stomach and I have terribly missed it.
  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    Totally unrelated to weight friend's son is autistic and on a gluten free dairy free diet (has been for 12yrs) and this might be a great alternative to whipped cream! I already bake desserts/birthday cakes gluten/dairy free but haven't found an acceptable whipped cream alternative. Thanks for the idea!