what is the latest time i should eat?



  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    I stop eating a few hours before bed time only because I don't like the feeling of being full when I sleep. But you can eat whenever you want and as long as you still have a calorie deficit, then you will lose weight.
  • HananYako30
    HananYako30 Posts: 83 Member
    i dont eat after 6 or 7 pm.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Definitely eat before you go to sleep.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    i have heard from a number of sources that you gain weight if you eat after 7-8. how true is this?
    does anybody avoid eating late, does it help?



    If it were true than my husband and I would both be overweight. We typically eat dinner at 8:30pm and snacks after (we go to bed around 11pm)

    i tried your method. and gained weight.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    i have heard from a number of sources that you gain weight if you eat after 7-8. how true is this?
    does anybody avoid eating late, does it help?



    If it were true than my husband and I would both be overweight. We typically eat dinner at 8:30pm and snacks after (we go to bed around 11pm)

    i tried your method. and gained weight.

    I don't understand. If you were at your calorie goals for the day how in the world did the TIME of day cause you to gain? It's not my "method" I'm just telling you that we always eat dinner late in my house and we are both healthy weights.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    I eat right up till 10pm and sometimes past that. Lost 55 lbs in 6 months doing that. Did I break some kink of diet rule? Is there a fine?
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Definitely eat before you go to sleep.

    I had a dream that I ate a giant marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow was gone!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I eat right up till 10pm and sometimes past that. Lost 55 lbs in 6 months doing that. Did I break some kink of diet rule? Is there a fine?

    hehehe, yes.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    11:59pm After midnight is the next day calories.:laugh:
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Whenever the last time you're hungry is always a good bet if it fits into your numbers.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I see a registered dietician (much more trustworthy than Dr.Oz) and have asked here about this. So here is the explanation I got:
    Basically it doesn't matter the time. Think about it....if someone works the night shift they would be screwed if they followed the 7 pm rule. The reason this ever came about was because most people who eat after 7 or 8 pm end up overeating or snacking on foods that may not be the best. She said it is best to stop eating 1-2 hours before you go to bed but only for digestive issues, not having to do with weight gain. You still burn calories while you sleep...why would these calories be any significantly less than if you were sitting around staring at the clock waititing an hour to go to sleep because of what time you ate?

    So no...it doesn't matter. I eat as late as 1 pm...and usually a lot of my food after 8 pm (I'm a busy college student) and am losing weight even though I am trying to gain.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    It`s all cals in and cals out..so eat when you want just make sure you have a deficit.

    You may find that going to bed on a full stomach causes uncomfortable sleep pattern/nightmares/snoring/ and hmmmm trumping?

    Maybe stay away from lots of veggies before bed lol!
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    The latest time you get hungry. I've lost 51lbs in about 6 1/2 months, and I eat pretty much every single evening. I also work second shift part time and always eat something after 9pm on those days. I leave extra calories for after dinner knowing I'm going to snack. If I didn't, and I pigged out on crap late at night I wouldn't be losing weight. But that's not what I do.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    As many people have said, as long as the caloric equation balances, don't sweat it.

    HOWEVER, you might find yourself having a different metabolic experience with different meal timing. If you eat 2,000 calories first thing in the morning, you might find it hard to not eat anything else all day.

    So, experiment with your meal frequency and meal times. Find a balance that leads to the greatest all-day satiety with the least calories.

    I find my best balance is a high-protein breakfast, tapering toward carbs throughout the day with regular meals and snacks. I'm not even hungry by the time 7:00pm rolls around.

    What works for you and for others might be different, as you can tell by the controversy in the comments.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    i have heard from a number of sources that you gain weight if you eat after 7-8. how true is this?
    does anybody avoid eating late, does it help?



    If it were true than my husband and I would both be overweight. We typically eat dinner at 8:30pm and snacks after (we go to bed around 11pm)

    i tried your method. and gained weight.

    I think it is individual. After years of doing this, I have found that my magic # is 8 o'clock. My doctor says not to eat after 5. I just rolled my eyes and kept on keepin' on. Hubby don't get home till 5:30 so dinner is at 6 pm. If I have extra calories I will eat a sweet at 7ish while kids are in the shower. I like to enjoy my rare sweet moment without "I wants". :)
  • Countryboy_
    If you eat after 5:25 PM, Eastern Standard Time, you will get fat. If you eat after 9:00 PM Greenwich Mean time, you will shrivel up like a raisin and die before the sun comes back up.

    You can ONLY eat during daylight hours. Its been proven. I read it on the internet.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    before you die
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    before you die
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    If I'm hungry and I still have calories left...then the kitchen is open no matter what time it is!! I don't usually eat dinner every night until about 8:30. Your stomach has no idea what time it is!
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I think the whole "no eating after *enter time here* or you will gain weight" is because you're less likely to burn it off (i.e. through exercise) after a certain time (because you're too tired after work etc...) - I don't think there's any concrete scientific/health-based research to confirm that those who eat after a certain time gain more weight or get fatter than those who don't (correct me if I'm wrong, I've not done major research or anything, that's just my theory).

    I have 4 main meals everyday - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Supper. I have my supper at around 10pm or so (earlier if I'm having an early night or had an earlier than usual dinner).
    I also work 5-9pm once a week and on those nights, I have my Dinner at around 10pm but don't have any supper, purely because I don't like to have my dinner before 5pm.

    I'm still losing weight...slowly, but surely:smile: