Giving up the smokes...



  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    Good Luck - I was off them last year 7 months with Champix. Fell off the wagon for 3 months.
    Off them now since January again on Champix but much more positive now. My other half smokes like a trouper and I'm back to my pre-smoker days of finding the smell of cigarettes rotten!
    Everyone is different, there is no magic answer, its very similar to the dieting :laugh: Just do the right things and then you will get the results you want
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    Saturday - zero
  • AudreyinNC
    I quit a year and half ago, after 22 years, a pack and half a day smoker. Quit cold turkey. Although I did use the e-cig for about 3 days. My thing was I couldn't breath, a trip from the couch to back yard would have me feeling like I was drowning. Scary.
    But hardest thing I ever did. Its hard to admit this out loud, but sometimes my withdrawals were so bad I would go into the bathroom at work and cry. And I'm not whimpy kind of chic. I'm an admin in a truck shop spending my whole day with mechanics and truckers. I was one of those people that idolized anyone who quit cold turkey, saying I could never do it. But I did.

    After 3 months it really got easier for me and I havent looked back. I'm SO glad I did it. I can do things now I could only dream about then. And I can breathhhhh! Good luck to you! It's not easy, but its attainable for sure.
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    I've been smoke free for 7 days! Moved to e-cigs and I never thought they'd work, but they are a MASSIVE help. I'm just a little concerned now that I'll be addicted to vaping!
    The only downside is that the cartridges don't last very long, the manufacturers claim that each cart is the equivalent of 40 regular cigarettes, but I reckon it's more like 10!
    It's still working out quite expensive, but I feel so much better without cigs, I can actually take a huge deep breath now without coughing my lungs up :laugh:

    Good luck to everyone on the wagon, and if I can do it - anyone can, I used to smoke around 20 to 30 a day, and have been on 'em since I was 13 (I'm now 42) and I NEVER thought I'd do it.

    Happy days!!
  • Lolly13
    I quit 5 or 6 years ago. Cold turkey is the only way to go - sorry! is a good recource to learn about quiting smoking. It breaks down what the hell is going on inside your brain while you trying to quit. It helped me.

    i was a smoker for almost 10 years - not a heavy smoker though, I quit cold turkey too, woke up one morning after a night out and just decided to quite, Cut down bit by bit per day for 5 days, to "ease" myself off them and thats it on the 5th day i didnt have one and not had one since - been a non smoker for 7 months now and i certainly dont miss it. :)

    I used the NHS quit smoking guide and App on my phone too as it tells you where you are, how many days you have quit ad how much money you have saved.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Good luck everybody trying to kick the habit.

    I gave up cold turkey on the 20th Feb 2010 after smoking a pack (30) a day for 27 years.
  • shannoniacovino
    shannoniacovino Posts: 5 Member
    :wink: :wink: you are doing awesome no matter what. keep it up.
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    sunday was going so well....

    but the child was playing me up. On purpose. I faltered and had a cigarette.

    First couple of puffs, i was like, eurgh, but then it came so easy

    still, not going to kick myself about one ciggy.

    Monday - zero
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    sunday was going so well....

    but the child was playing me up. On purpose. I faltered and had a cigarette.

    First couple of puffs, i was like, eurgh, but then it came so easy

    still, not going to kick myself about one ciggy.

    Monday - zero

    COME ON NOW DC!!!!!! Fight this damn thing CAN ya know? I smoked a pack or more a day for a whole lot longer than I care to think about (Like ohhhhhh 30 years!!!) Trust dont want to get to where I got to before I quit.

    DO THIS!!!


    IT and dont look back.!!!! We'll be here to support catch hold you ............and even to kick your *kitten* if ya need it.



    if I can put em down.......I have absolute trust that you can!!!