How much is gas where you are?



  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    it's right at $4/gallon here....Every time I fill up I feel like I should get a kiss afterward.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    $4.05 here in upstate New York yesterday and $4.14 this morning:huh: :angry:
    Where are you exactly?
    I'm in Webster.
  • Koozy81
    Koozy81 Posts: 250 Member
    I just payed 4.01 a gallon this morning on the way to work -unleaded.....bummer:mad: :grumble:
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    let's just say that if certian individuals would allow drilling in Alaska, we wouldn't even have to rely on foriegn oil.

    And in The Gulf.

    Here in IL it is $3.85

    PS I want to KNOW why $.40 in SW Asia.
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    $4.20 up in Chicago, blah:grumble:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Currently 4.04/gallon in PA for regular. 3.96 in NJ.
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    4.45 here in Nor California. It is outragous. And I am going on Vacation next week...I don't know weather to be happy or sad..
  • pmd14
    pmd14 Posts: 232 Member
    $4.09 and climbing

    I know I'm old but I really remember when it was a big deal that it went to a dollar!
    boy have times changed
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    3.99/4.05 depending on the station in Central Mass.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    3.99/4.05 depending on the station in Central Mass.

    cost me about 60 bucks to fill up (18 gallons)
  • Gorgeous
    Gorgeous Posts: 248
    4.55 a gallon
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    $3.98 in central Louisiana....I can't believe anyone in the US is still paying $2.99!!!!! So Jealous!!!!!!:angry:
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    It's gone up about 80 cents since my last post in mid-march... 3 months and 80 cents/gallon!!!

    Las Vegas = $4.09ish.

    My husband and I are driving both of our cars to move to Kentucky this week, too!!!!! that's a combined 4,400 miles - NOT COUNTING THE MOVING TRUCK EXPENSES. :explode:
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    let's just say that if certian individuals would allow drilling in Alaska, we wouldn't even have to rely on foriegn oil.

    And in The Gulf.

    If everyone thinks this is true, guess again. Drilling in Alaska would merely alleviate the pain our wallets are feeling. So long as there is international demand, the price is going to keep going up.
    (China, India and their growing economies)
    Also, another tidbit for everyone to chew on. When an oil well is deemed "dry" by drilling companies, we have only sapped about 20-40% of the actual oil in a well. The rest is just harder to get at. If we invested in better drilling technology, rather than drilling holes everywhere, we would see prices dramatically decrease.
    In other cases, the oil is trapped in the soil, which is why its possible to get oil from coal in some areas of the world, (predominantly in the US btw). Warning signs have been in place for years about the coming threat of high oil costs, but the government and car companies were too bought out by big oil to research alternative fuels.
    This is just my two cents, and I hope it opens peoples eyes more to the problem. If you drill in Alaska not only will you be removing an entire habitat from animals we are creating a viscious cycle. Drilling and destroying part of a habitat to release more greenhouse gases into the air further destroying the rest of the planet. Not to mention the amount of TIME it would take to drill, process and pipeline everything. Drilling today wouldn't improve anything until years from now. It might even raise prices further while companies try to recoup the infrastructure costs in gas sales.

    GAH!! sorry, just want people to be more educated in matters! esp. before they go voicing their opinion without full knowledge.
  • wtchywmn
    wtchywmn Posts: 193
    Last night I payed $3.86 per gallon:angry::mad:
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    $4.05 here in upstate New York yesterday and $4.14 this morning:huh: :angry:
    Where are you exactly?
    I'm in Webster.

    Glens Falls-near Lake George
  • Dropka
    Dropka Posts: 72
    so I just looked at this... you're all really lucky--- I paid $3.99 a gallon yesterday- for regular
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Another important factor is that crude oil supplies aren't the issue. We have plenty of oil. The issue at the moment is refining capacity. It doesn't matter how much crude oil you have if you have refining plants who can only produce x number of barrels a day.

    I have to admit, it hurts, but the cool thing about this 'oil crisis' is that we're going to see the same results we did from the 70's. Better engines, and a push for affordable public transit. There's no excuse that in all other industrialized nations you can travel from any point to any other point via public transit, and yet most of the US has no public transit. Yes, we're bigger. No, thats not an excuse.

    If we start drilling in ANWR, what happens when thats depleted and the resource has been ruined? Move on to the next one? And then? and after that? Eventually it will all be gone, and by then we'll have nothing but a bunch of dirt mounds and old drilling equipment to look at - not to mention a few hundred million barrels of industrial waste contaminating the earth with no natural systems left to purify them. The time has come to bite the bullet and start looking for other energy sources. We can pass the issue on to our kids as every other generation has done, or we can bite the bullet and actually solve a problem for once instead of just handing it off.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    MA is between $3.89 - $3.99 a gallon. :sad: