My Sister Wont Stop



  • muscat_princess
    i know how you feel. i live overseas. and my mother wanted to travel here to see me have my baby but she is so obese she wouldnt be able to fly. she insisted she would risk it and see if they would make her buy two seats..but i reminded her she may not fit in the bathroom. it breaks my heart to see her killing herself. i also get so upset with her but never really show it. she is 63 smokes, obese, diabetic and has knee troubles because she is so obese. she recently had to start taking shots because shes dibetic. but if she lost weight she wouldnt need it. she had knee surgery too. she uses a electric chair to go outside to smoke.....because walking hurts her now. she is almost homebond. and it kills me inside. what she does......gains weight. its a sickness i understand. i was never taught as a child to eat healthy. i was given fast food every night and loved it.

    i have tried to motivate her n pay for diet centers along with me.....but she always goes back. it pains me and i know how you mother can hardly walk because she is at a weight that keeps her from walking.
    i love her dearly but i cant help but get sad and angry (i know you understand me)

    i also have a fear to never be this way and i try to not do this to my kids. i am about 40 pounds because i just had a baby. but i am activly doing something to get rid of it. i just wish she would see a dr about it. when i did try to talk to her she would make a joke and laugh it off.......but i know deep inside she is in pain. i hate to even type this....i dont talk about it with anyone but its a forum no one knows me so i can....
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    It's true she needs to find her motivation from within. However, if her loving big sister steps in and says something "tactfully" that may be just what she needs to get started.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    I'm sorry about your sister, but the thing is, until SHE decides that something needs to change, there's really nothing you can do. :(

    ^^ This
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Thanks a lot for sharing muscat! I've been teared up this whole thread, but it helps to get it all out and the support really helps.