Has anyone ever had any experience with Hypno-Band?



  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    A friend who was training to be a hypnotherapist practiced the hypnotherapy gastric band technique on me and I have to say I hated it. I realised that I would never have a band fitted in real life, so the description of the treatment was gruesome and really provoked a very strong negative reaction. So that didn't really help me - but if you have a different attitude to gastric bands it would probably be fine.

    Generally I think hypnotherapy can be very helpful in increasing your motivation and supporting a positive mental attitude that helps you make changes. I believe the mind works well with metaphors especially ones that you agree with and support your values and goals :-) As others have said you still have to do the work. But it sounds like this could help you so very best of luck and I hope it helps you get to where you want to be.

    Thank you, i appreciate that.
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    I've just got back from having the band 'fitted'. And so far so good. SInce the first session with my therapist I've lost 10lbs, my portion size has shrunk without me even thinking about it, and things that would have had me heading to the fridge in the past have had no effect on me.
    You do have to listen to a CD every night, but it's only 20 mins longs and it really helps me to sleep. I loaded it onto my iPod so I can listen to it anywhere. And I got a food diary to fill in everyday, again not a problem, it takes seconds to fill in.
    If you can, give yourself an hour or so after your appointment, if you're like me I needed that time to process what had gone on in the session.
    And good luck!

    Thanks, i look forward to your updates regarding your progress. sounds promising so far though huh! congrats! x
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    you're wasting your money and making scam artists rich in the process. there is no such thing as hypnosis.


    you have all the tools you need here on MFP for free and which work. why would you want to hand over your hard earned money on a phony "get thin quick" scheme that doesn't work?

    I think your opinion is highly subjective. ive been on MFP for a year, and havent lost what i want to, im not binning off MFP, but i am looking into this hypnosis as a tool in addition to my twice daily gym sessions and MFP advice.

    and yahoo.com interviews are hardly the most credible, viable, factual cited references.
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    My mother did this earlier in the year.

    I'm sad to say she reported feeling no different at any point. She actually joined MFP months after having it done and has now lost her first 15lbs the old fashioned way.

    that must have been disappointing for her. fingers crossed i have better luck. all the best to your mother. x
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    I've had hypnotherapy before from a phobia, and I've always got told it only works on a certain percentage of the population. You have to believe in it for it to work.

    I had two sessions, it didn't work, then tried again with someone else and it got rid of my phobia.

    At the end of the first session, they will try hypnosis on you, if possible, ask them if you can spot something more to notice that it worked. For me my hypnotherapist said I will spot the colour red more vibrantly, I walked out the door, within 15 seconds I spotted 4 red cars, 2 red doors and a letterbox.

    Definitely worth a go if you believe in it though.

    thank you! thats interesting. x
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    you're wasting your money and making scam artists rich in the process. there is no such thing as hypnosis.


    you have all the tools you need here on MFP for free and which work. why would you want to hand over your hard earned money on a phony "get thin quick" scheme that doesn't work?

    I think your opinion is highly subjective. ive been on MFP for a year, and havent lost what i want to, im not binning off MFP, but i am looking into this hypnosis as a tool in addition to my twice daily gym sessions and MFP advice.

    and yahoo.com interviews are hardly the most credible, viable, factual cited references.

    don't get me wrong. even though we are complete strangers, i want the best for you. i'd just hate to see you blindly trust something like hypnosis, which has been widely debunked and discredited for many, many decades. the power of suggestion is a powerful tool and to the effect that you believe in hypnosis, you might benefit from the placebo effect. but hypnosis itself is a parlor trick perfected over the years by flim-flam artists and magicians. do your research if you don't believe me... there are many debunkers, from the fields of medicine, science, and even former hypnotists confessing that they were simply running a scam and using their knowledge about human nature to get away with it.

    if you're not having success with MFP, then there is something wrong with your diet or logging. there are many people here who can and would gladly help you figure out the problem.

    this is my last contribution to this thread. you're an adult and you can make your own decisions on what to do. all i wanted to do was contribute that bit of information to your decision making process. good luck whatever you choose to do.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Placebos only work if you believe. Do you believe?
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    @winnervictori I respect your opinion, and thank you for posting, good luck to you too.
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    Placebos only work if you believe. Do you believe?

    If i didn't i wouldn't be considering parting with £350.00 of my hard earned savings. there is as much negative as positive reference material out there regarding hypnosis, does everything need to come with a money back guarantee these days?

    who knows... i guess i'll see.
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    can i just reiterate the question...

    "Has anyone ever had any experience with Hypno-Band?"

    not...can you all advise me on my choice, this is a specific question, about other people, not about my choice, i'm looking to speak to others who have considered it, undergone it, had it work, had it fail... and hear about their experiences.

    so please could we stop analysing my diaries and eating habits and stick to the topic at hand if at all possible.

    I look forward to hearing from you

    Kind Regards
  • CarolinaMoon76
    can i just reiterate the question...

    "Has anyone ever had any experience with Hypno-Band?"

    not...can you all advise me on my choice, this is a specific question, about other people, not about my choice, i'm looking to speak to others who have considered it, undergone it, had it work, had it fail... and hear about their experiences.

    so please could we stop analysing my diaries and eating habits and stick to the topic at hand if at all possible.

    I look forward to hearing from you

    Kind Regards

    Yes, twice. And it didn't work. Correction, it worked for a few weeks each time and the effects then faded even though I had CDs to listen to. I am easy to hypnotis and have had it done before and enjoy the sensation but in this case it just didn't work for me.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    you're wasting your money and making scam artists rich in the process. there is no such thing as hypnosis.


    you have all the tools you need here on MFP for free and which work. why would you want to hand over your hard earned money on a phony "get thin quick" scheme that doesn't work?

    I think your opinion is highly subjective. ive been on MFP for a year, and havent lost what i want to, im not binning off MFP, but i am looking into this hypnosis as a tool in addition to my twice daily gym sessions and MFP advice.

    and yahoo.com interviews are hardly the most credible, viable, factual cited references.
    Careful, you seem to be the pot calling the kettle black...

    Hypnosis and the placebo effect are "so heavily reliant upon the effects of suggestion and belief that it would be hard to imagine how a credible placebo control could ever be devised for a hypnotism study." -R Barker Bausell

    While it is true that some hypnotherapists can help some people lose weight, quit smoking, or overcome their fear of flying, it is also true that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can do the same without any mumbo-jumbo about trance states or brain waves.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How is that even legal?
  • pam3b
    pam3b Posts: 44 Member
    I had hypnotherapy to help with my weight lost. For me personally it did not work, I only lost like 5lbs while doing it. But I think it was because I did do my part, I kept eating poorly and not exercising at all. I did listened to the recordings they gave me every night and morning. But I feel that my heart and will were not into it. For the first couple of days I did feel more relaxed and was not thinking of food all the time. But later it just stopped working, but yet again I have an anxiety problem. About 2 months ago I joined MFP started exercising and from now and then I listen to a recording and I've lost close to 15lbs. I think its a combination of everything that is helping me. So if you are planning on doing it really set your mind into it and dont think of it as a magic wand that will eliminate those extra pounds, its going to be hard work. But I think with a combination of your hypnotherapy , food logging, exercise, etc you will do good. Good luck!
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    can i just reiterate the question...

    "Has anyone ever had any experience with Hypno-Band?"

    not...can you all advise me on my choice, this is a specific question, about other people, not about my choice, i'm looking to speak to others who have considered it, undergone it, had it work, had it fail... and hear about their experiences.

    so please could we stop analysing my diaries and eating habits and stick to the topic at hand if at all possible.

    I look forward to hearing from you

    Kind Regards

    Yes, twice. And it didn't work. Correction, it worked for a few weeks each time and the effects then faded even though I had CDs to listen to. I am easy to hypnotis and have had it done before and enjoy the sensation but in this case it just didn't work for me.

    thank you, thats helpful x
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    you're wasting your money and making scam artists rich in the process. there is no such thing as hypnosis.


    you have all the tools you need here on MFP for free and which work. why would you want to hand over your hard earned money on a phony "get thin quick" scheme that doesn't work?

    I think your opinion is highly subjective. ive been on MFP for a year, and havent lost what i want to, im not binning off MFP, but i am looking into this hypnosis as a tool in addition to my twice daily gym sessions and MFP advice.

    and yahoo.com interviews are hardly the most credible, viable, factual cited references.
    Careful, you seem to be the pot calling the kettle black...

    Hypnosis and the placebo effect are "so heavily reliant upon the effects of suggestion and belief that it would be hard to imagine how a credible placebo control could ever be devised for a hypnotism study." -R Barker Bausell

    While it is true that some hypnotherapists can help some people lose weight, quit smoking, or overcome their fear of flying, it is also true that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can do the same without any mumbo-jumbo about trance states or brain waves.

    please note that in my OP i did state, that the CBT aspects combined with my ongoing excersise routines were the parts i was most excited about. i hardly think im the pot calling the kettle black, i am skeptical, but interested and open just enough to go for my consultation, and am simply saying that for as much negative information on hypnosis, there is just as much credible information out there too. bearing in mind that hypnosis is available on the national health service, i hardly think that it would be used in anaesthesia etc if there were zero proven benefits. i understand that its a topical subject, and am in no way set on going through with it to the full level but am interested in hearing what the clinic has to say regarding this at my consultation on the 13th.
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    How is that even legal?

    How would it not be, its non-invasive, and a personal choice? same as getting your hair done no?
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    I had hypnotherapy to help with my weight lost. For me personally it did not work, I only lost like 5lbs while doing it. But I think it was because I did do my part, I kept eating poorly and not exercising at all. I did listened to the recordings they gave me every night and morning. But I feel that my heart and will were not into it. For the first couple of days I did feel more relaxed and was not thinking of food all the time. But later it just stopped working, but yet again I have an anxiety problem. About 2 months ago I joined MFP started exercising and from now and then I listen to a recording and I've lost close to 15lbs. I think its a combination of everything that is helping me. So if you are planning on doing it really set your mind into it and dont think of it as a magic wand that will eliminate those extra pounds, its going to be hard work. But I think with a combination of your hypnotherapy , food logging, exercise, etc you will do good. Good luck!

    thanks for your response, thats really interesting to hear, yes you are totally right, im definitely not looking upon it as a miracle cure in anyway, but more of an aid in addition to proper excersise and eating habits...

    Well done on your weight loss thats fantastic! x
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How is that even legal?

    How would it not be, its non-invasive, and a personal choice? same as getting your hair done no?

    Only if you use imaginary scissors.

    Like the others against it, I wish only the best for people trying to get healthy. I'm a gym instructor and nutrition and weight management advisor in Dundee, and more than happy to offer any free advice and answer any questions you have about weight loss or exercise I can.