How will you cope with Thanksgiving?



  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    My bf and I are doing this together. He was recently diagnosed as Type II diabetic. My sugars are in the pre-diabetic range. We said once that we're going to give ourselves free reign on major holidays, our birthdays and our anniversary. In reality, we know that the consequences are there whether it's a special day or not.

    What I try to do, is to keep my calories at or below maintenance. I was actually under yesterday, even if I add the sweet potatoes I forgot to record. My dinner was basically two normal meals and my stomach felt it. I just can't eat as much in one sitting as I used to. My plan was to eat enough to enjoy some of everything I wanted and that's what I did. I slept in so only had lunch and dinner, so I guess you could say I coped by only eating two meals.

    I'm a bit obsessed with recording my food and have a hard time if I can't enter the exact food (though I never measure my food).

    My bf measures his carbs because he needs to watch them more closely. He took his 1/2 cup measure with him and used it at the table. No one seemed to notice...of course, one of the first things his brother said to him was to compliment him on how much weight he's lost.
  • Scubarcmc
    Like many, I ate and logged my meals, just enjoyed the day, planning on relaxing my vigilance. Like I told someone, this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change and I have done it!!
