picture of 4 yr old of what the school calls "Obese"



  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    I would sue them and I am Canadian!
    Bunch of idiots at that school.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I seen four year olds that look like semo wrestlers!

    She is not obese.
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    She is beautiful!!! I have 2 girls, and when the school has weigh-in day, I write a note excusing them. I never want my daughters to feel insecure with their bodies. I understand why the schools do it, some children do need someone to step up and help these children that truly are obese. But on the other hand the measures that they use, the schools have to look at the big picture, height, bone structure, muscle tone. What are we doing to our children.
    We teach our children to be kind and except differences of other children. Adults need to think what they are doing by labeling a child! Hug your granddaughter, and tell her she is beautiful inside and out!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I said this before, I'll say it again.

    If they measured her with her clothes and shoes on - I bet they did - the weight could be off by 5 pounds. In a little kid that a 15% weight difference - the difference between normal and obese.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    You know, thinking about this further I'm thinking that it was part of kindergarten screening, in which they check sight and hearing as well to make sure they are prepared for school. They did the same to my son. However, his BMI was fine and he was in the "healthy" range according to his paperwork. I just pulled it out of curiosity.

    It's a benchmark "check up" to see where the child is at and if there are any glaring issues. It's kind of like going to WIC appointments and being told to give your child juice so they can get their fruits and then being told that milk has too much sugar and not to allow much of that. When I hear stuff like this I just stare at the person telling me and shake my head - I'd rather my kid actually eat fruit - but more importantly, vegetables! - and drink milk than drink more juice than milk. Of course my kids drink a lot of water, but so do my husband and I, so I guess I don't quite get the pop/juice thing.

    What I'm trying to say is that it's not worth freaking out about. Also, it's about perception. With an obese BMI people argued with me insisting that I was not obese. When overweight, people insisted I wasn't overweight. Again, focusing on good meals and portion control for now will probably be just fine.
  • Sidonas
    Sidonas Posts: 19 Member
    I find it best to trust the pediatrician over the school. I am rapidly reaching a point where I find public school does more harm than good.
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    There were many responses to my post that the school says my granddaughter is too fat. Here is a picture of her. Granted she is not a skinny little girl but I do not believe this is "Obese" (thier word). She weighs 44 pounds. But I think it is because she is solid and not fat. I checked her height myself and she is 3 foot 3 inches without shoes.

    What a darling darling little girl!!! Just perfect :heart:
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I am appalled. Your GD is nearly the same weight and height as my daughter. They are within the range according to the CDC. My daughter is a little taller and weighs 1.5 lbs less. She is in the 75th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. your GD is in the 50th percentile for height and the 90th percentile for weight. Some people even called her a little chubby. She is not even chubby. Talk about giving our little ones a complex... look my daughter adds weight stretches up and up, adds weight, and then stretches again it is called growing!! look all that matters, is that she eats well and that she is active. limit the tv and video games. she is fine. I am so upset that someone would call this baby obese!!!

    I am so sorry!

    BTW I am the director of a private preschool with over 300 children in my school. I would never have sent home this note without first knowing my facts and I would have only sent it home if there was a true concern.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    As an aside, schools are now required by law to educate children and families about nutrition in regards to childhood obesity. You can thank the Obamas for that. If a child falls into the obese category schools must report it by law. Nutrition education is a must now. Schools are required to have a wellness committee. All these new regulations are in place to fight the obesity epidemic in this country.

    Socialism at its finest. :huh:

    Why do people insist on bringing their political views into posts?:grumble:
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    I would sue them and I am Canadian!
    Bunch of idiots at that school.

    Sue them for what? The school nurse sending a note home to a parent concerned about their childs BMI and asking if the parents would like a home visit for nutritional counseling for which they can freely accept or decline?
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    I am appalled. Your GD is nearly the same weight and height as my daughter. They are within the range according to the CDC. My daughter is a little taller and weighs 1.5 lbs less. She is in the 75th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. your GD is in the 50th percentile for height and the 90th percentile for weight. Some people even called her a little chubby. She is not even chubby. Talk about giving our little ones a complex... look my daughter adds weight stretches up and up, adds weight, and then stretches again it is called growing!! look all that matters, is that she eats well and that she is active. limit the tv and video games. she is fine. I am so upset that someone would call this baby obese!!!

    I am so sorry!

    BTW I am the director of a private preschool with over 300 children in my school. I would never have sent home this note without first knowing my facts and I would have only sent it home if there was a true concern.

    Well according to most of the people posting here, regardless if you think it was a true concern or not, you have no business sending a note home with that concern to a parent because its not your business what is going on in the home, less you get sued, physically assaulted or ignored.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i can't see the pic- i'm on a work computer and it won't let me. i'm sure your grandaughter's just perfect, and i'd take what the school says with a pinch of salt and never raise the issue again, unless it became an issue!

    BUT i also think that it's great that schools are trying to play a role in the health and wellbeing of our kids. obviously all the people responding on here are conscious about health because it's a fitness site. i don't know if OPs daughter is on MFP, but nan is. how many parents out there feed their family crap food and have no idea about nutrition- heaps, and i know this because i work in healthcare and see it first hand regularly. if the schools are going to do this, there has to be a blanket rule about approaching every parent of a chubby kid and offering support and education. they don't know that OP already knows this stuff.

    i think it's a positive thing that the education system is trying to educate the whole family- obesity is a huge issue (literally!!), with massive implications on health and finances. if you can stop a chubby kid from becoming a fat adult, isn't that a good thing? isn't prevention better than a cure?
  • What?! She looks pretty tall to me and not obese. She is adorable.
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    I haven't read thru all 7 pages and am not going to.
    I used to work as a school nurse. As part of the funding we received thru a grant for nursing positions, we had to do BMI checks on all students in certain grades. This involved doing a height/weight check and then going back and using the CDC calculator to determine the BMI for their age. They then had a letter sent home stating what the numbers indicate but that any concerns needed to be followed up with their primary physician.
    I HATED doing this, because we always received the calls from the parents- "YOU'RE CALLING MY KID FAT!!!!???" No, I'm telling you what an evidence based forumla has indicated.

    That being said- we knew that some kids were more muscular than others. I had high schoolers and I'd mention this to them when before we did the checks and did a nutrition talk. We'd show the drawing of two teen guys- one was 240lbs and just fat, and the other was a built muscled football player.
    Keep in mind this is not something that the staff decided to do on a whim. It might have been part of the funding for their position or required from the school district.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I think this is why BMI should stop being used. It doesn't take into account muscle mass or the fact that some kids grow faster than others. I know when I was in elementary school, I was tall for my age and then my growth slowed when I entered middle school.

    BMI is useless in general, but that's just my opinion on the matter.
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with that little girl. Just make sure she makes healthy choices like all kids needs to do along with a massive dose of love and she will be perfect
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I would sue them and I am Canadian!
    Bunch of idiots at that school.

    Sue them for what? The school nurse sending a note home to a parent concerned about their childs BMI and asking if the parents would like a home visit for nutritional counseling for which they can freely accept or decline?

    agreed, sue them for what?? accept or decline. the end.
  • stephd5238
    stephd5238 Posts: 16 Member
    What's her pediatrician think?

    My oldest son gets the obese label through school as well.

    My pediatrician asks every year if we got it, I say yes. She says rip it into shreds and burn it.

    My son has been growing in weight and height at a steady even pace. He is a big boy as is his family. I have a very tall brother and male cousins. My husband's Dad and brother are super tall too.

    She tracks his growth pretty regularly and says that he is just fine.

    So, my 2 cents, if your doctor who you put your faith and trust in has no problem with how she is growing, then screw the stupid paper.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I am appalled. Your GD is nearly the same weight and height as my daughter. They are within the range according to the CDC. My daughter is a little taller and weighs 1.5 lbs less. She is in the 75th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. your GD is in the 50th percentile for height and the 90th percentile for weight. Some people even called her a little chubby. She is not even chubby. Talk about giving our little ones a complex... look my daughter adds weight stretches up and up, adds weight, and then stretches again it is called growing!! look all that matters, is that she eats well and that she is active. limit the tv and video games. she is fine. I am so upset that someone would call this baby obese!!!

    I am so sorry!

    BTW I am the director of a private preschool with over 300 children in my school. I would never have sent home this note without first knowing my facts and I would have only sent it home if there was a true concern.

    Well according to most of the people posting here, regardless if you think it was a true concern or not, you have no business sending a note home with that concern to a parent because its not your business what is going on in the home, less you get sued, physically assaulted or ignored.

    My children do not attend public school for many reasons including the fact that public schools often over step parenting boundaries. However, the blanket of "its no ones's business what goes on at home" is false. I am required by law to notify certain information to authorities and parents. Yes it is my job as the parent to parent, and the schools job to educate. That being said any concerns should certainly be addressed. It's not what you say it is how you say. In this situation it sounds like a blanket response with no real concern was sent out. Private schools are often (not always) more sincere. We pay them to send our children and my dis enrollment cost them money. Therefore, they often approach such matters with delicacy and take each situation on a case by case. They have more personal relationships which means parents are often more accepting of concerns. It is a respect missing in public schools. If this parent chooses to ignore, it is her right. being sued doesn't scare me.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    What a beautiful little girl~!! I would be so angry! What kind of school is this? They are so ignorant.