What diet plan are you on?



  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Low Glycemic and I try to get 50%-75% raw vegetables/fruits daily (when I don't like around now...Thanksgiving; I feel awful). BTW - I've been on the "diet" for going on 5 years. I lost 35 lbs in 6 months and have kept it off....had a little slip up in 2011 when I wasn't following my "plan" but I've taken it back off.
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I doing the whole lifestyle change. I've been doing MFP since April. It's taught me how much I need to eat to lose and maintain. I eat the calories I need to live/ exercise for health and toning. I'm almost at goal. There are no quick fixes.
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    I don't consider it a "diet." It's just a way of life. Eat right, exercise. Period.

  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I am only using MFP and it's working.
  • thinking_thinly
    thinking_thinly Posts: 143 Member
    I am calorie cycling for the most part. I am eating between 500 and 2000 calories a day... and have lost about 8lbs this month doing this.
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    the "eat whatever i want while staying at a moderate calorie deficit and working out as hard and as often as i can" diet.

    This! This is the one that I'm on!