even when i eat right i feel super guilty



  • eyeliner128
    eyeliner128 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a smaller size than that and I I have the same problems - I always say things to myself like, "Well, I could always have eaten less. I didn't have to eat that," about foods, healthy or not healthy. I know that thinking like that isn't good and is a set-up for a true disorder. I try to reason with myself and eventually realize that it's okay to eat more than 500 calories. I usually average out around 800-1000 and i think that's okay because I'm very small and don't exercise.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Professional help, no sarcasm.

    I agree with this. Eating should never make anyone feel guilty. That's ****ed up.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm in your same boat. It took me a long time after I hit goal - May 2012- to realize that eating more wouldn't make me a size 14 again. The only thing that will is completely losing control and eating the way I used to, which I don't feel like I could. I'm still aware of what I should eat - what is a serving size - what's realistic and every day I'm in awe of the fact that all my jeans say "size 4"...I've NEVER been a size 4, I swear I went from a kids 14 to an 8 when I was 13...LOL

    But I do have to say that because of this guilt I lost more weight that I wanted to. Now that I'm used to this size I don't want to gain to go back to my goal weight - that's the scary thing. I know my goal weight was still an amazing weight for me, but now that I'm used to being under a certain number, I can't let myself put on more than 3 pounds before I freak out...

    It will all get easier, but when you are feeling guilty just remember you'll NEVER go back to that size 14 girl because you have way more knowledge and power now than you ever did before!

    this is what i needed.... im not obsessive over it but damn, sometimes i feel no one gets it.... i got my mom and dad trying to shove food down my throat all the time.... im not lookin to lose any more just to tone up some!!!! and get rid of this nagging feeling of "getting fat again".... if i want to eat something bad i do... i just dont again for a long long time lol... my husband will not let mme go too far... either way big or small... but what this tought me is that i need to be careful what to post, or ask because some people will take it the wrong way....

    In the future, when you're looking for a certain kind of answer to your question and only a certain kind, please let us know. It will save everyone the time of giving you their honest opinions to your question.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I'm in your same boat. It took me a long time after I hit goal - May 2012- to realize that eating more wouldn't make me a size 14 again. The only thing that will is completely losing control and eating the way I used to, which I don't feel like I could. I'm still aware of what I should eat - what is a serving size - what's realistic and every day I'm in awe of the fact that all my jeans say "size 4"...I've NEVER been a size 4, I swear I went from a kids 14 to an 8 when I was 13...LOL

    But I do have to say that because of this guilt I lost more weight that I wanted to. Now that I'm used to this size I don't want to gain to go back to my goal weight - that's the scary thing. I know my goal weight was still an amazing weight for me, but now that I'm used to being under a certain number, I can't let myself put on more than 3 pounds before I freak out...

    It will all get easier, but when you are feeling guilty just remember you'll NEVER go back to that size 14 girl because you have way more knowledge and power now than you ever did before!

    this is what i needed.... im not obsessive over it but damn, sometimes i feel no one gets it.... i got my mom and dad trying to shove food down my throat all the time.... im not lookin to lose any more just to tone up some!!!! and get rid of this nagging feeling of "getting fat again".... if i want to eat something bad i do... i just dont again for a long long time lol... my husband will not let mme go too far... either way big or small... but what this tought me is that i need to be careful what to post, or ask because some people will take it the wrong way....

    In the future, when you're looking for a certain kind of answer to your question and only a certain kind, please let us know. It will save everyone the time of giving you their honest opinions to your question.

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    One of the toughest things in this journey is beginning to see yourself as you are rather than as you once were. You cannot see yourself as the fat kid anymore... You have to realize that what once was is no more. Try to take a GOOD look in that mirror and see the beautiful person you have become... not who you once were.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Just be careful before this turns into an eating disorder....... If u have already lost THAT MUCH weight, you should feel in control and know that by eating right, this should not happen....
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Professional help, no sarcasm.

  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I'm in your same boat. It took me a long time after I hit goal - May 2012- to realize that eating more wouldn't make me a size 14 again. The only thing that will is completely losing control and eating the way I used to, which I don't feel like I could. I'm still aware of what I should eat - what is a serving size - what's realistic and every day I'm in awe of the fact that all my jeans say "size 4"...I've NEVER been a size 4, I swear I went from a kids 14 to an 8 when I was 13...LOL

    But I do have to say that because of this guilt I lost more weight that I wanted to. Now that I'm used to this size I don't want to gain to go back to my goal weight - that's the scary thing. I know my goal weight was still an amazing weight for me, but now that I'm used to being under a certain number, I can't let myself put on more than 3 pounds before I freak out...

    It will all get easier, but when you are feeling guilty just remember you'll NEVER go back to that size 14 girl because you have way more knowledge and power now than you ever did before!

    this is what i needed.... im not obsessive over it but damn, sometimes i feel no one gets it.... i got my mom and dad trying to shove food down my throat all the time.... im not lookin to lose any more just to tone up some!!!! and get rid of this nagging feeling of "getting fat again".... if i want to eat something bad i do... i just dont again for a long long time lol... my husband will not let mme go too far... either way big or small... but what this tought me is that i need to be careful what to post, or ask because some people will take it the wrong way....

    on the internet there is no tone in writing, so people can only read the question and respond. it seemed to me like you asked what you should do. and i agree with the professional help responses that you've received throughout this thread.
    we can't tell what you 'needed'. we can only reply with our opinions and reflect our experiences. if you only wanted a certain reply then there really was no question, was there? you just wanted someone else to reinforce your already existing opinion. which is fine, but then don't ask for help you don't want! good luck :drinker:
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I can relate a bit. I never felt guilty as such, but for the first 3 months I was pretty obsessed with my diet, eating almost the same thing for the first 2 months because I didn't know what was in food and couldn't go over my limit. over the last 2 months I've improved my diet a lot and made it varied, I could always improve on that, but now I dont really think that much about what ive eaten that much, so I've let go of the rail now.

    you should be slowly letting go of the rail. the wars over. back to peace time. I'm a guy and I was never that obsessed with my pants size, as long as I looked alright in my clothes I was cool, so for me its easy to relax a bit.

    being female is different. all girls are obsessed with their appearance to a degree, thats just how it is. its almost normal.

    right now, your super guilt isn't normal and should be subsiding. try eating a cupcake without checking the cals first because you DESERVE IT! because you do.

    I'd say if you cant eat a healthy diet and feel good about it, or not feel the grip of your guilt subsiding, then yes, you have a problem which may need professional help.

    I think you have a unanimous answer from everyone here. perhaps take the problem more seriously.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I'm in your same boat. It took me a long time after I hit goal - May 2012- to realize that eating more wouldn't make me a size 14 again. The only thing that will is completely losing control and eating the way I used to, which I don't feel like I could. I'm still aware of what I should eat - what is a serving size - what's realistic and every day I'm in awe of the fact that all my jeans say "size 4"...I've NEVER been a size 4, I swear I went from a kids 14 to an 8 when I was 13...LOL

    But I do have to say that because of this guilt I lost more weight that I wanted to. Now that I'm used to this size I don't want to gain to go back to my goal weight - that's the scary thing. I know my goal weight was still an amazing weight for me, but now that I'm used to being under a certain number, I can't let myself put on more than 3 pounds before I freak out...

    It will all get easier, but when you are feeling guilty just remember you'll NEVER go back to that size 14 girl because you have way more knowledge and power now than you ever did before!

    this is what i needed.... im not obsessive over it but damn, sometimes i feel no one gets it.... i got my mom and dad trying to shove food down my throat all the time.... im not lookin to lose any more just to tone up some!!!! and get rid of this nagging feeling of "getting fat again".... if i want to eat something bad i do... i just dont again for a long long time lol... my husband will not let mme go too far... either way big or small... but what this tought me is that i need to be careful what to post, or ask because some people will take it the wrong way....

    In the future, when you're looking for a certain kind of answer to your question and only a certain kind, please let us know. It will save everyone the time of giving you their honest opinions to your question.


  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I'm in your same boat. It took me a long time after I hit goal - May 2012- to realize that eating more wouldn't make me a size 14 again. The only thing that will is completely losing control and eating the way I used to, which I don't feel like I could. I'm still aware of what I should eat - what is a serving size - what's realistic and every day I'm in awe of the fact that all my jeans say "size 4"...I've NEVER been a size 4, I swear I went from a kids 14 to an 8 when I was 13...LOL

    But I do have to say that because of this guilt I lost more weight that I wanted to. Now that I'm used to this size I don't want to gain to go back to my goal weight - that's the scary thing. I know my goal weight was still an amazing weight for me, but now that I'm used to being under a certain number, I can't let myself put on more than 3 pounds before I freak out...

    It will all get easier, but when you are feeling guilty just remember you'll NEVER go back to that size 14 girl because you have way more knowledge and power now than you ever did before!

    this is what i needed.... im not obsessive over it but damn, sometimes i feel no one gets it.... i got my mom and dad trying to shove food down my throat all the time.... im not lookin to lose any more just to tone up some!!!! and get rid of this nagging feeling of "getting fat again".... if i want to eat something bad i do... i just dont again for a long long time lol... my husband will not let mme go too far... either way big or small... but what this tought me is that i need to be careful what to post, or ask because some people will take it the wrong way....

    In the future, when you're looking for a certain kind of answer to your question and only a certain kind, please let us know. It will save everyone the time of giving you their honest opinions to your question.



    I do not care. If you have nothing to add, quit whining. I have learned nothing from you that added to my life in any way. and I'm not referring to the 2 posting above me.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    The thing about long term maintenance is this: one must have a healthy relationship with food. This can come in a variety of shapes and some people may need to monitor their relationship with food more continuously. I would even venture to say most of us have an area they know is weaker than other aspects and have to monitor it BUT ultimately keeping it off requires a healthy mindset. As you are losing, there should be some reflection throughout your entire journey. That's also why it can be more beneficial to do things slowly and build habits progressively. It might be helpful for you to think about SKILLS and BEHAVIORS you've learned along the way and reflect on if you've done enough strategy building along the way.

    Did you reflect in your relationship with food along the way and try to work on ways to change this or did you go on autopilot or extremes to lose? I don't think there is anything wrong with reflecting on where you stand right now. That's a good thing. I do, however, think at this point, it might be beneficial to seek professional support to help you work on improving your relationship to food. That's a necessary ingredient for a good maintenance path. You worked hard. Don't let that go to waste just because you were offended by a post or two. Continue to do the reflection you are doing. Then step back and evaluate what it is you might need to get yourself there.

    What are your goals? What would you like to see? What behaviors, skills and strategies need to be in place? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? What accomplishments have you made thus far (besides actual weight loss or exercise improvements)? How has your mindset changed throughout the journey? Which aspects are worth keeping? Which ones do you need more support with?

    Good luck!