new strenuous exercise and effect on body question

This post might contain TMI. Sorry.

Last week I started having a lot of blood in my urine. I usually avoid doctors but I knew I had to get checked out, this was not normal. I felt fine, I still feel fine. No pains, no aches, nothing unusual. One of the first things the doctor asked me was if I started doing any new strenuous workouts like Insanity. I have not, I'm more of an elliptical / walking around the neighborhood kind of gal. Now I've been referred for more tests, ultrasound of my bladder and kidneys, hematology/oncology appt., urology appt., etc. So here's my question: has anyone experienced excessive amounts of blood in their urine when starting a strenuous exercise routine? I asked my doctor but he didn't really explain because he was trying to gather more information about my family history and lifestyle. This all happened last week and lasted for three days, now my body is back to normal it seems. I will still go to my appts but wondering if anyone has experience with this. Thanks in advance.



  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    No I haven't, but I could imagine that there's a (slim!) possibility of bearing down with a lot of weight in a squat affecting stuff. I'd think it'd have to be really a lot of weight, though, & probably there'd be some other vulnerability that meant it would affect you and not someone else that way.

    You've got a pretty thorough doc, which is good.