Depressed about my starting weight.



  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    work really hard and put the scale away for a couple months.Nothing stalls my progress more than the scale. I gave it up entirely.
  • ksherma1
    ksherma1 Posts: 38 Member
    everybodys deppressed about there starting weight thats why we joined the site. atleast ur doing something about it find the motivation in urself dont depend on others for your motivation it works sometimes but it may eventually fall off. im restarting this tommorrow because i fell off cause i moved and dont have a stove to cook with at the moment but im gunna try anyway i bought a hotplate to work with haha but feel free to add me if ya want to
  • BethStroble
    Don't be discouraged or depressed. That fact that YOU took the steps to be healthier is a HUGE accomplishment already! Don't focus on the number, focus on the fact that you are getting healthier. It won't always be easy, but it will get easier as time goes on.

    Set small goals for yourself. Keep in the back of your mind your target weight, but don't forget to celebrate the 1 or 2 pounds you lost today.

    Keep up the good work!

  • martintanz
    Last February after a long overdue physical, I was forced to see that I weighed about 30 lbs more than I thought I weighed. It happens. After a few abortive attempts at losing weight, I finally got serious in July. It isn't easy, but if you log your food, weigh yourself regularly, eat at a deficit, and get some exercise, the weight will eventually come off.
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    I love reading these responses! If this isn't a motivating thread, nothing is :).
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    So you weigh more than you thought you're on the right track because you've signed up for MFP.

    Use it as a motivator; focus harder on staying within your calories, get some exercise, drink lots of water, watch your'll be surprised at how much you'll lose in the first few weeks. It will, however taper off and be more around 2lbs per week but start off strict and stay CAN do this....HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT???? You CAN lose the 20lbs you didn't realize you had in 10 weeks...then you can move on to the reason you signed up for MFP....don't let it get you just have a little more work to do; but you CAN DO IT!!

  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Listen, I say this with the nicest intentions. With that negative attitude, you are setting yourself up for failure. I say that with LOTS of experience. I have "dieted" off and on my whole life and every other time I went into thinking, "OMG HOW DID I GET THIS BIG" and every single time I failed, because I had a negative attitude.

    This time however I came in with a positive attitude, and I have lost 41 pounds in the 5 months before my wedding... Instead of focusing on how much I am unhappy with my current weight I focused on positive thing like " I am so proud of myself for eating good today" or " I can't believe how much butt I kicked on my workout".

    I literally give myself pep talks.Yesterday I went running and I wanted to stop so I literally kept telling myself, "Come on girl, you got this, look how far you've come I am so proud of you", and I ran longer than I ever have in my life

    I am telling you, your nutrition and exercise are only half the battle, the other half is your attitude!! :)

    YOU GOT THIS GIRL! It doesn't matter how far you have to go, focus on how much you accomplish each day, tell yourself you are beautiful and I have NO DOUBT that you will succeed!

    This is excellent advice. Achieving any goal you set for yourself requires the right mindset before you even begin the physical work. You must have a positive attitude to succeed. Best of luck!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I remember stepping on the scale and seeing 218. I felt my heart sink.

    The best thing you can do now is try to figure out what went wrong along the way and work on relearning how to eat and live so you can maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle forever. Set some non-scale goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. Setup a moderate calorie deficit (losing 1-2 lbs per week max), eat all your calories (don't starve yourself), and be patient.

    It is SO worth it!
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Well u made some great positive decisions for yourself signing up here then getting on the scale when u were ready- just keep making the next right decision stay here create a group of friends have fun and u will find that number decreasing... When I signed up last year I only stayed 3 days- u already have that beat. This time I haven't left I was 349 when I restarted in Oct I have lost a lil over 11 lbs and it has been hard but I am a;most 48 and I'm doing it u can too and you have youth and a better metabolism and bmr on your side. congrats on asking for support you are gonna b a great asset to the MFP community.
    Luznit 1 Meal, 1 Snack, 1 Logged Calorie, 1 day at a time
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    What incredible support you have here. I can't wait to follow your progress--you are completely capable of doing this, and you are going to do this! It's exciting to be at the start. It's been said that we don't change until we feel uncomfortable. Makes perfect sense. I felt uncomfortable when my 120 lb self hit 170 very quickly. It hurts--physically too. This place has led to change -not only of weight- but of my mindset. It's the first time in life I feel like "I've got this." You will too. Have a wonderful day!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    So glad I came across this site. So much feed back. Thank you one and all.
  • sleepygirl38
    sleepygirl38 Posts: 114 Member
    It better to know where you are starting at. Dont sinnk into old habits cause it wil only make that number go up more. You can do it. I started my journey with 2 30mins a walk a day. In that month I had lost 10 pounds just by that. I also ate my favorite junk foods too for a long time. I couldnt change everything overnight. Just if you do eat a junk food make sure you drink a glass of water before hand and that it is in your calories you can eat that day
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I started my journey (officially) at 231.48 lbs, but I'm sure I actually weighed more than that. When I finally got the courage to get on the scale it was like two months after I started dieting.
    The journey seems long at the beginning, and the number on the scale feels like a smack on the face, but you have to go one step at a time and you'll be making progress in no time!
    Start by making a list of everything you think you should change to achieve a healthy lifestyle. List everything, from foods, to exercises (even if it's just a short walk around the neighbourhood). Also list those things that you think would boost your motivation and be of help. And list those that you think could sabotage your progress.
    Make a list of all the small changes you can do the first week. How many can you tackle per week? The first week choose one small change in your eating habits (ditch the coke for example), one small change in your fitness(go for a 30 minute walk every morning), and one small spiritual change (my first one was to uncover the mirrors).
    You'll see you can beat all of those little challenges. The next week choose a couple of additional challenges. Increase them week by week.

    Also, set some rewards that are not food-related.

    I agree with sleepygirl, choose a cheat day per week. That day you can eat your favorite meal without feeling guilty about the calories or fats in it. You can keep that cheat day until you reach your goal weight, you won't feel deprived this way.

    Make sure you know that:
    -you don't need to weigh yourself everyday(in fact, avoid this)
    -you'll have ups and downs in your mood and sometimes you'll fail in your goals
    -don't set a time limit for reaching your goal weight
    -this is a lifestyle change unless you want to gain all the weight back in some future.
    -nobody says it's an easy road
    -the results don't come overnight but they'll keep you going
    -take a picture in your underwear right now and keep it somewhere safe. you'll want a before and after pic
    -to lose weight you have TO EAT(foods from all the food groups!)
    -you don't need crazy diet plans or killing yourself at a gym

    -you can do this!
  • SweetMe1
    SweetMe1 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm another who understands how you feel. Under my profile pictures, there is one taken a few years ago when I weighed 300+ pounds. I don't know how much more because I refused to get on a scale once I hit 300. I lost some weight and got down to 165, then got discouraged and ate my way back up to 206. I joined MFP last September. I weigh 185 now and this time I'm not giving up until I get to my goal (140).

    I get discouraged easily when I lose weight so slowly. I feel deprived giving up things I like to eat. I'm giving myself the gift of time. If it takes longer to get where i want to go, then so be it. And I allow myself some treats-- a piece of chocolate, a piece of pie-- instead of punishing myself and thinking I'm a failure.

    There's lots of good tools on this site and lots of supportive people. You WILL succeed!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    No reason to be upset and kick yourself over it. We all have been there. I too started there before coming to the site. Now 32 pounds down.

    You took the first steps. It won't be long till you should be with your weight.
  • fit_spired_vicky
    I feel you, but hey-you are here to change, dont you?!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    240 is exactly where I started January 15. Try to focus on each day as it comes, and eventually you will get to where you want to be!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My start weight was about 220lbs after having my 2nd baby. Of course I was happy to have a gorgeous and healthy baby girl, but I was gutted that I had put on so much weight in pregnancy. But I just said to myself that I would not be this weight this time next year and I'd be in my gorgeous Summer dresses in 2012, so I just had to get on with it and work hard and this weight wasn't going to be forever.

    So now I am 168lbs and a UK size 12/14 (US 8/10) and around 12lbs from my first goal, and maybe 20lbs from my ideal weight.

    Just take it month by month and take measurements as well as weighing yourself. You will get there.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I hopped on the scale for the first time in ages and I'm super depressed about the number. I joined the site a few weeks ago and didn't weigh myself because I was afraid what the numbers would say. Turns out I was right to be afraid because I was 20 pounds heavier than I thought I would be, at 240 pounds. I'm super depressed about it. Anybody who can offer encouragement? :-\

    I started out in February at almost 229 pounds. That's kind of a LOT on my almost 5'2" frame. It took me 3 months to lose the first 7 lbs. I figured out what worked for me, and lost really good for about 4 months, then my weight loss stalled due to some meds I had to go on. I know eventually the scale will start moving again, but until then, I stick to my workout and my lifting.

    One piece of advice I can give you--don't just do cardio! My profile pic is me at almost the exact same weight, wearing the same shirt. Only difference is, in the second pic, I have been doing strength training for months!
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Hang in there!

    I did exactly the same.. Got on the scales and literally cried. I'd put 2st+ of weight on since March this year, for nothing. Found out 8 months later I had low thyroid levels :ohwell: It's difficult, but I'm definitely not going to give up.

    If you need some inspiration, I recommend checking the Success Stories section regulary for before and after pictures, it really helps me stay on track and boosts my 'can do' attitude.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou: