THIS is how hard it is to reach 1200 calories



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    But I also do not understand how someone can become obese, then act like they couldn't possible eat more than 500 calories. I'm like, "Grab a Snickers bar!" :laugh:

    I see your point and for a while I was scratching my head about that one too, but then I remembered back to when I first started losing weight, I was obsessed with eating exactly 1200 calories, got used to it, and would feel absolutely horrible for eating something that was high in calories, which was really rare. I think it's a mental thing and it's hard to combat that "eat less, lose more" mentality.

    Well I'm glad I found out that I can lose weight without eating like a bird. That's one thing that stopped me from even trying to lose weight. I have seen too many friends and family members get told that 1200 is the magic number or they won't lose, and they believe it. And then they get frustrated and give up.

    I love eating. My thing now is to remind myself that I get to eat again tomorrow, so I can be satisfied with 1800 instead of 3500. :bigsmile:
  • Luvr2502
    To be fair, some people having eating disorders and telling them 'eat more!' is about as unhelpful and potentially harmful as telling someone with depression to 'be happier!'.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I CANNOT eat below 1800 calories...I did the 1200 calorie thing previously. Yeah, I lost.....I also gained it all back and was a miserable biotch the whole time. You have to find what works for you and what you can live with FOREVER....or you will gain it all back plus some. It really does have to be a lifestyle change as cliche as that sounds. I will never starve myself again.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Where exactly is the confusion? And no point did she tell people they can't eat their 1200 calories and be happy.

    Because her photo journal of what she eats in a day just doesn't apply to people who are eating 900 fewer calories a day. She's begging people to eat more, claiming it's not that hard. Okay, not hard for her, but some people are struggling with food in different ways, and it's not just that easy.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    To be fair, some people having eating disorders and telling them 'eat more!' is about as unhelpful and potentially harmful as telling someone with depression to 'be happier!'.

    Yes, the truth hurts.

    Are you serious? Obviously you have no clue about the complexity of mental disorders and the psychological damage and disordered thinking they can cause. I hope to god you never have to find out, but if you want to avoid showing your ignorance and lack of empathy again, I would suggest you do some research.

    I'm just glad that when I suffered from depression, that I had a good counselor rather than someone who tried to shove pills down my throat. People who have severe psychological problems would be better served by staying out of internet forums in the first place. Seriously.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Where exactly is the confusion? And no point did she tell people they can't eat their 1200 calories and be happy.

    Because her photo journal of what she eats in a day just doesn't apply to people who are eating 900 fewer calories a day. She's begging people to eat more, claiming it's not that hard. Okay, not hard for her, but some people are struggling with food in different ways, and it's not just that easy.
    Heh, quoted me before I got to fix my typo. Oops.

    Anyway, I really don't understand the contention with the post. It was a positive message explained in a well-thought out way, without the usual hostility toward the target audience.

    For people that restrict down to excessively low levels and somehow spread their minimal calories over several meals, believing they can't eat any more calories, this is a great visual reinforcement of how simple it can be to get a few more calories in - bigger portions, added stuff like the casein in the ice cream and so on.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Ok, I Hate to stick my head in the lions mouth -

    But none of that really looks appealing. I mean, it has nice rich vibrant colors, it's packed full of nutrients, it's probably got a stunning balance and all the right macros...

    Annnnnnd there's really not much chance of me taking the time in the kitchen to prepare that. It's not appetizing for me, I'd rather just bake a chicken breast and steam some broccoli or green beans and force them down, because what I really want is... like, deviled eggs with a dash of paprika and some mustard in the filling, or pasta with a nice white sauce, Popcorn covered in butter, a STAKE, or pork chop.. a nice roast Ham with a honey glaze or scalloped ANYTHING. Mashed potates made with butter and cream with salt and a touch of fresh ground black pepper (even though salt is now OUT for me)

    I guess my question would be, how did all of you come to hunger for the good stuff like what was posted above?

    I have to agree on some of those pics, not very appetizing at all. For a couple of days when I first started I was treating the 1200 as a limit instead of a minimum....but now I use it as my minimum and clock between 1250 and 1400 a day.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Ooh. I am so stealing some of your meals and am half tempted to friend you so I can food stalk you. Haha.
  • louised88
    To be fair, some people having eating disorders and telling them 'eat more!' is about as unhelpful and potentially harmful as telling someone with depression to 'be happier!'.

    Yes, the truth hurts.

    Are you serious? Obviously you have no clue about the complexity of mental disorders and the psychological damage and disordered thinking they can cause. I hope to god you never have to find out, but if you want to avoid showing your ignorance and lack of empathy again, I would suggest you do some research.

    I'm just glad that when I suffered from depression, that I had a good counselor rather than someone who tried to shove pills down my throat. People who have severe psychological problems would be better served by staying out of internet forums in the first place. Seriously.

    Actually, people with severe psychological problems would be better served by people in internet forums not suggesting that a) medication is not a legitimate part of some people's treatment (why is that even relevant?) and b) online interaction is only for mentally healthy people. People with ED's and depression are perfectly capable of interacting with people online, as in real life, if those people afford them the courtesy of not minimising their illness or dismissing their struggles as a need to toughen up or eat more etc.
  • aguilark0814
    Are these fresh foods? None pre packaged?
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    I understand what you are trying to illustrate, but doubt that what you show as easy is really going to help those struggling for 1200 calories. If you cut out the oats, protein powder, nuts, and dairy and replace them with vegetables, the volume of food will be as much or even more, but the calories will be significantly less.

    On Saturday I had a veggie omelet with two eggs, spinach, onions, and cauliflower for breakfast. A large salad with 4c of lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumbers, and 2T of oil & lemon dressing plus 4 oz of protein for lunch. And a dinner with 4 oz of protein, a cup of rice with turkey gravy, and half a plate full of roasted vegetables. It was a very well balanced day with three full meals and I was not hungry at any time, but my calorie count for the day was just under 950.

    I'm not advocating eating that low every day, but when you cut out processed foods, sugar, dairy and grains, which is typical of eating "clean", it really isn't that hard to have a day full of food that is lower in calories.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    While I don't make deviled eggs, I'd certainly eat one if it were available. It would be hard to stop at one, but I wouldn't avoid them completely.

    ^^^This is my problem. It's hard to stop at one. Although I have to say making deviled eggs with olive oil mayo and mustard with a dash of sweet pickle relish keeps the calories down, with most of the food that I'd LIKE to eat, I have to find a way to purchase them in very small portions, or freeze them in small portions because, if it's cooked, and on the table, there really isn't anything stopping me from having "just one more bite"

    I got overweight from having those "one more bites" I just don't understand how someone can leave half a fillet on the table or 3 spoonfuls left of scalloped corn. I was raised that to waste food was sinful. "Starving children in Africa would be blessed to have your leftovers and garbage" was a mantra around my house.

    I mean I have had glimpses lately where I have allowed myself A couple fries off a friends plate, and there I am ordering a side of fries with ketchup and thinking about the wings next.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Thank you to those sticking up for me... AGAIN:

    - I'm not saying u need to eat MORE than 1200 calories like I do (although yes, I believe most CAN) I am SHOWING those that can't reach 1200 by eating healthy

    -those that doesn't think my food is appetizing-that's FINE!! I didn't post it to make you drool, just to give examples, and I very much enjoy my food. Have what YOU enjoy!!

    And yes, if you cut out some of the food and replaces it with other foods it would be less calories, Visa versa you can replace these foods with ANY other foods!! It's an EXAMPLE!! (If you eliminate grains and/or are paleo then eat starchy veggies, sweet potatoes and fats! Easy to get 500 cals from nuts alone)

    -also NOT attacking those with eating disorders... Seriously?!? I'm trying to help people get healthy. In a healthy way.

    I started this post to help people, not to cause arguments or personal attacks.

    Thank you!

    Edited to add: sorry for any spelling errors- I'm on my phone
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    . site double posted. sry.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    All about that Casein Ice cream! Thanks
  • Fit_And_Heathy_Goalie
    I used to think that I knew all of the answers for everyone, too

    Then I realized that I'm the only person that lives in my body and that my job was to do what worked/works for me, not cry to the masses what they think they need to do.

    Some people do, in fact, need to eat more.

    Other people, in fact, need to eat less because........they are eating too much for their body.

    Did you find what works for you? Great!! Stick to that!

    Everyone else, however, needsto find what works for them. And that's not really going to be what worked for you.

    Your food looks fantastic though, yum!

    I couldn't agree more! Everyone and every body is different. What's working for me, may not work for someone else. I'm eating 1,200-1,300 calories a day, exercising daily, losing about 1-1.5 lbs a week, AND gaining muscle. I'm feeling 100% better since I minimzed the processed foods in my diet.
  • Shawntel58
    Shawntel58 Posts: 5 Member
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    All of this looks amazing!!! I'm eating 1900 a day but I'm still trying to get more protein and this looks like a VERY protein rich day!! :D Thanks for the suggestions!
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    All of this looks amazing!!! I'm eating 1900 a day but I'm still trying to get more protein and this looks like a VERY protein rich day!! :D Thanks for the suggestions!

    Glad to help!!
    And you look great!! Can't get all THAT muscle on under 1200 cals ;)
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    Just adding my personal thank you for the casein ice cream! Yummy pics!